Ultimate Star Card Master - Chapter 335

Chapter 335

Chapter 335 Departure

If Yanluo issues a new arrest warrant, under the cooperation agreement, Dayan will also review it and put it on the arrest warrant.

However, the extradition of prisoners is a very troublesome matter. There are too many variables in the middle to leave the country.

If it is an ordinary prisoner from another country, he will be arrested if he is arrested, and he will stay in Dayan in the future.

Only special prisoners may be extradited to the country that originally issued the wanted list after the exchange.

Xu Fengtian raised his hand and said, "Mr. Wu, please tell me."

The dark-faced middle-aged man behind responded, and then introduced the task to everyone.

"Hello, everyone, I am Wu Jianghao, the director general of the North Pole Prison. This time, we are going to extradite a few prisoners to Yanluo Kingdom.

Some of the prisoners who were extradited in this batch used to be in high positions in Yanluo Kingdom itself, some were members of gangs in the north, and some were notorious evil card masters...

So this time, I am afraid it will cause quite a disturbance.

We have deployed enough force, besides me, there are several other Yaoxing stars in the team to escort.

However, in order to avoid accidents on the way, I still need to apply for help from the experts of the Sky Survey Division, and I will rely on you all at that time. "

Xiong Chunyang laughed and said: "President Wu, you are being polite, I, Old Xiong, will do my best."

Tang Jiao asked: "President Wu, should there be specific information on these prisoners?"


Wu Jianghao took out the information and handed it to Su Yuan and others.

"It's all documented in detail."

Su Yuan took a few glances, and the identities of the prisoners were roughly as Wu Jianghao said before, and he didn't know the specifics.

Lin Chongyun and Xiong Chunyang next to him also looked casually.

But Tang Jiao frowned slightly, not knowing what she saw.

Wu Jianghao explained the details to everyone in detail.

"Are there any questions?" Xu Fengtian finally asked.

Lin Chongyun's eyes froze, and he asked: "Emissary, the task of our line is to ensure the smooth delivery of prisoners to Yanluo Kingdom, right?"

Su Yuan and the others couldn't help but look sideways when they heard the words.

Lin Chongyun's words were nothing more than asking whether he should take care of the safety of other escorts in the team, including Wu Jianghao.

After all, if the strength is limited in a crisis, whether to guarantee the prisoners or help other members of the team may require a trade-off.

Now that Wu Jianghao is here, Lin Chongyun is quite straightforward when he says this.

But Wu Jianghao smiled heartily, and replied without Xu Fengtian's opening: "Emissary Lin doesn't have to worry about waiting for me, as long as a few prisoners are delivered."

Lin Chongyun nodded: "Okay, I understand."

Xiong Chunyang also grinned, secretly thinking that this is the best.

But Tang Jiao frowned slightly. She was a soldier, so she was naturally unwilling to give up her teammates easily.

Su Yuan sat quietly alone without saying a word.

Xiong Chunyang asked: "Executive Envoy Xu, Director Wu, when are we going to leave?"

Xu Fengtian said: "If you are ready, you can start now."

Xiong Chunyang chuckled: "There is nothing to prepare, let's go now without delay!"

The rest of the people also meant the same thing.

Xu Fengtian said: "Then I wish you a smooth journey, Mr. Wu, let's act."

"Okay! The **** team is ready, all envoys come with me."

Wu Jianghao took Su Yuan and others out of the restaurant and went directly to the gate of the west city.

"Boss Wu, you're ready." One of the supervisors from Yaoxing came over and greeted.

Su Yuan turned his head and looked, the seven prisoners beside him were bound hands and feet by the prison's special loose spirit locks, in groups of two or three, they were imprisoned in the Gangyan cage on the back of the three Gangyan dragons.

These Gangyan dragons are all star beasts controlled by the beast-controlling talisman. They have excellent defense and physique, and they are usually used as a means of transportation for carrying important prisoners.

At this moment, the detention team with three Gangyan dragons has attracted the attention of many pedestrians around.

Director Wu nodded, and said to Su Yuan and the others: "Several envoys, shall we go?"


A group of more than a dozen people and the three Gangyan dragons left the west gate of the Arctic City in this way, and headed north-west all the way.

With the speed of everyone on the road, it didn't take long for them to travel more than ten kilometers.

As everyone moved forward, Tang Jiao also greeted Su Yuan and the others together.

"Several, since it's a team action, let's at least get to know each other, shall we?

The next mission will probably not be easy, and communication and cooperation will inevitably be necessary. "

Tang Jiao is from the army after all, so she pays more attention to teamwork.

Xiong Chunyang was the first to join in, grinning and said: "I am Xiong Chunyang. I used to hang out in Ximo, but now I finally returned to Dayan due to some reasons. By chance, I received the assessment of the Sky Survey Division."

Tang Jiao looked at Xiong Chunyang, and said with a condensed expression: "The twelve evil stars in the Western Desert, are they raging and raging Xiong Chunyang?"

Xiong Chunyang scratched his head, and said cheerfully: "Hey! I didn't expect you to recognize me, big sister, what an honor!"

Su Yuan and Lin Chongyun also looked at Xiong Chunyang, who seemed to be a well-known figure.

Su Yuan is not familiar with the gangs in the west, but he only knows about Liushamen.

A force like Liushamen, which only has one or two ordinary shining stars, can't get on the stage, otherwise it won't be wiped out by the evil action.

And this Xiong Chunyang, the name of "Twelve Fierce Stars" is not easy at first glance, and he is also a relatively powerful character in Ximo.

Actually, not only is it powerful, it is definitely a thunderous name for the gang members in West Desert.

The Twelve Fierce Stars are the twelve fiercest shining stars in the entire Western Desert.

Xiong Chunyang first became famous when he fought against seven shining stars alone in a gang brawl, and two of them were epic shining stars.

Although he was seriously injured in this battle, he brazenly killed four people and became famous in one battle!

After this point, it was even more out of control, and it was hard to find an opponent after fighting all the gangs and sects.

The record of fighting against two other evil stars is also hard to tell.

Xiong Chunyang took out a cigarette and lit one, then asked casually: "Big sister, what about you, from the salute you just made, you should be from the military region?"

Tang Jiao nodded: "Northern Military Region, Tang Jiao."

Tang Jiao turned her head to look at the remaining Lin Chongyun and Su Yuan, and asked, "Where are these two?"

Lin Chongyun said: "Zichen Mountain, Lin Chongyun."

"Oh, are you from the Hidden World Sect?" Tang Jiao showed a bit of surprise on her face.

Xiong Chunyang looked at Lin Chongyun with interest.

Hidden sect, that is the domestic sect recognized by Dayan, basically it is the sect that made great contributions in ancient times, so it is qualified to be passed down.

After the popularization of the academy, these domestic sects no longer widely recruit disciples, and have been reclusive one after another, much lower-key than the aristocratic families.

Of course, from time to time, some descendants of the hermit sect came out to walk around.

Now, the entire Great Yan is still being passed on, mainly there are four hermit sects, and Zichen Mountain is one of them.

Finally, it was Su Yuan's turn.

"Su Yuan of Yaodu Academy, he just graduated and left the hospital." Su Yuan said casually.

"College student?" Xiong Chunyang suddenly narrowed his eyes slightly, grinning, "Did you also participate in the evil action organized by the college two years ago?"

Su Yuan shook his head: "That's not true."

Xiong Chunyang looked at Su Yuan and saw that he didn't seem to be lying, so he nodded: "It's fine if you don't, otherwise I really want to make gestures with you!"

Xiong Chunyang used to be a member of the West Desert gang and a witness to the evil action.

Although because of the distance, Xiong Chunyang didn't "jump" himself, but Xiong Chunyang was still very upset with this group of college students relying on the prestige of their teachers.

As for Tang Jiao and Lin Chongyun, one is from the military area and the other is from the hermit sect. They have also never heard of Su Yuan.

I just feel that Su Yuan is a bit too young.

After the introductions by several people, Xiong Chunyang asked again: "Big sister, you looked a little strange when you saw the list earlier, why, what's wrong with this trip?"

Tang Jiao said sternly: "If you don't say anything else, I'm afraid you will be in trouble within two days."

"Oh? Tell me."

Tang Jiao pointed to one of the many prisoners in front of him, a middle-aged man with a black beard: "That man's name is Wei Jinxiang, a Star Card Master of the Epic Star, and it took a lot of effort to catch him last year.

At the same time, he is also the elder brother of Wei Jinrui, the president of the Baiyan Association in the Sun-seeking Domain. The Baiyan Association is a very powerful organization in the Sun-seeking Domain in the north, and has gathered many fire-type cultivators of the highest star.

At this time, Wei Jinxiang was escorted there, I'm afraid... Bai Yanhui will probably make some moves. "

"Isn't this just an opportunity for us to show our strength!" Xiong Chunyang laughed, "If this task is not difficult, then I really look down on the Great Yan Tian Xunsi!"

Tang Jiao frowned, and said coldly: "Be careful with your words, don't be rude to the Sky Surveyor!"

Xiong Chunyang grinned nonchalantly and said: "I, Xiong Chunyang, joined only when I learned that the Sky Survey Division is full of challenges. Don't go all the way, and hurry up and make it difficult for my old bear!"

Seeing what Xiong Chunyang said, Lin Chongyun also frowned: "Completing the task is the first goal, don't look for trouble."

Xiong Chunyang had a hint of ferocity in his eyes.

"It's not speculative!" Xiong Chunyang grinned, and then ran to the front alone.

Tang Jiao secretly sighed and shook her head.

Several of them are masters in Yaoxing, each with their own temper.

Su Yuan didn't say much, but turned his attention to the prisoners on Gangyanlong's back.

This trip, since it is a mission arranged by the Sky Survey Division, even if nothing happens, something will happen. Otherwise, what is the assessment?

It's nothing more than soldiers coming to block them, water coming to cover them up, and sending these people to Yanluo Kingdom when they see their tricks!

(end of this chapter)