Uchiha's Life Simulator - Chapter 90

Chapter 90

"Xu Zuo Nenghu is already an excellent response."

"But I don't have enough practice with Xuzuo Nenghu at the moment."

"In addition to Suzuo Nenghu, you can also use other defensive types of ninjutsu."

"Their first round of attacks, there is no way to dodge, they can only resist."

"If you resist, there will be a follow-up."

"The first thing to do next is to solve the flying section."

Uchiha was very jealous of Feiduan.

It's not that Feiduan is very strong.

Feiduan's real combat strength is not very strong.

If there is no death by the blood, even if he has the body of immortality, the frontal combat ability is not comparable to that of Asma.

And the brain is not very good.

After being designed by Shikamaru, it was blown into powder.

However, after combining the two abilities of immortality and death, it was too perverted.

In the case of having teammates, Feiduan does not need to rush up at all.

Just wait by the side.

Wait until teammates get blood.

Feiduan can use this blood to display the ability of Death by Blood.

At that time, no matter where Uchiha went in an instant, this effect could not be avoided.

"This simulation chapter is different from the previous two simulation chapters."

"The chapter on the night of extermination requires personal strength and the handling of others."

"The Civil War chapter is more about dealing with other people."

"And this chapter of Akatsuki's organization is purely personal strength."

"No one can help me, at least temporarily."

Before the simulation, Uchiha suddenly caught a rabbit from the outside and brought it into the Jizo space, just to test whether he could bring his teammates into the simulation.

But during the simulation, when Uchiha entered the Jizo space, the rabbit disappeared.

"Organisms can't be brought into the simulator."


"If I can bring in creatures, I can completely coax Matekai into the underground space. When the simulation starts, I will throw Matekai directly out, and once the eight doors are opened, no one can stop it."

But no.

If it doesn't work, Uchihchan can only rely on his own strength.

"The first way is to raise the level of Xu Zuo Nenghu."

Suzuo Nenghu is divided into several grades, which requires continuous practice and development before a stronger state can be used.

Initial form, with only arms and ribs.

The first form has an upper body skeleton.

The second form has upper body flesh and coat.

In the third form, the coat becomes armor.

In the fourth form, the lower body appears, and the body shape is greatly improved.

Complete body, unusually huge.

"The second method is to use powerful defensive ninja tools."

For defensive ninja tools, Uchiha instantly thought of the armor of the Snow Country and the ninja tools of the Craftsman Ninja Village.

However, the armor of the Snow Kingdom was investigated by Uchiha Setsuna in the simulation of the Civil War chapter. At that time, the armor of the Snow Kingdom had not been perfected, and even now in the real world, it was even less.

"The ninja tools of the Craftsman Ninja Village are there. After all, they were made by Qingming."

"Qingming has been dead for I don't know how many years, and he is a figure of the same era as Qianshouzhujian."

"The ninja tools are in the hands of the orphans of the artisan ninja village."

The images of those people appeared in Uchiha's mind in an instant.

"The third way is to get other powerful defensive abilities."

There are many types of defensive ninjutsu.

Uchiha's Suzuo Nenghu is actually a very strong one.

Even Uchiha's current use is only the initial form.

"Tu Dun has a lot of defensive ninjutsu, but I can't learn it."

"Water Dun's defensive ninjutsu isn't as good as my primary form, Suzuo Nenghu."

"Lei Dun Chakra mode is very strong, but in the simulator, I couldn't get it. In the real world, it is even more impossible for me to break into Yunyin Village to **** and steal."

"The technique of spraying water is restrained by the opponent's thunderbolt."

Uchiha thought a lot in an instant.

Including the fusion of the eternal kaleidoscope and trying to go to the moon, but to achieve these two points, the difficulty is much greater than the above three points.

"But more importantly, my talent is not good enough."

"Learning ninjutsu, in the real world, I will learn very slowly."

"It's equally unpleasant in the simulator, but the time in the simulator has no concept, especially the text simulation."

"Getting external power will be easier for me."

Uchiha suddenly thought of something.

The Nine-Tailed Chakra in the Temple of Fire.

On a boy named Sora.

Sora is Kazuma's son.

Kazuma was one of the twelve guardian ninjas who wanted to kill Naruto all the time.

"Not only Sora, I can also consider Takiyin Village."

At present, Uchiha's strength is a stable shadow-level, and it is not a weak one. The basic attributes and abilities are extremely strong, and the only thing lacking is experience.

"My Healing Game"

And the time to practice each ability.

Uchiha's expression suddenly became a little weird.

"It's still amazing."

"Before, I wanted to get props from the simulator to improve my strength to overcome the difficulties in the real world."

"And now, I want to get props from the real world, improve my strength, and go through the difficulties in the simulator."

This main change is the real world, and the current crisis of Uchiha instant is not so critical.

Killing Uchiha Itachi is not difficult for Uchiha instant.

With Uchiha's current strength, let's not say that the night of the genocide will not happen, Uchihsan can't guarantee that the old men of Konoha will not go crazy~www.mtlnovel.com~ But at least under the protection Those people who are close to him, Uchiha Setsuna is completely fine.

In addition, Uchiha Setsuna doesn't actually have such a strong affection for other members of the Uchiha family.

In the civil war chapter, some dovish Uchiha's performance made Uchiha's instant dissatisfaction.

And the attitude expressed by some members of Uchiha after Uchiha Setsuna decided to marry the Yamanaka family.

Plus the end of the Civil War chapter.

Uchiha Setsuna noticed a description.

Some Uchiha members were dissatisfied with the situation of Uchiha being close to the people and marrying the Yamanaka family, thinking that this tarnished Uchiha's nobility and left Konoha.

In this regard, Uchiha just wanted to say one thing.

- Just like you, noble scumbags, if it wasn't for me, you would all be dead.

"Not everyone in the Uchiha family deserves to die, not everyone is evil, not everyone is extreme, not everyone is selfish, not everyone is arrogant."

"Similarly, not everyone is a good person."

"But Uchiha Itachi's view of the Uchiha family must be wrong."

"Uchiha Itachi's approach is absolutely wrong."

Uchiha came back to his senses in an instant.

"I don't really need to worry about Xiao's organization chapter simulation."

"This simulation is only once a month."

"Xu Zuo Nenghu, Ninja Tool, Tail Beast Chakra, collect kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, try to go to the moon, and do it simultaneously."

It was getting darker.

A drowsiness swept over, and Uchiha's eyelids fell heavily in an instant.

the next day.

off topic

Thank you, Bu Mengsen, for the life of Xiao Taohua, let's take a look at the reward from Baili Yixian classmates.