Ultimate Star Card Master - Chapter 336

Chapter 336

Chapter 336 Entering Sun-seeking

Wangchao Tower, the top floor.

A young man in a black robe approached the private room by the window.

"Old Xu, it seems that everyone has set off?" the young man asked as soon as he came in.

Xu Fengtian nodded and said, "Well, Wang Xu, you came a little late."

"Haha, it's not too late, as long as you have something to eat. This stewed duck with cinnamon in Wangchaolou is a must. It is served with Chaoming Jiuniang, tsk tsk! Anyway, I have already ordered the store to make it when I came up, and I will be here soon."

Xu Fengtian couldn't help shaking his head when he heard what the other party said: "There is a seedling prepared by you Suzaku. It is said that Xuanwu Yu also took a fancy to this seedling at the beginning, so you are not curious at all?"

Wang Xu waved his hand: "Hey, there is no one who can enter our Sky Survey Division who is not a good seed."

"That's true..." Xu Fengtian nodded, secretly thinking that it made sense.

Wang Xu came over suddenly again, and asked with a smile: "But since old Xu Ni has seen it, tell me, how is he?"

Xu Fengtian was speechless, then thought for a while, and said: "I can't see anything, and I didn't say much. Compared with the other people with distinctive personalities, they seem very ordinary."

"Oh?" Wang Xu was even more interested, "This way, it's even more unusual."

Xu Fengtian nodded, this time the seedlings were carefully selected for this assessment task, and the expected scores were much higher than the average seedlings, how could they be ordinary?

Being ordinary among a group of extraordinary people is probably even more extraordinary.

"The food is here!" At this moment, some voices came from outside.

Wang Xu said: "Send it up."

Cinnamon braised duck, Xiting Lake hairy crab, glutinous rice cold cake... all fresh dishes were carefully delivered by three waiters, covering half of the table.

"Please take your time, please call us if you have orders." The waiter said politely.

Wang Xu waved his hand: "Okay, let's go~"

Xu Fengtian looked straight ahead: "Are you serious?"

Xu Fengtian tore a duck leg and ate it.

"That is, life is alive, enjoyment is the word, of course you must enjoy good wine, good meat and good scenery, otherwise what is the purpose of practicing hard?"

Xu Fengtian looked serious, and said sternly: "Of course it is to pursue the upper realm!"

"Shangjing?" Wang Xu shook his head slightly, "Even if it is expected to burn the sun, the next king rank is not so contestable..."

Xu Fengtian said: "The catastrophe is coming, it is a calamity, but it is also a chance, maybe you and I will have a chance in the future!"

Wang Xu laughed and said: "For the extra opportunities, I don't know how many people will die. Old Xu, if you want to fight, you must be mentally prepared!"

"Even if we don't fight, we and the people in the Sky Survey Division can't stay out of it, so it's better to fight."

"Being unable to stay out of the situation and being in the center of the whirlpool are completely different things."

Xu Fengtian was suffocated when he heard the words, and fell silent for a while.

Indeed, if you really want to be in the center of the vortex, ten lives may not be enough to squander for ordinary people!

Wang Xu smiled and poured wine for Xu Fengtian: "Come here, eat and drink well, don't think too much about it. I know that your cultivation has improved in recent years, so let's advance to Scorching Sun first."

Xu Fengtian nodded, and quickly started to eat: "Then eat quickly, and keep an eye on those little guys when you're done."

Wang Xu took a sip of wine leisurely: "No hurry, no hurry~ Wait until after tomorrow when you enter the Sun-seeking Domain, you may encounter the first wave of people blocking the way..."

Xu Fengtianmulu pondered: "By the way, isn't the difficulty of this task a bit high? The **** list was leaked early. I'm afraid that everyone who is not supposed to come will come, especially in the end..."

Wang Xu shook his head, and said sternly: "If you can't even complete this **** task, how can you handle that matter well?"

Speaking of this, Wang Xu's expression became a little dignified.

The few people who participated in the mission this time, whether it is Xiong Chunyang from the Twelve Ominous Stars of the Western Desert, Tang Jiao, the annual best special service unit of the Northern Military Region, Lin Chongyun, a contemporary disciple of Zichen Mountain, or Su, who is now the number one student of Dayan Yuan, all of them are extremely outstanding talents.

The reason why these elite new recruits were gathered together and set up this task is actually to find the right person to do another thing...

Xunyang Territory is an area that spreads left and right in the north-west direction of Dayan.

This large area is bathed in the scorching sun all year round, with a high concentration of fire elements, and a large amount of fire-type materials are produced every year, both high and low.

In addition, there are many various fire-type secret realms. In this area, more than 50% are fire-related star card masters.

And to travel from Dayan to Yanluo Kingdom, one must pass through the western region of Xunyang Domain.

At this moment, more than a day has passed since departure.

Even with the prison van, the speed of the detainment team is not slow, after all, all the people who came here are the stars!

Among the moving detainee team, the escorts of the Arctic Prison chatted from time to time.

As for Su Yuan and the other four, there was nothing to talk about.

If it weren't for this mission, several of them would still be strangers.

And after yesterday, Xiong Chunyang ran in the front of the team alone.

Su Yuan, Tang Jiao and Lin Chongyun are all behind the team.

After crossing the plain and entering the rugged mountains, Su Yuan obviously felt that the air around him was a bit hotter.

"This place already belongs to the Sun-seeking Domain, be careful! In addition, the sky is getting dark, everyone should be more vigilant!"

Wu Jianghao gave a loud order to his subordinates, and then came to Su Yuan and the others behind.

"Everyone, this place belongs to the Xunyang Domain." Wu Jianghao's voice was slightly condensed, "If there is any trouble, please help."

Wu Jianghao spoke loudly, also for Xiong Chunyang in front of the team to hear.

Xiong Chunyang, who was alone in front of him, suddenly grinned, looking a little excited.

Tang Jiao replied seriously: "Don't worry, Mr. Wu, we will do our best."

Lin Chongyun also raised his vigilance, and immediately opened his senses to scan around.

Wu Jianghao cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Okay, thank you all!"

Tang Jiao came from the Northern Military Region, and Wu Jianghao and Wu Jianghao are both officials of Dayan. The two are considered to have the closest relationship. Wu Jianghao will inevitably trust and get closer to Tang Jiao.

After Wu Jianghao reminded, he went to the front to tell his subordinates one by one and arranged for the investigators who would serve as outposts at night...

In the cage on the back of the Gangyan Dragon on the right, Wei Jinxiang, whose hands and feet were tied, looked at Su Yuan and the others behind the team, and then at the direction the team was heading, his eyes full of complexity and apprehension.

Wei Jinxiang knew very well that his younger brother Wei Jinrui would definitely come to save him!

So at this moment Wei Jinxiang is very entangled, the closer he gets to the Xunyang Domain, the more he worries about gains and losses.

Both hoped to be rescued and escaped, but also faintly felt that this trip was not that simple. If the younger brother really brought someone to rescue him, something might happen.

"I hope it goes well!"

Wei Jinxiang was thinking about it, but suddenly he felt a cold gaze on himself, and turned his head to look, but there was a green-eyed young man with a pale complexion in the middle cage.

The other party was expressionless, but the pair of green pupils were staring at him like a cold poisonous snake.

The two looked at each other, and the green-eyed youth quickly lowered his head, and curled up quietly in the Gangyan prison with his arms around his knees as if in a daze.

"This kid always gives me a very uncomfortable feeling..."

Wei Jinxiang shivered inexplicably, shook his head and stopped thinking about it, anyway, what happened to the other prisoners had nothing to do with him.

In a blink of an eye, the sun rose, the morning light was shining, and the night passed without incident.

For star stars, night vision will also be affected to a certain extent.

So Wu Jianghao was really worried that someone would come to rob the prisoner this night.

Wu Jianghao breathed a sigh of relief, and rearranged the outpost personnel, while the **** team kept moving forward.

With the strength of everyone in the arena, this speed is no problem for three or four days.

It was almost noon, when everyone was passing through a forest, Lin Chongyun suddenly glanced at a certain place calmly.

"Everyone, we have been targeted." Lin Chongyun said in a low voice.

"Huh?" Tang Jiao looked solemn.

Lin Chongyun said: "The sky is low in the east, about two kilometers away."

Su Yuan's eyes froze, and the silver lines in his pupils lit up like leaves in the world, and the omniscient vision was fully opened, expanding towards the distance.

Soon, on a low mountain, I saw two firebirds playing and flying.

This fire bird is just a star apprentice-level star beast. To Su Yuan and others, it is no different from an ant.

If there is anything unusual, it is that one of the fire sparrows is not noisy, but is looking at the direction of the **** team from a distance, with a faintly humane look in his eyes.

"Indeed, it is a technique of borrowing objects to observe." Su Yuan nodded, and couldn't help but re-evaluate Lin Chongyun.

This person's perception is so sharp that it is not even inferior to his own.

Lin Chongyun asked: "Do you have any ideas?"

Tang Jiao thought for a while, and said: "Since we have been discovered, I am afraid that we are not far ahead. I can go to investigate first, and you, Director Wu and Xiong Chunyang will also let us know."

"Okay." Lin Chongyun and Su Yuan agreed.

Tang Jiao nodded and made a seal. After her body was slightly blurred, a layer of black light flowed slightly from the surface of her body, and it disappeared in an instant.

After that, Tang Jiao's expression became a little dull, and she was already an incarnation staying in place.

This avatar still kept running at the same speed as before, running with Su Yuan and Lin Chongyun. As for Tang Jiao's body...

Through the true vision ability of omniscient vision, Su Yuan can clearly see the invisible Tang Jiao galloping forward.

And Lin Chongyun locked onto the invisible Tang Jiao almost exactly, and watched her go away.

This kind of perception is really astonishing. I am afraid it is also the breath of the proficient level and above, plus the ability to passively increase perception and insight.

As for the rest of the people, including Xiong Chunyang and Wu Jianghao, they didn't notice it at all.

Just when the invisible Tang Jiao was about to disappear from the field of vision, a young man with pale skin and green eyes abruptly raised his head in the steel cage in the middle, and glanced at Tang Jiao's back.

Green light flickered in the eyes of the green-eyed young man, and the corners of his mouth were slightly hooked, as if realizing that something interesting would happen...

(end of this chapter)