Ultimate Star Card Master - Chapter 699

Chapter 699

Chapter 699 Breaking into

Originally, apart from Ruan Ruan, Su Yuan did not intend to contract any other beasts.

The reason why he decided to contract Mo Fei to become a royal beast now is that Mo Fei's character and potential are quite good, and now he has the strength to be his own.

In one-on-one combat, if nothing else, Ruan Ruan is not his opponent.

Secondly, now that the gray world has appeared, it is a good time to plunder the star core.

Contract Mo Fei to become a royal beast, then he can also hunt stardust for himself like Ruan Ruan.

Murphy was born with a temperament that could endure hardships, and was also keen on fighting. This kind of thing couldn't be more suitable.

So after thinking about it these days, Su Yuan made this decision.

Since the contract of beast control is to be concluded, the previous slave contract is naturally useless.

Torn up the slave contract is not only giving Murphy a chance to choose again, but also a small test for him.

At the beginning, when he signed the slave contract with Mo Fei, he was cornered and forced to do nothing.

Now it is considered to be another chance for him to choose.

If he really leaves here, then he will not keep him, and it is not a loss to him to bring him out of the New Dust Realm and train him to this point.

It is a pity for Su Yuan to lose a legendary star beast that has no intention of nostalgia, but it is not a serious loss of vitality.

On the contrary, if Murphy stays, then I will naturally cultivate him without any scruples in the future, just like Ruan Ruan.

Fortunately, Mo Fei's performance did not disappoint Su Yuan.

Another day passed, and military support arrived.

Guangchuan City, as the main entrance of Shaq Land, has assembled two major generals besides Qin Shang and Wu Shaoyang.

This time, we will attack Shaqland and Lianqiling at the same time.

Considering the number of enemy lord-level powerhouses, the eight generals of Dayan adopted a deployment of 4, 1, and 3 troops.

Qin Shang, Wu Shaoyang and other four led a team to attack Shaqling;

The other three generals led the team to attack Lianqi;

A major general will lead the team to intersperse in the middle, disconnect the connection between the two territories and support the left and right according to the situation.

At this time, in front of the entrance of the silvery gray world, densely packed military soldiers are ready.

Each team of the next three levels is equipped with star power weapons, which are a threat to the star power in terms of lethality alone.

Near the passage, Qin Shang, Wu Shaoyang, and two other major generals were waiting and discussing the details after entering.

After a while, a lieutenant came over from the side and said loudly: "Report! The two entrances of Zhengde City and Jiaoning City, Major General Qiu and Lieutenant General Liu are ready!"

Major General Qiu is the general who is in charge of insertion and support in the middle.

Lieutenant General Liu is the general responsible for leading the team to attack Lian Qiling.

Qin Shangdao: "Okay! Then wait for the signal from the investigation team in the gray world."

As he spoke, Qin Shang glanced at the time and took out a talisman.

The two major generals Tao and Li who came to support also nodded, and then their eyes fell on the silver-haired young man standing casually in the crowd behind him with a slime on his shoulder.

Because Su Yuan's breathing is perfect, under the effect of completely restraining his breath, he looks no different from an ordinary person at this moment.

But half a step behind Su Yuan, Qin Shang specially arranged for a colonel to follow him, obviously not an ordinary person.

"Lieutenant General Qin, is that young man over there...?" Major General Tao asked.

"You just came here, but I forgot to introduce you." Qin Shang smiled, "That person is Su Yuansu Yushi from the Sky Survey Division, who happened to be in Guangchuan City, so we made a special trip to invite him over."

"Sky Surveyor Su Yuan..." Tao and Li were slightly startled, "Is it the Su Yuan from Earth Tribulation? He was actually promoted to Scorching Sun!"

Qin Shang smiled and said, "That's right, it's him."

The two major generals Tao and Li were startled and gave a military salute from a distance.

And Su Yuan also slightly cupped his hands to signal.

After waiting for less than ten minutes, at exactly nine o'clock, news came from the talisman in Qin Shang's hand on time.

It was the message from the elite team that sneaked into the gray world to investigate the situation in advance.

The time, code, and content were all in line with expectations. Qin Shang's eyes froze, and he immediately said loudly: "Let's go!"

The legion set off immediately, and entered the large silver light at the entrance in an orderly manner.

The dense silver light surged, and all the troops who stepped into it quickly disappeared.

Qin Shang and other four generals also entered the passage one after another.

The colonel next to Su Yuan, Shi Rulong, said: "Su Yushi, shall we go too?"

"Okay." Su Yuan immediately stepped forward and stepped into the gray world passage.

This passage is extremely long, and I don't know how long it took to reach the other end.

The scenery in front of him changed suddenly, there was no sun, no moon, and the sky was gloomy, directly entering the endless yellow sand and desert from the bustling city.

Although there is no sun, it is not cold, because the fire element here is quite strong.

"Is this the gray world? It looks so desolate."

"It should be like the Shaze Region. I heard that the other regions in the Gray Realm have different landforms. The desert is okay, but the conditions in the Ice Field Region in Yongzhou are even worse!"

"That's true, at least we have a space ring, so we won't be short of water..."

Not only Su Yuan, but most of the military soldiers came to the gray world for the first time, and they talked in low voices.

Su Yuan unfolded his omniscient vision and looked forward, but he didn't see any star beasts in front of him.

"I don't know if this place is relatively remote, or the star beasts near the passage have been wiped out."

Su Yuan was thinking, and a colonel in charge of reconnaissance came from a distance ahead, and synchronized the current information of the gray world to Qin Shang.

After seeing it, the four of Qin and Shang discussed it a bit, and then led the various corps to march forward, which seemed to be quite smooth.

After traveling fifty kilometers, the number of wandering star beasts quickly increased!

Bronze, silver, gold... There are a lot of low-level star beasts wandering around. In addition, even shining star beasts can be seen from time to time.

The whole army naturally went wherever they went to clear it up, and killed them all the way.

"Seven or eight tribes in the front left, send the Ninth and Fourteenth Corps to clear them."

"In the corner over there, there are three Huiyue-level tribes next to each other, and they are quite powerful. Let Colonel Mo lead the three corps to go there, and they must be captured as soon as possible!"

One instruction after another was continuously issued from Qin Shang's mouth, which was accurate and efficient.

The army also spread out in an orderly manner, crushing the tribes along the way, rushing all the way to Shaqland...

Grey world, Shaq collar.

Among the huge territories, most of them are low and wide yellowstone buildings.

But among the many low buildings, there are tall gray and white stone pillars standing one after another.

These stone pillars are painted with dark runes, which are used to calm the earth and gather star power.

Although this kind of superficial creation is not as good as the precise Dingmai Pillar made in the Eastern Continent, the effect is not too bad.

At least these gathered star powers make more powerful lone planet beasts willing to join this territory.

For example, now, in the central area of the entire territory, there are a large number of star beasts in human form.

And in the outer periphery of the territory, there are not many lower-level three-level star beasts that have not yet transformed.

Inner ring and outer ring, clearly graded.

At this moment, on a high tower in the center of the territory, there are three people standing on the top of the tower.

A tall man with yellow hair, a young man with a gloomy expression, and a short man with skin like a rock.

These three people are the three lords of Shaqland.

In front of the three of them, a grayish-white strange-shaped plant grew out. The top of this strange-shaped plant actually dragged a large eyeball.

The dim light above the eyeballs is casting projections on the three lords.

The content of the projection is impressively some great flame masters who sneaked in to explore the information of the gray world.

Some of these people are far away, while others are not far from Shaqland, secretly monitoring the movement of Shaqland.

But I don't want to, everyone has been exposed to the vision of the three lords of Shaq.

At this time, the big gray eyeballs blinked, and the projection inside them changed, turning into an army of human beings all the way.

The tall, yellow-haired male headed slowly said: "Eight from Burning Sun, three to Lianqi, four to Shaq, and one to support from the middle."

Yin Yi youth sneered: "There are more people than us in every place, and there is one person in the middle to support... It seems that those human spies sent back the information that we didn't support~"

"It should be." The tall, yellow-haired man nodded.

The short man smiled bitterly: "There is Wang Ting Yaozhi, and these spies have been stared to death by us before they know it, this group of stupid humans!"

The tall, yellow-haired young man shouted in a deep voice: "Don't be careless! It's just that they don't know us and the royal court well enough. This advantage won't last long.

Eight scorching suns can be sent casually, this human kingdom is stronger than we expected!

Moreover, according to the information returned by the manpower spread by the royal court, this is a human kingdom with the emperor level, and it is probably the top power in this world. "

As soon as they heard the imperial rank, the shadowy young man and the short man also froze.

"Stop it, we Shaq will definitely not be able to stop it, then follow the orders of the royal court."

After the tall, yellow-haired young man finished speaking, a gray-white plant surrounded by three people rushed out from the ground, twisted slightly and split in the middle, revealing a large cavity inside.

The tall, yellow-haired man said to the shadowy youth, "Mamba, I'll leave this to you."

The corner of the Yinyi youth's mouth curled up: "Don't worry."

The tall, yellow-haired man nodded, and then walked into the cracked cavity of the gray and white plant together with the short man.

Then, the inner cavity of the gray-white plant closed again, and within a twist, it retracted to the ground again and went nowhere...

I have a cold, dizziness and sore throat. The second chapter may be very late, everyone don't wait today

(end of this chapter)