Ultimate Star Card Master - Chapter 370

Chapter 370

Chapter 370 Shooter

"It's done." Antonis said.

Su Yuan nodded, took back the lock of space and took out a green quality star implement rope to tie Cradak to the stool.

After finishing these, Su Yuan looked at Antonis: "Next, please follow me on the next trip."

Antonis understood what Su Yuan meant, and had expected that Su Yuan would say that.

After all, it seems that Su Yuan came to the Rhine Kingdom from the south to pick up Yang Aoshan.

The two acted like this, how could they just leave themselves here?

Not to mention killing yourself, you will definitely let yourself walk a certain distance until you can no longer pose a threat to them.

Understanding this, Antonis readily responded: "That's fine, I'll see you off again, but after leaving the Rhineland, you must remember to give me the remaining 80w entrustment payment."

Su Yuan didn't say much, and with a flash of his hand, a large number of star stones piled up on the table.

One cubic meter of star stone is 100w centimeters. Although these star stones are not as large as one cubic meter at this moment, they are quite close.

Exactly 80w!

"This... so many star stones!"

Yang Aoshan, who was lying down, was stunned for a moment, and at the same time, she couldn't help feeling guilty and touched.

Although as a fifth-level enchanter, Yang Aoshan is not short of money, but Yang Aoshan has never seen so many star stones at once.

Unexpectedly, Su Yuan paid such a high price in order to ask Antonis to take out the mark for himself.

If Antonis hadn't mentioned it, I wouldn't even know it!

And I have to hold back for the enchantment model...

Cradak, who was **** next to him, was also shocked. Although he was born in a nobleman, but Cradak himself was only promoted to Shining Star this year. How could he get 800,000 star stones.

Even the high-level energy stone of the dark system worth 200,000 to 300,000 yuan was sponsored by the family.

At this time, Cradak finally realized that he seemed to be involved in something terrible.

Reminiscent of Yang Aoshan's identity, after thinking about it, Cradak also understood that Yang Aoshan is leaving the Rhineland!

"Your Excellency is really upright." Seeing that Su Yuan paid the final payment directly, Antonis was quite surprised, and took the 80w centimeter stone with a smile.

Su Yuan didn't say much. Although the fee was high, Antonis's service quality was nothing to say.

Not only did Yang Aoshan successfully get rid of the imprint in Yang Aoshan's body, but he also did a better job, avoiding the trouble of being hunted down after the imprint expired.

And next, I will take him into the Qingming Realm, so I don't worry about him running away.

Su Yuan looked at Cradak who was slumped on the stool, and ordered: "Ruan Ruan, hypnotize him."

"Puff!" Ruan Ruan used hypnotic vision on Cradak.

Now, Cradak couldn't use his star power, and his spirit was in a panic, and he was soon softly hypnotized.

Su Yuan nodded and said, "Then let's prepare to leave immediately."

With a thought in Su Yuan's mind, the Qingming World suddenly unfolded.

Antonis's expression changed slightly, and before he could take any action, Su Yuan brought Ruan Ruan and Yang Aoshan into the Qingming Realm.

"It turns out...is it a space that can accommodate living things!" Antonis's eyes blurred, looking at the empty green and underworld around him, he was very surprised.

"Ruan Ruan, take good care of her." Su Yuan gestured to Yang Aoshan, and at the same time told it to keep an eye on Antonis.

Ruan Ruan returned to human form, patted his chest and smiled: "Master, don't worry, leave it to me!"

Su Yuan nodded, and then left the Qingming Realm.

The reason why Antonis was brought in was not only to prevent him from sneaking away, but also because he had to go at full speed.

In the room, Su Yuan looked around, put away all Yang Aoshan's books, and put them in the space ring alone.

After glancing at the hypnotized Cradak again, Su Yuan's eyes flashed silver, and he teleported directly to the room of Yaohun in the hotel outside.

After retracting the demon soul, Su Yuan opened his hands, and the power of silver space continued to gather. After a while, a door of space appeared in front of him.

Su Yuan stepped out and appeared in the suburbs tens of kilometers away. Then, with a flash of his body, he started teleportation, shifted his position and rushed towards the south...

Time passed, and it was two days in a blink of an eye.

Su Yuan headed south all the way. The gate of space and the transformation of shape can be used directly after cooling down, and the teleportation does not stop.

Except for the volatile Great Sun Burning Body Art, they are already on their way with all their strength.

Even if there is a slight detour in order to avoid some cities, but at this speed, it will take half a day to climb the continuous mountains in front of you, and you will soon leave the border of the Rhineland.

"Although it took some effort to get rid of the mark, the rest is going smoothly." Su Yuan took out the map and checked again, "There are no big cities ahead."

Su Yuan nodded secretly, feeling a little relieved.

But if you don't go back to the south, you can't take it lightly.

Su Yuan teleported again, and a flicker appeared a thousand meters away.

Almost at the moment when Su Yuan appeared, he suddenly noticed something, and a strong warning rose in his heart.

Without hesitation, Su Yuan directly carried out the phase shift and entered the secondary space.

In the next moment, a sharp golden light shot from the northeast direction, and instantly passed the place where Su Yuan's phase shifted, and pierced through a peak in front of him!


There was a roar, and the pierced part of the peak emitted a golden brilliance like an electric current, and then exploded like tofu!

"Is someone catching up!"

Su Yuan's heart froze, and he looked intently.

After the golden light pierced through the mountain peak, it turned into a figure in a blink of an eye.

This man has long blond hair, a handsome face, a cold complexion, holding a big golden bow, and his golden pupils are full of indifference.

And most importantly, this man was wearing a white uniform studded with gold stars.

It is the gown of the Zodiac Star Envoy!

"Astrologer of Sagittarius!"

Su Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly as he looked at the constellation pattern on the opponent's uniform.

Unexpectedly, Rhine's people did not catch up, but ran into Qiguang's star envoy instead!

What's even more amazing is that the other party was able to intercept him.

"Hand over someone." Sagittarius looked Su Yuan around, frowned slightly, and said coldly.

Su Yuan shook his head and said, "Impossible."

Although he said so, Su Yuan faintly sensed something was wrong.

But Sagittarius' eyes turned cold, and he didn't intend to continue talking to Su Yuan. He held the bow in his left hand, and the golden light shone in his right hand. With a slight pull of the bow, an aurora shot out from the bow!

A silver light flashed in Su Yuan's eyes, and almost at the moment when the opponent shot an arrow, Su Yuan teleported behind him, turned his hand and took out the Yushen Yaodao to chop it down!

Sagittarius didn't seem to react, but the right hand he just withdrew was covered by the star robe, and the **** in the middle of the food were pointed at Su Yuan behind him. The Demon Saber came out in one step!

Silver light flashed in Su Yuan's eyes, and under the all-knowing vision, he could see these clearly, and the silver light flashed back on his body.

But Sagittarius shot the cannon behind him, smashing several mountain peaks in succession!

"Super fast reaction, amazing power, worthy of being an envoy..." Su Yuan's expression became a little more serious.

Seeing that the opponent was about to draw the bow again, Su Yuan drew his left hand, and many empty locks flew out from the void.

Sagittarius stepped on the foot, and four-foot-long golden lights shot out in all directions, smashing all the twelve empty locks around them!

And Sagittarius didn't stop in his hands, pulling the bowstring and another flash of golden light shot out.

Su Yuan snorted coldly, and when he raised his hand, the void-cracking tablet swung forward and slapped the golden arrow.


The golden light exploded, and after a moment of stalemate, the Void Splitter smashed the golden arrow.

However, the Void Breaker was also pushed back a few meters, and his palm was shattered a lot.

Sagittarius raised his eyebrows, he didn't expect his opponent to block his attack so easily, it seems that he has some strength.

After gathering momentum for a while, Sagittarius shot out again.

"Refraction, astigmatism!"

An arrow shot out, but in the middle of it, it turned into many foot-long golden lights like a goddess scattered flowers, dispersed and refracted, and surrounded and killed Su Yuan from all directions in an instant!

"Boom boom boom!..."

Many golden arrows hit, bursting out a huge golden light!

Sagittarius stared at the bursting golden light, but suddenly his eyes froze, and he saw dazzling silver shining in the golden light!

The twenty-eight stars on Su Yuan's body were all lit up, and the stars around him were agitated.

"Purple flame burns, flash!"

The rising purple flame burned on the body of the starry sky, Su Yuan raised his aura again, and after drawing his sword to gain momentum, he jumped out of the golden aftermath of the explosion!

Sagittarius shrank his pupils, and raised his golden bow horizontally to block in front of him.


The sound of metal clashing sounded, the lightning-fast speed, and the astonishing power almost made the big golden bow in the hand of Sagittarius fall out!

You know, an archer needs to draw a bow without weak arms.

At this moment, Sagittarius let out a muffled groan, and was immediately sent flying!

"Unfortunately, it really is an epic longbow..."

This blow, combined with the power of the previous opponent's attack, Su Yuan instantly understood that the big bow in the opponent's hand was also an epic star weapon.

Otherwise, if the starry sky is fully opened + the big sun burns the body + flash + divine fire, even the defensive super blue star weapon may be cut by this blow, let alone a big bow?

In addition, for enhanced star-like cards, the increase in the same direction will be attenuated, which is one of the main reasons why one person usually does not practice multiple strengthening techniques.

Su Yuan also has a demon incarnation, so it doesn't matter if there are overlaps.

At this moment, Sagittarius stabilized his figure, with a stream of blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth.

"Actually... hurt me?... The wings of light spread!"

Sagittarius gave a low shout, and six slender wings like aurora spread out from behind!

Seeing Su Yuan jumping forward again, the eyes of Sagittarius flickered coldly, he directly put away the golden bow and took out a rapier without a sword pavilion with his backhand, the six wings fluttered and turned into a golden aurora to meet Su Yuan. Yuan killed the past!

Su Yuan is stronger, Sagittarius is faster, and the two figures of gold and silver are fighting fiercely at high altitude...

(end of this chapter)