Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 249 Wealth Destroying Pill Part 1

249 Wealth Destroying Pill Part 1

The leading power is the Bei Clan, they are the ones that created the Alchemy a.s.sociation thousands of years ago, ever since then, the Alchemy a.s.sociation had been managed by Bei Clan, but they didn't rule by rights, they rule by their own ability.

Each and every member of the Bei Clan has talents for Alchemy, but sadly, they limited their own slot within the Alchemy a.s.sociation for only three slots.

The second leading power is the Liu Clan, both this clan and the Bei Clan are the founders of this a.s.sociation, and unlike the Bei Clan, the Liu Clan ruled by rights, but then, the only part this clan held is for the Martial Hall, although Bei Ming is stronger than Liu Bu, but in terms of clan's strength.

The Liu Clan held the upper hand by more than four folds, every and each member of the Liu Clan has the foundation of the martial path, they are the guardian of the Alchemy a.s.sociation through the years.

If ever, the things that kept these two together are the bonds they shared and the benefits they hold.

Whatever the Alchemy a.s.sociation gets, it would be shared by both the Liu and the Bei clan with 25% each, the other 50% is for the development of the a.s.sociation itself.

Lastly, the weakest, the Xue Clan, they are merely there to fill in the spot since they are the only clan other than the Bei and the Liu clan within the Alchemy a.s.sociation, but slowly, the Xue Clan started to gather strength.

Somehow, they managed to climb and are catching up with the two leading clans, although it's not that far, it's also not that near.

If the Bei and Xue clan each held 35% authority within the a.s.sociation, then, the Xue clan managed to get 10% and the other 20% shared all the other elders in position.

Lee Fei Mang is currently going to bash one of the Xue Clan's personnel.

Xue Fang Shan became extremely terrified, he was planted by the Xue clan within the ranks of the Auction Hall through various connections and favors, but Lee Fei Mang can dismantle it with her words alone.

The Xue clan is has a plan within the Alchemy a.s.sociation, and Xue Fang Shan as one of its elders is part of it.

"Hall Master Fei, what was I attacked for?" Xue Fang Shan spoke, trying to look indignant and play the victim.

Lee Fei Mang smiled: "You want to play? Should I play with you then?"

Hearing her words, Xue Fang Shan knew immediately that what had transpired was known by her already, since that's the case.

"Hmmph, Hall Master, you have the authority, but you do not have the right to ki-" He couldn't even finish his words as another blow came again, this time, aimed at his heart.


Xue Fang Shan vomited a mouth full of blood, he slammed again, deeper onto the door. A few bones were broken as he slumps on the ground into kneeling.

He trembled, he knows that killing him will get the ire of the Xue clan, Lee Fei Mang would usually just ignore them, but this time, for some reason, she took action and is prepared to kill him.

Both of them are peak-stage Immortal Ascension rank, but Lee Fei Mang's power exceeded his more than a hundred folds.

Xue Fang Shan trembled: "The conse-"

For some reason, his reasoning had gone dull and decided to go on a threatening stance again, but this time, a blade came, not from Lee Fei Mang, but from Mo Xie instead.

"May you rest in pieces." Mo Xie spoke, the last thing Xue Fang Shan saw is Mo Xie's smirk and the token pinned on his shoulder before his vision grew dull.

"E…esteemed guest-" He couldn't finish his words as all life vanished from his life.

Fu Tong witnessed everything, Lee Fei Mang and a mysterious person actually killed an elder of the Xue clan?!

Lee Fei Mang's words then sounded: "Oh, my Meng'er's master isn't only a genius of the pill dao, but also of the martial path. Truly, a sight to behold."

Mo Xie smiled: "A legless ant is a free meal, he's already half dead, I was merely killing him because he had caused me minor irritation."

Fu Tong couldn't make things of what had happened, these two killed an elder of the Xue clan but has been treated like nothing.

Lee Fei Mang chuckled; she then looked at Fu Tong: "From now on, you will replace this old f.a.g, do not be afraid, I will clean all of the Xue clan's slaves within my Auction Hall after today."

Fu Tong couldn't even believe what he's hearing, first, he was getting expelled, and now, he'd been promoted? Still, the reality is fact, he clasped his hands and bowed deeply: "I accept and will fulfill my duty with great partiality."

He then looked at Xue Fang Shan's corpse: "I will also clean this place."

Mo Xie and Lee Fei Mang nodded, Mo Xie retrieves the pills and handed it to her, he also added two more pieces: "I would like this to be auctioned."

He also took out a piece of paper and wrote the details of the pills and handed it too.

Lee Fei Mang nodded her head: "This task will be done immediately."

Mo Xie nods his head and started to make his way towards a VIP seat that Lee Fei Mang gave him.

As Mo Xie sat, four familiar figures also appeared a few meters besides him at the balcony all separated by quite a margin too.

Mo Xie looked at the four of them, they have an expression of awkwardness.

"...…" Silence, a complete one at that.

Liu Bu is the first one to break the awkward silence with a scratch of his hand at the back of his head: "Ah, you are also here esteemed guest elder Mo."

"…" Mo Xie replied with silence.

"Hehehe…" All of them couldn't help but chuckles awkwardly.

Two more people arrived, these two are also familiar with Mo Xie, after all, he didn't like one of them.

Xue Gang sat a veranda away from Mo Xie while his sister sat next door.

Xue Mei Lin chuckles as she looked at Mo Xie: "Ah, to think that the esteemed expert is here, what a coincidence, even the palace masters and hall masters, I greet everyone a lovely night."

Everyone nods in response but didn't say anything else, after all, it became as awkward as it could.

Mo Xie had noticed their stalking of him from the start, he just couldn't believe that they would use such obvious words like coincidence since every one of them are hereafter they followed him.

Mo Xie smiled at Mei Lin and nods his head: "It's a lovely evening indeed."

Mei Lin smiled lovingly at Mo Xie, not forgetting to try and seduce before sitting firmly again.


For some obviously odd reason, as soon as the conversation ended, everyone remained silent.

Liu Bu is the ice breaker; hence, he started a very odd conversation: "Ah, I think the auction this time will be good, I wonder what kind of item will they show today."


Liu Bu as soon as he spoke felt stupefied by his own question, and with a facepalm, he stayed quiet this time.

After a while, Lee Fei Mang arrived: "Oh, everyone's here, what grand occasion brought you all in my humble hall?"

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Lee Fei Mang immediately knew that her picking of words was quite unlikeable to the stalkers right now, she couldn't help but laugh at them silently.

Liu Bu then asked: "Sister Fei, when will the auction start?"

Lee Fei Mang chuckles gracefully with the fan covering her mouth: "Today is a grand day for my Auction House, I also sent you invitations, but to think it wasn't needed.

Since the items to be sold today are all top graded, I've decided to invite all merchants from our channel that's within the Alchemy a.s.sociation and all of the powers within it, better opportunity for others, greater wealth for me, fufu."

Hearing this, all of the palace and hall masters were greatly shaken, to think that this man-woman would actually do such a disadvantageous thing! They all started to curse at Lee Fei Mang internally, Liu Bu included this time.

Martial Hall master Liu Bu stood up immediately: "Sister Fei, I would like it if you could keep this seat of mine safe, I need to return home first."

Lee Fei Mang chuckles: "Oh, then it will be specially reserved for you, Brother Liu."

Liu Bu stood up gracefully, but as soon as he got out of the veranda's door, he immediately vanished.

All of them looked at the location where Liu Bu stood earlier as they became bewildered at what he's planning, but then, as their gaze s.h.i.+fted to Lee Fei Mang, they noticed her smiling eyes filled with vicious intent.

Peng s.h.i.+ Mo was the first to think it through; 'Other than Yan Meng, what can cause little sister Fei to become like that… I only know one thing… money!!!'

As Peng s.h.i.+ Mo figured it out, he immediately started to connect the dots; 'There will be more enemies, Liu Bu had gone home to get more bullets!'

He immediately stood up, but then thought that the lesser individuals know of, then, the better his chances are, he smiled at Lee Fei Mang: "Little sister, I would also request that you'd reserve this seat for me."

Lee Fei Mang's eyes shone brighter: "Of course, Elder Peng, It is my honor."

Noticing Lee Fei Mang's reaction, Peng s.h.i.+ Mo knew that his guess is correct, he started to walk out of the veranda and soon as he reached the door, he immediately vanished.

The next one to find it mystifying is Xue Mei Lin, she immediately understood it and was about to stand up, but then.

Xue Gang spoke something that Xue Mei Lin terribly angered her.

Xue Gang: "Ah, I forgot my storage ring, how can I bet without it."

'Stupid cow!' Mei Lin cursed inwardly, she immediately vanished from her seat, leaving only her voice: "Sister Fei, please reserve my seat."

With Xue Gang's words sounding, the rest of those present immediately knew why everyone has been going out.

All of them requested for a reserved seat as they vanished immediately.

Lee Fei Mang's eyes had shone brighter than ever as she looked at Mo Xie: "My husband's master, I've done the best that I could; I hope that you'll get the results you are after."

Mo Xie smiled: "You have my deepest thanks for that."

The two of them smiled at each other and waited for the rest to come back.