Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 181 Followed

181 Followed

If the time is up, those people at the stage below the 19th floor, they will immediately be kicked out of the PaG.o.da.

PaG.o.da, 19th floor.

Mo Xie and Shang Ting are both currently sitting on a huge flat rock with the height of at least a thousand meters, the two of them are looking at their Storage Rings that seemed to have been completely used.

"I think I can't fit anything more on my storages..." Mo Xie spoke as he looked at all of his storage rings.

He has about eighteen while Shang Ting has twenty-one, yet, all of it was full to the brim.

Shang Ting nods her head: "Me too."

Mo Xie sighs: "We should go to the 20th floor now."

Mo Xie looks far ahead, after the dragon they encountered earlier, they had encountered demonic beasts on their way, and the minimum of their cultivation is at the Heaven Encompa.s.sing rank.

The further they go up, the stronger the demonic beast groups are, and right now, there are thousands of demonic beast down on the ground.

Shang Ting smiled as she nods her head, she hugged Mo Xie again and flew into the sky.

The two of them continuously flew and ignored the flying type demonic beast, though some persisted to catch them, Shang Ting scared them with a few skills.

They are out of time, hence, Mo Xie urged her to increase her phase.

After a while, they arrived at a huge tower, it looked like it's an ancient building yet it stood tall and unwavering.

It's at least a hundred meters tall.

Shang Ting landed on the ground as instructed by Mo Xie.

The two of them walked towards the entrance of the tower.

Shang Ting asked: "Is this the entrance to the 20th floor?"

Mo Xie replied: "Well, if it's ordinary people, it might not be, but for me, it is."

Shang Ting nods: "But if this is the entrance, it can already be seen from when we came here, how is it that a lot of people couldn't enter the 20th floor?"

Mo Xie smiled: "Well, I seemed to have set the standards of this PaG.o.da too high."

Shang Ting pondered; "Too high? The first generation of the Soaring Blaze Phoenix Empire came here when he's at the Immortal Ascension rank, how come he couldn't enter? Is it higher than that?"

Mo Xie smiled: "Not really, they said that only 20 years old and below can enter right? Well, they are right about that, but for them to access the 20th floor, they need to at least hold the power of Immortal Ascension cultivation, else, they will never be able to enter the 20th floor."

Shang Ting nods her head in understanding: "So that's it."

Mo Xie nods his head: "Yeah, but I can enter it without a scratch, I made sure that not only great geniuses can enter, but also those that think outside the box."

Shang Ting nods her head: "So you made those entrances?"

"Yup." Mo Xie smiled, he didn't think that he'll be the one to use it instead.

"You talk like you've entered the 20th floor yourself." At this moment, a voice sounded coming from above Shang Ting and Mo Xie.

The duo looked above and saw four figures flying in the sky.

Mo Xie remembered these four, they are the ones that quarreled in the PaG.o.da's entrance.

Pang Choo So, Ei Sen, Lu Tang Ki, and Meng Kou?

Mo Xie found it weird that the four of them are together, especially Meng Kou who was so against the three of them earlier.

Meng Kou is a disciple of a great sect from the Soaring Blaze Phoenix Empire, right now, he is together with those he had a feud with.

Mo Xie sighed, for these people to arrive here, they either killed a lot of demonic beasts or h.o.a.rded a lot of resources from the earlier floors. But right now, they had neither any scratch nor any signs of battle.

Mo Xie was only left with one choice: "You guys followed us? Since?"

Meng Kou smiled: "We were actually h.o.a.rding a few demonic beasts when we saw you flying with that woman in the 8th floor, we never thought that you'd actually lead us so fast to the upper floor."

"We?" Mo Xie asked, he looked at the other two and frowns: "You four were acting at the entrance?"

Pang Choo So smiled: "Hahaha, so you have a brain inside that tiny head of yours."

Mo Xie frowns: "Although you have a huge head, I wish it contains a little brain."

"You!" Pang Choo So became enraged.

Meng Kou blocks his path and spoke: "Don't worry, he still has other uses, imagining that if it wasn't for him, we wouldn't make it this far, for that, we can give him a reward."

Meng Kou's eyes continued to s.h.i.+ft from Shang Ting and Mo Xie, his eyes then opened wide: "Oh ho, to think that the Matriarch of the Mo Family is together with another man? You said that you are already married yet, now you are together with a man n.o.body has knowledge about?"

"To think that you rejected the courts.h.i.+p of many great figures for such a boy toy, I'm impressed."

Shang Ting has her face covered, yet, Meng Kou identified her not even for a minute.

Mo Xie frowns: "You clearly are a casanova, to think that you could identify a person fully covered."

Meng Kou chuckles: "Your taunts are childish, I don't think of my womanizing as a fault, I think of it as a pride."

Meng Kou felt proud at how many women's future he had destroyed, and now, he has something shady going on.

Mo Xie then spoke: "So you are part of their group?"

Meng Kou looked behind him and chuckles: "I am not part of their group, I am the leader of this group."

Mo Xie nods his head: "Then, if all of these pointed to something, you've betrayed your sect and sided with another one?"

Meng Kou smiled: "Coooorrect~"

Mo Xie smiled: "So the Dark Guild then?"

Meng Kou smiled but didn't reply.

Based on all the rumors that Mo Xie had gathered, the Dark Guild is an ent.i.ty that continuously corrupted the human continent, but with only that, how can they gather so many experts?

Mo Xie had another conjecture: "There is a power behind the Dark Guild, I wish to know of it."

Meng Kou nods his head: "Of course, that is also plausible."

"Meng Kou!" Pang Choo So held Meng Kou's shoulder.

"REMOVE YOUR HAND FROM ME!" Meng Kou became furious, he looked at Pang Choo So with rage: "Only women are able to touch this body, not you, nor any other men!"

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Pang Choo So s.h.i.+vered, although Meng Kou is only a mid-stage Immortal Foundation ranked expert, he has a background that others from their organization wouldn't even dare to touch.

Pang Choo So immediately let go of his shoulder, he shuts his mouth and immediately distanced himself.

Ei Sen and Lu Tang Ki also sigh, Meng Kou is a huge problem for them due to his arrogance even within their organization.

Meng Kou's demeanor returned, he looked at Mo Xie: "You are merely a silver ranked pract.i.tioner, but if you wish to join our organization, I can immediately make you into our core member the same with Pang Choo So and the other two, as long as you help us enter the PaG.o.da's floors."

Mo Xie smiled: "The name of the group is?"

Meng Kou smiled: "It is the Blood Mist Shadow sect, I promise you benefits far surpa.s.sing that of what even the Soaring Blaze Phoenix Empire can offer, what about it? Interested?"

Mo Xie nods his head: "I'm really interested in it, you should also tell me where it is ocation?"

Meng Kou smiled: "Sure, so long as you lead us to the upper floor, it will be a piece of cake."

Meng Kou revealed his intentions immediately, but to Mo Xie, he clearly knows his plan; 'They will kill me as soon as they have their goal... Childish play.'

Mo Xie sighed: "So this is the end of the information you could give me..."

Meng Kou frowns: "You have no other choice."

Mo Xie smiled: "Of course, if I get the other three killed and search your soul, then that will be for the best."

Meng Kou smiled: "Remove his limbs, be sure that he will be alive to guide us to the 24th floor."

The three of them nods their head: "Yes."

Meng Kou looked at Shang Ting: "Leave that woman to me, I will handle her on my own."

As Meng Kou spoke, he licks his lips and summoned his spear.

Mo Xie also prepared, but he didn't take out any sort of weapon and only position himself: "I need all the information you can give, you will die a horrifying death... Especially with you looking at my wife like that."

Mo Xie had one intention, to live with his newly found sect peacefully. The group that continuously caused chaos in the human continent, he needs to destroy it.

If the power behind it has a much stronger background than the Soaring Blaze Phoenix Empire, it will definitely be a huge threat.

But Mo Xie didn't believe much of it, if they really do, then they would've long ago fought the Soaring Blaze Phoenix Empire, unless... They are almost there.