Ultimate Star Card Master - Chapter 700

Chapter 700

Chapter 700 Sand attack

"Report, the Fourth Corps defeated 2 Huiyue tribes, 4 Yaoxing tribes, killed 3 Huiyue star beasts, and 27 Yaoxing star beasts!"

"Report, the Second Corps defeated the three Huiyue tribes and killed 5 Huiyue star beasts!"

"Report, Senior Colonel Ning Chong of the Seventh Corps, killed 3 Huiyue star beasts by one person!"

The expected good news came from all directions. Facing the prepared Yan army, the many tribes under Shaq's leadership seemed to have not reacted, and they were in a state of disunity, without much resistance at all.

Actually, if the Shaqland gathered the star beasts of various tribes together, and the three lords of the Shaqland personally led the resistance, they might still be able to deal with it.

But I don't know if it didn't expect Dayan to attack suddenly, or the Shaqland itself has limited control over these tribal forces, or it doesn't care much about the life and death of these external tribes.

In short, these tribes at this moment are like a mess, crushed all the way by the mighty Yan army with four generals in command!

"It seems easier than imagined?" Wu Shaoyang said.

Major General Tao said with a smile: "After all, the star beast is a star beast. Although it is transformed into a human form, its intelligence is still not as good as ours. Moreover, it seems that they are not so united."

Both Wu Shaoyang and Major General Li nodded.

"I always feel that it went too smoothly." Qin Shang frowned, "If I remember correctly, in the information above, it was mentioned that the gray world star beasts are quite intelligent."

Major General Tao said with a smile: "General Qin, no matter what the other party's plans are, the many Huiyue-level and Yaoxing-level star beasts we killed along the way are all real, and these are not weak combat powers! The other party can't deliberately send so many lives!"

Qin Shang looked at the corpses of star beasts killed by the vanguard regiment in front of him, and it was true.

At least leading troops by oneself, it is almost impossible to ruin the lives of his subordinates like this, and the same is true for other generals.

Qin Shanglue pondered for a while, and said: "Anyway, it's better to be careful, and be more vigilant."

Da Yan's army advanced all the way forward.

But no one noticed that after the army left, gray and white plant branches protruded from the yellow sand of the desert.

All the dead bodies, whether they were gray world star beasts or great flame warriors, were all entangled with roots.

In just a short moment, the pale and cold but still plump large corpses were all shriveled visibly to the naked eye, as if they had lost their essence.

Afterwards, a gust of hot wind blew by, and the barren sand flowed, burying shriveled corpses in the ground...

A few days later, Shaq took the lead.

Swords collided, auras burst, and the sound of fierce battles filled all directions!

On the ground, the fighters of the lower third level have already fought against the lower third-level star beasts on the periphery of Shaq.

In mid-air, the battle between Huiyue and Yaoxingxing was extremely fierce, and the battle circles merged and disintegrated at any time.

In the center of the battle circle, a burly star beast with double hammers is the most eye-catching.

It is a powerful epic star beast, a branch of the Behemoth clan, the rock armor Behemoth!

If it weren't for the obvious monster aura on its body, otherwise it would look almost the same as a human being from the outside.

Da Yan has a lot of Huiyue masters here, and they basically fight against each other. If one is not good enough, they will go to two, and if two are not good, they will go to three. The main thing is to have a numerical advantage.

But only this rock-armored Behemoth managed to withstand the siege of three colonels for 80 consecutive rounds without losing the wind!

At this moment, Yankai Bimon saw the opportunity, and with a roar, he directly grew into the original shape of Bimon, and the double hammer Guanghua Dasheng in his hand also suddenly became bigger and was thrown by him!

Rock God Whirlwind Hammer!

The expressions of the two colonels who were aimed at by the sledgehammer changed, and they immediately deployed defensive skills to resist, but they were directly thrown into the air!

Yankai Bimon didn't chase after seeing this, but punched the last colonel with a punch across hundreds of meters.

"Rock Armor Giant's Fist!"

In an instant, the rock armor Behemoth's right arm petrified suddenly expanded, and the rock element surged wildly and turned into a giant arm of the rock **** hundreds of meters long and punched out.

With a bang, the blood mist exploded, directly beating the last colonel so that a mouthful of blood flew out, and he was seriously injured and unconscious on the spot!

Two school officers quickly caught him in the battle circle behind him, and retreated under cover.

"Hahaha, a bunch of rubbish!" Yankai Bimon looked at the two colonels who were forced to retreat by the double hammer, and couldn't help laughing, "Under the scorching sun, who dares to fight me!"

Everyone in the military was furious, and they wanted to rush forward, but they were immediately stopped by Wu Shaoyang.

This rock armor is thicker and thicker than the skin, and it is infinitely stronger. It is indeed brave!

Qin Shang and others also frowned slightly. Most of the transformed star beasts in the gray world have experienced many battles in this environment of survival of the fittest.

In terms of average combat power, it is stronger than the star beasts in various dangerous areas and secret realms outside!

A colonel said angrily: "There are so many people who can't do anything about it. Is it true that the generals can't deal with it?"

At this moment, a black shadow suddenly swept out from the Great Flame Formation and charged towards the front of Yankai Bimon!

"Well done!"

Yankai Bimeng let out a low cry, neither dodging nor dodging, and punched the black shadow with a punch!

In terms of strength, Yankai Bimon is also confident that he is enough to rank among the top three existences in the entire Shaq Territory!

In an instant, the two collided, there was a "bang", the sound of bone cracking sounded, and the rock armor Bimon suddenly flew backwards!

"Huh?" Many officers in Dayan were shocked, and then cheered up and shouted, "Okay!"

And Yankai Bimon looked at the cracked right hand, his eyes were full of shock: "Damn! What kind of power is this!"

The next moment, Yankai Behemoth felt a shocking wave of energy coming from the front, but saw a black and purple giant arm reaching out from the void and slapping it!

The rock armor Bimon was shocked, and quickly raised his left arm to urge the rock armor giant's **** fist to hit again!


Two big hands, black and gray, handed over, and under the amazed eyes of everyone, the giant arm of the rock armor Bimona was annihilated and shattered under the **** and purple hands!

Finally, the **** and purple hand landed on the body of the rock armor Behemoth, and he flew out and smashed three or four gray and white stone pillars that suppressed the star veins!


The rock armor Behemoth spurted out a mouthful of blood, the rock armor exploded, and his skin was chapped!

And at this moment, accompanied by a sound of piercing through the air, the black shadow had already swooped in and punched it!



Plasma burst, this punch directly blasted the head of Yankai Behemoth!

"Who is that, it's too fierce!"

"None of them are wearing military uniforms, as if they are not members of our military."

"The strong enemy is dead! Go!"

After the shock, the morale of the Dayan army was soaring, and the various regiments rushed into Shaq's territory like a bamboo.

And Mo Fei was not polite under Su Yuan's instruction, staring at each of the Huiyue-level star beasts, and plundered the star cores at high speed.

The situation that was progressing slowly at first suddenly became a bit overwhelming.

Qin Shang and others turned their heads to look at Su Yuan.

"Su Yushi's beast master is really powerful. This rock armor can't last more than 3 rounds."

"It's not bad." Su Yuan nodded, and then said, "The Huiyue class is not the key point. You should pay attention to the Lord of the Burning Sun in Shaq."

Speaking of this, several people frowned.

Almost half of the star beasts led by Shaq were dead or injured, but the three Lords of the Scorching Sun hadn't appeared yet.

Qin Shang shouted, "Yu Chang!"

A colonel immediately approached, it was an elite military who sneaked in to investigate earlier.

"The three lords are still inside?" Qin Shang asked.

The colonel replied: "I haven't seen them go out so far. I don't know if they left quietly with secret techniques."

Major General Tao rubbed his chin when he heard the words: "Did it really retreat?"

Wu Shaoyang thought for a while and said, "Why don't I just go up and have a look."

Major General Li said: "Be careful, what if there is an ambush in the territory?"

Wu Shaoyang was quite self-confident: "Don't be afraid, even if there is an ambush, I am sure to get out!"

Major Generals Tao and Li also nodded when they heard the words. Wu Shaoyang was the major general who won the seventh place in the military region competition last year, and he is also a star card master of the wind system with a strong ability to protect himself.

"Okay, Shaoyang, go and have a look...huh?" Qin Shang didn't finish speaking, and suddenly his expression moved slightly, "No...it's coming!"

Everyone raised their heads and looked ahead, only to see a tall tower in the distance, a shadowy young man in a different black suit standing on the top of the tower.

Major General Tao said: "Come out, the Lord of the Burning Sun of Shaq...how come there is only one, and where are the other two?"

Since the Lord has come out, there is no need to wait any longer. Go and see.

"Shaoyang, I'm guarding the army, the three of you go and have a look first."


Major Generals Wu Shaoyang, Tao and Li immediately flew forward and stopped a few hundred meters away from the tower.

Major General Tao looked at the shadowy young man on the tower, and said, "It is said that there are three lords under Shaq, but now you are the only one?"

Yin Yi youth said lightly: "They left first."

Wu Shaoyang frowned: "Since they have all escaped, why don't you escape?"

"Escape? Human beings are still just as arrogant~" The shadowy young man suddenly sneered, "I haven't even been beaten before, so why run away?"

Wu Shaoyang and the three of them raised their brows in confusion.

Since you didn't escape, where did you go?

"Hmph, just take him down!"

Wu Shaoyang staggered his hands in front of him, and suddenly pulled out a fierce cross hurricane and slashed out!

As a scorching sun master, Wu Shaoyang's move made a slight ripple in the space.

The shadowy young man looked as usual, raised his left hand, and immediately a black and red snake shadow rushed out of his cuff, opened his huge mouth exaggeratedly, and swallowed the Hurricane Cross!

"Forcibly eat me with Hurricane Cross Slash? Courting death..."

Wu Shaoyang snorted coldly, but then his face turned pale.

I saw the black-red serpent's skin being dragged far away by the Hurricane Cross Slash as if it was about to be crushed, but in the end it was blocked by the black-red serpent's amazing defense and toughness.

The **** and red snake spit out the snake letter, then turned its head and retracted into the sleeve of the shadowy youth.

(end of this chapter)