Ultimate Star Card Master - Chapter 369

Chapter 369

Chapter 369 cut off

Time passed, and two days had passed in the blink of an eye.

Antonis is exceptionally quiet. Under Ruan Ruan's dedicated stalking, besides practicing, he is resting his mind.

At this moment, Antonis got up and made two cups of hand-ground coffee with Yang Aoshan's machine.

"Here you are." Antonis put the coffee on the desk in front of Su Yuan.

After Su Yuan thanked him, he called Ruan Ruan Ruan Ruan and gave it a drink.

Antonis doesn't know how deep he is, so he should be more careful.

If there is any problem, Ruanruan can directly use the decomposition ability of the Law of Devour to deal with it.

Antonis didn't mind seeing this, and drank his own coffee leisurely.

Ruan Ruan followed Antonis back to the table, staring at him with wide eyes like a prisoner.

Antonis said: "Little guy, are you still staring at me after drinking my coffee?"

"Pu Chi Pu Chi (Ruan Ruan will not be bribed)!"

Antonis smiled, and then looked at Su Yuan who was sitting under the bookshelf. In front of Su Yuan, there were already books such as "Basis of Formation" and "Introduction to Formation".

"Is this person suddenly interested in enchantment?"

Antonis was rather strange in his heart. It stands to reason that if he was really interested in enchantment, he should have been in contact with it long ago. Why is he suddenly so interested now?

And looking so fast, can there really be any gains?

Antonis was thinking about it, but suddenly his expression moved slightly.

"Oh? Already done?"

Footsteps came from the depths of the room, but it was Yang Aoshan who came up from the basement.

At this moment, Yang Aoshan's eyes were bloodshot, her eyes were black, and she looked very tired.

The work of dismantling the enchantment model was quite precise and exhausting. After two days of non-stop work, Yang Aoshan finally completely dismantled it.

But at this moment, when looking at Su Yuan and the many enchantment books piled up on the desk, Yang Aoshan was greatly surprised.

"Master Yang." As soon as Yang Aoshan came out, Su Yuan had already noticed it, and immediately got up and asked, "Has it been completed?"

"Well, the barrier has been completely dismantled, so you two have been waiting for a long time!" Yang Aoshan cheered up and responded with a smile, "Su Yuan, are you interested in barriers?"

"I am somewhat interested."

Su Yuan thought back to the enchantment knowledge he had learned through reading these two days. The way of enchantment is indeed very suitable for the Qingming world.

Yang Aoshan smiled and said, "If you don't mind, I can help you in the future."

Su Yuan's eyes lit up. Although he had watched it for a long time, it only belonged to the most basic knowledge and various concepts.

The way of enchantment is extremely mysterious, how could it be possible to get started in a day or two.

If Yang Aoshan can help, it will definitely be a great thing.

As a fifth-level genius enchanter, the opponent is more than enough to guide himself.

"That's really thanks to Master Yang."

Yang Aoshan smiled and said, "Just call me Aoshan."

Su Yuan nodded.

At this time, Antonis came over and asked Su Yuan: "Then when will we start to break the mark? I think she is not in good condition. It is best to rest for a while, otherwise it will be very uncomfortable when she becomes weak again later."

Yang Aoshan immediately shook her head and said, "No, it's okay to be uncomfortable. Mr. Antonis, please start directly."

Su Yuan thought for a while, and then said: "Just now, Master Yang, please hold on for a while."

"Pu Chi Pu Chi (Come on, come on)!" Ruan Ruan, who jumped back to Su Yuan's shoulder, also spoke to cheer Yang Aoshan.

Long nights and many dreams, the sooner you go back the better, it is quite necessary to disassemble the enchantment model, but if it is uncomfortable, just be patient.

Yang Aoshan nodded and smiled, "Well, I'm fine!"

"Then please lie on the table." Antonis walked to the table and instructed.

Yang Aoshan lay flat on the table as she said, her proud figure showing perfect curves.

But soon, Yang Aoshan's complexion turned slightly red, obviously not used to this kind of experience, she couldn't help but look at the two people beside her.

Neither Su Yuan nor Antonis had any strangeness in their eyes.

Especially Antonis, who was about to undergo "surgery", looked solemn and solemn, his eyes were calm and sharp, without a trace of emotion.

With a silver light flashing in his hand, Antonis took out the silver knife again. He wanted to isolate the space by himself, but after a little thought, Antonis still said to Su Yuan: "We need to isolate the fluctuation."

"Simple." Su Yuan gestured to Ruan Ruan.

Nodding softly, with a little force, a layer of hemispherical black ripples spread out, completely swallowing up the internal fluctuations and movements.

Antonis looked at this layer of black energy, and was even more surprised by Ruanruan in his heart.

"By the way," Yang Aoshan said suddenly, "Forget about other things, please, Su Yuan, put away all the books for me."

Su Yuan nodded: "No problem."

Seeing that Antonis seemed to be about to use a knife, Yang Aoshan couldn't help but look at Su Yuan again. Now she can trust only this envoy from Dayan.

Su Yuan stared at Antonis intently, and did not release the empty lock, as long as the other party made any changes, he would immediately shoot.

Seeing this, Yang Aoshan felt much more at ease.

"Then I'm starting."

Antonis reminded, and then a layer of silver energy wrapped his hands, and he swung the knife directly into Yang Aoshan's body.

There was no disembowelment or blood spattering, as if it was blurred, Antonis's right hand wrapped in silver energy just penetrated into Yang Aoshan's body, waving the knife and continuously swiping in the star power cyclone.

Yang Aoshan was mentally prepared for the pain, but the feeling of being bitten by ants kept coming from her body, and she couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief...

Time passed by little by little, and two or three hours passed in a blink of an eye.

Su Yuan was staring at the "surgery", but suddenly received a message from the demon incarnation who had been in the hotel outside.

"There is a student here who seems to like Yang Aoshan, do you want to stop her?"

Like Yang Aoshan?

Su Yuan was a little speechless, how could such a thing happen at this time?

But it's too high-profile for the monster incarnation to show up at the door to stop it now, so it's better to let it go and deal with it...

Let him come over

"Boom boom boom!"

Within two minutes, there was a knock on the door.

The sound of knocking on the door was not small, it was more like smashing than knocking on the door!

Su Yuan frowned, and said: "Ruan Ruan."


Ruan Ruan's body flowed with water and light, and directly unfolded the ever-changing appearance into Yang Aoshan's appearance, with a tall figure, protruding front and back.

It cannot be said that they are very similar, only that they are exactly the same.

"Yang Aoshan, open the door!"

Clardak knocked on the door, with a bit of hostility in his eyes, and he didn't even call him "teacher".

When you are alone, certain repressed thoughts will be infinitely magnified.

Just graduated, and for the past two days, Cradak has been thinking about the day of the party in his heart.

The overwhelming beauty at the party, and what Robert said.

Is there really someone in Yang Aoshan's family?

Today, Cradak thought again that Yang Aoshan was an enchanter herself, and she might have used an enchantment to cover up the aura of others!

So Cradak is going to watch it again.

If it's because the other party really doesn't like me, that's fine, but if it's because she really fell in love with someone else...

Clardak's face was a bit gloomy, and all kinds of negative emotions continued to grow in his heart, and even the palm knocking on the door at this moment became more and more forceful...

And at this moment, the door opened.

"Yang Aoshan..."

"Yang Aoshan" smiled and said, "Come in and talk."

This was the first time Yang Aoshan smiled at herself, and Cradock couldn't help being a little stunned, and walked in step by step according to his words.

But the next moment, twelve empty locks shot out from all directions to entangle him.

Su Yuan also came out from behind Ruan Ruan, and before he had any reaction, Su Yuan threw him into the Qingming Realm.

Clardak's eyes widened, and he had already arrived in a strange space before he could even see the situation clearly.

Su Yuan said to Ruan Ruan: "In this case, you may not need your avatar as a carrier."

If you use soft parts, you can form split clones, and you will suffer a little backlash when you destroy them later.

Now it is better to have a door-to-door carrier. Earlier, Antonis said that he could arrest someone, and he thought there was a way to completely restrain him.

"Hee hee." Yang Aoshan, who was transformed into Ruan Ruan, smiled, and then turned back into a slime and jumped onto Su Yuan's shoulder.

After more than an hour, Yang Aoshan's face was covered with sweat, and her lips turned white.

Although there is no pain, the physical strength and star power are greatly consumed, and the body is close to collapse and almost faints.

Antonis flickered the silver rune in his palm, and grabbed a dark red mark from Yang Aoshan's body.

"Release that person just now." Antonis said.

Antonis also noticed the situation outside, so he naturally understood what Su Yuan meant.

Although Antonis was curious about where Su Yuan took Cradak, but now is not the time to be curious, the imprint should be transplanted first.

Su Yuan nodded, raised his hand, and released Kladak from the Qingming Realm.

"This... what is the situation!"

Kladak was locked for two hours. Looking at Yang Aoshan lying down and Su Yuan in front of him, he was stunned for a while.

Although she thought that there would be people in Yang Aoshan's room, she didn't expect there to be so many people. What is she doing!

"You...you...what are you going to do!"

Kladak's star power surged and hit the lock of space again.

It's just that Cradak is good enough as a student, but he can't make trouble for Shang Suyuan.

The fact that he couldn't break through the lock of space for so long just now shows that he can't do it.

Antonius held the mark and came to Cladak.

"No...don't! Teacher Yang, tell them to stop!"

Clardak didn't know what the dark red mark was, and he didn't have the previous anger. At this moment, he was terrified and asked Yang Aoshan on the table for help.

Yang Aoshan was already sweating profusely and was extremely weak, so how could she care about him.

And Yang Aoshan also knew that this imprint seemed to have no negative effect other than marking the location.


Seeing this, Ruan Ruan jumped onto the table, and deployed the sea soul protection to supplement Yang Aoshan's state.

"Thank you...thank you." Yang Aoshan spoke with difficulty.

Of course, Antonis would not stop for a moment. With Su Yuankong's lock to lock Cradak, he easily planted the mark into Cradak's body.

Difficult to take out, easy to plant, after the imprint was planted, the imprint automatically took root and sprouted in Cradak's body connected to Xinghai.

Then the next step is to prevent him from wearing off the mark, or running around...

Antonis swung the silver knife and cut a few times in the star sea of Cradak, cutting off his star power mobilization.

Then he cut his limbs and throat separately.

Although no wound was still caused, Cradak's limbs were physically hanging down one after another, and there was no sound even from his mouth...

Just waving the knife cut off Cradak's control over his limbs and voice!


Seeing this move, Su Yuan couldn't help but look at Antonis again, feeling a lot more vigilant in his heart.

This ability is also quite strong in battle.

As long as you can hit the opponent, you can make the opponent unable to move.

Although I don't know what the origin of Antonis is, he really deserves the huge wanted amount of 3 million centistar stones.

Moreover, Su Yuan also understood that Antonis himself is not good at any sealing technique, but uses the "cutting" method to break and apply a seal-like effect.

(end of this chapter)