Unsealing: Omnipotent Father - 180 Explosion Of Intents

180 Explosion Of Intents

Guys, extremely sorry about the delay, my internet was cut due being unable to pay, kindly wait till my salary in order to pay it and make my internet connected.

pls wait guys, life isn't really working for me, luckily, Laboon Chick donated and helped me to eat for now with my family, greatly appreciate it, i will be making a ma.s.sive release in his name.



"Where did you learn those skills?" Mo Xie asked Shang Ting as he ate the dragon's meat.

Shang Ting opened her eyes widely: "I..."

Mo Xie sigh: "If you wish to hide it from me, I will respect your decision."

Shang Ting hearing this became shocked, she shook her head and answered: "No, I was waiting for you to ask me all this time!"

Mo Xie hearing this felt bewildered: "Why did you wait?"

Shang Ting looked at the ground, her expression changed from sadness to melancholy: "Because you never asked me about anything important, hence, I've decided to put on an act and show you my improvements."

Mo Xie looked at her for a while before he started to laugh, it seemed he want her to open up yet she wants him to ask about her, the two of them almost never crossed their head: "That, I'm sorry. Would you like to tell me?"

Shang Ting's expression brightens up, she became excited as she nods her head, she sat on the table and started to eat gracefully: "There's this one time, after our first... Well, that was a day extremely special for me, I felt that it was the happiest day of my life, then, as I was sleep, I had a really weird dream."

"A dream?" Mo Xie asked, he can vaguely feel that it was the time that they started making babies, he also remembered it, there was a barrier that protected Shang Ting.

"Un!" Shang ting smiled, she felt excited that she could finally share something with Mo Xie, she then continued: "Well, there's this old man in my dream, he thought me some fire type skills, there are a total of 8 steps that took me half a year to at least gain intermediate mastery on it, then, there is this woman that trained me in the water path, it took me two and a half years in that dream!"

"By the end of it, they showed me how to combine the two attacks completely, but I couldn't even get a single percent from the thing they did!"

Mo Xie hearing this felt shocked; 'Shang Ting has a great physique and soul sea compatible for fire path that's why it only took her half a year to gain intermediate accomplishment on the fire techniques, but for the water technique... even teaching her the combination is...'

Mo Xie felt awed, these techniques brought Shang Ting extreme power, yet, it was only at the intermediate accomplishment, if only he saw the complete form, he could identify its ranks.

Shang Ting then continued: "Well, the dream felt like it lasted for three years, yet, I woke up the next day, it's quite shocking too."

Mo Xie nods his head: "That's dreamscape, it alters time and s.p.a.ce, it's extremely great for training..."

Mo Xie didn't want to admit it, but the one thought Shang Ting these moves are extremely strong, even stronger than his previous self. Even he couldn't create a dreamscape like that, much less give Shang Ting a technique stronger or equal than what they taught her.

He looked at the sky: "Maybe I'm just lacking..."

Shang Ting's smile vanished as she looked at Mo Xie: "Husband, you may not be the strongest expert out there, but you will definitely be the greatest father, the greatest husband out there."

Mo Xie hearing Shan Ting's words felt enlightened at something, he held Shang Ting's hands: "Thank you, I'll definitely do my best."

"Un!" Shang Ting smiled and nodded as the both of them continued to eat.


Lu Yue Song and the twins became shrouded with the domain's power.

Lu Yue Song started to walk towards the twin: "It may be unfair for the both of you, but I will be disciplining you two, so try to defend as much as you can."

As he spoke these words, he launched his attack.

The twin immediately charge too, they didn't want to wait to know the effect of this domain, neither do they know the power it brings to the user of it.

Lu Yue Song chuckles, he immediately confronted the two. His domain has two uses, one is to boost all types of dark magic by 20% and decrease the light attributes by 50% the second is...

"Dragon Rising!" Mo Tian spoke as he points his skill at Lu Yue Song,

But Mo Tian frowns, his Spiritual Energy decreased but no skill was unleashed.

Lu Yue Song smiled: "Hahaha, my domain can nullify all sorts of long-ranged attacks, so long as you release your Spirit Energy, it will be engulfed by my domain, you two are doomed!"

The twin felt shocked, they looked at each other with wide open eyes.

Mo Duan chuckles until it turned to wild laughter: "Hahahaha, isn't this the biggest benefits we could receive?"

Lu Yue Song frowns: "So, will you be telling me now that you both are cultivators of martial path?"

Lu Yue Song laughs, he couldn't believe that someone actually want to say something like that to him, the Martial Emperor himself!

Mo Duan is the talkative one, hence he replied: "Of course we are."

As Mo Duan replied, the twins took their stance.

Lu Yue Song found it irritating, at first he tolerated it, but with the continuously annoying words from Mo Duan, he finally reached his limits: "Good, good, good... Let me see how much longer will the both of you last with those insignificant martial arts of yours..."

Lu Yue Song reaching the end of his patience finally decided: "The both of you will follow me unconditionally after today!"

As Lu Yue Song spoke this three types of weapon's silhouette appeared on his head: "Let me show you the power of the one who is bestowed the name that is the Martial Emperor!"


The power of three types of intent surged forth, it is something that the twins had never seen before.

But then, instead of fear, the twins felt excited.

Mo Duan and Mo Tian held their weapon, they changed their stance as Mo Duan stood in front of Mo Tian.

Mo Duan held his two swords up making it look like two wings as he bent over like almost close to the ground while Mo Tian lifts one of his feet, held his hands up, one at the highest while the other one in shoulder's height as he points his spear at Lu Yue Song.

The twin looked like a scorpion ready to attack, but that didn't stop there as both of their eyes shone fiercely. Mo Duan shone with blue light as Mo Tian shone with green light.

Then, silhouette of three weapons appeared above their head. Mo Duan has two swords while Mo Tian with a spear.


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The booming sound echoed as their weapon intent showered the whole area. Even the domain couldn't hold its power.

Lu Yue Song opened his eyes widely, he look at the twins in shock.

His Martial Intent is more powerful than the twins, but the twins possesses more solid and sharper intents. They have a brighter Weapon intent that Lu Yue Song's Martial Intent making it almost equally strong.

Mo Duan didn't forget to touch this sore spot: "You talk big, but you have so little comprehension."

Lu Yue Song enraged shouted: "Enough!"

He howls as he charge at the twins, for the first time, he moved from his spot.

The twins didn't wait anymore as they charge forward: "Die with your friends!" The two of them howls as they clashed with Lu Yue Song's martial intent.





Lu Yue Song and the twins engaged as their weapons clashed with each other.

A huge crackling sound echoes as the two force engage each other, lightning is starting to get produced through their clas.h.i.+ng weapons.


Guys, sorry for the errors, I made it with my phone, it's extremely hard.