Uchiha's Life Simulator - Chapter 89

Chapter 89

As Uchiha's thoughts moved, a strange force fell on Uchiha's body.

Uchiha felt his consciousness sink into the darkness in an instant.

After a long time, Uchiha suddenly regained consciousness.

open one's eyes.

A gust of dank air swept in and hit his face.

Uchiha looked around for a moment, and his position was under a big tree. At this time, it was raining, the rain hit the leaves, and the ground was muddy.

"This is a fantasy simulation."

"It's really, really real."

"In terms of games, the previous text simulation was equivalent to a text online game in ancient times, but now it is a large-scale modeling panoramic virtual reality, which is several grades higher."

Uchiha's eyes lit up slightly.

"Text simulation has a big flaw for me, that is, all things like experience cannot be brought back to the real world, but environmental simulation does not have this problem."

"I am here with my true consciousness."

"Get the full experience."

"But what is this place?"

Uchiha's body became solid in an instant, he had the ability to move, and he just took a step.

"Monthly Reading!"

"Exploding clay, biplane!"

"Water Escape, the technique of great bombardment!"

"Lei Dun, pseudo-darkness!"

Suddenly, four extremely powerful attacks hit Uchiha in an instant.

Uchiha instant: "???"

Uchiha's child Kongmeng shrank in an instant.

"Xu Zuo Nenghu!"

At the critical moment, Uchiha used Suzuo Nenghu in an instant.

A white skeleton arm appeared, surrounding Uchiha Momentum.

Quickly break free from control and seal.

"Fire escape, the art of arrogant fire extinguishing!"

The next moment, a huge flame erupted, drowning and hiding Uchiha's entire body.

at the same time.


An invisible vortex appeared, and Uchiha walked in in an instant.

Entering the Jizo space, Uchiha suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

But Uchiha's face was still a little ugly.

"This is Yuren Village!"

"And my opponents are members of the Akatsuki organization!"

"Another **** start."

In the Night of Genocide, Uchiha's opening confrontation is the beginning of hell.

Run away early and die.

Hide on the night of the genocide and die.

Take refuge in Sarutobi Hibiki and die.

It took more than half a year until I took refuge in Danzang.

Uchiha instant is the first step out of the chapter of the night of the genocide.

In the chapter of the civil war, the Uchiha clan was surrounded by strong enemies outside, and there was Adou who could not help it. Uchiha instantly relied on the card BUG, which made the Uchiha camp gain enough strength.

But after twenty-nine simulations, the Uchiha faction won, but the casualties were enormous.

"And this time."

"As soon as he appeared, it was Yuren Village, and he also faced the ambush of several members of the Xiao organization."

"It's more difficult to start than the Night of the Genocide and the Civil War."

"At least there is still time for those two chapters to start."

"It's good this time, you didn't give me any time."

"Fortunately, I have Xu Zuo ability."

"Fortunately, I have room to hide in the ground."

"Otherwise I would be dead now."

Uchiha's eyes flickered for a moment.

"But I can't stay in the Jizo space forever."

A line of translucent text appeared in front of Uchiha instant.

This is a countdown.

"Half an hour."

"The condition for the end of the simulation is that the battle fails, and defeating and fleeing is also a way of losing the battle."

"The simulator only gave me half an hour."

"Within half an hour, I must leave the Jizo space and return to Yuren Village."

"Otherwise, the simulation will end directly."

Uchiha thought quickly for a moment.

"I have to think of a response as soon as possible."

"Judging from the attacks I have suffered before, the members of the Akatsuki organization outside are Uchiha Itachi..."

"Uchiha Itachi is already dead in the Civil War chapter."

"Is this why the Akatsuki chapter is called a special chapter, because it is not a continuation of the civil war chapter."

"I Have a Scroll of Ghosts and Gods"

Uchiha instant can understand.

An emulator is like a game.

The official chapter is the main thread.

The special chapter is the copy.

The two do not interfere with each other.

It is very common for monsters that have died in the main line to appear in the dungeon.

"And Jiaodu, dried persimmons, Deidara."

"Even if I have a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, even if I can use the moon reading, even if my illusion resistance is already quite high, but Uchiha Itachi uses the moon reading on me, and I will still be affected for a moment."

"The other few people are also not weak."

"And there are more than a few of them present."

The members of Akatsuki's organization come in pairs.

Red Sand Scorpion and Dried Persimmon Ghosts are a team.

Deidara and the Red Sand Scorpion are a team.

Kakuto and Feidan are a team.

"So it wasn't four people who ambushed me, but six people."

"Before the other two could take action, I escaped into the Jizo space."

"One against six is really difficult."

"These six are strong."

Uchiha frowned instantly~www.mtlnovel.com~ pat! "

Uchiha looked at the voice in an instant.

A drop of blood fell.

Uchiha looked at the dripping blood in an instant, looked up, saw his arm, a wound was exposed, and Uchiha's Tong Kong shrank.

"not good!"

The next moment, Uchiha quickly picked up a storage scroll next to him.


There was clearly no one in front of Uchiha, but a wound appeared out of thin air on Uchiha's chest, and a lot of blood spurted out.

In Uchiha's mind in an instant, the appearance of Feiduan appeared.

"Death by blood!"

Feiduan has a secret technique from the evil gods.

Once the blood of the enemy is obtained and the formation pattern is drawn, the enemy can be injured by self-mutilation, and Feiduan himself is immortal, so this ability is tailor-made for Feiduan.

You are defeated.

[Simulation ends.

[Please choose one of the following two options as your income.

[1: None.

[2: The thing you held tightly in your hand before the simulation ended.

"I choose 2!"

Uchiha's consciousness returned to the real world.


The memory and perception in the simulation are all still there.

Uchiha couldn't help taking a breath.

The feeling of being pierced through the heart is too sour.

This is absolutely absent from previous text simulations.

"The opening is a six-person ambush!"

"How can I survive this round of attacks?"

In the simulation just now, Uchiha had already reacted quickly enough.

But the opponent's attack was more ferocious.

"That time was too short, I didn't even have time to enter the Jizo space."