I guess people just have their kinks, Xander muttered to himself. He looked at Amon with 'bleary' eyes, asking groggily,
"What is it? Have we landed?"
"…Yes, we have landed earlier than expected."
"Huh? Why? Hasn't it been 15 hours?" Xander asked, confusion written all over his face. Amon stared at his face before saying calmly,
"There was a situation earlier, and I can't explain it clear what happened next; we just suddenly appeared in the airs.p.a.ce of Eta. We are a bit far from Coldwater City, Beta province, so we are going to go to the closest province to Delta, which is Gamma province. The plane is going to do an emergency landing at the domestic airport in Vanice City."
Xander thought for a bit before nodding in agreement and closed the door to his cabin. Amon, on the other hand, met up with his two other brothers, with Gammon asking, "Was it him?" Amon paused for a moment, before shaking his head.
"By the state of his cabin, and his facial expression as well as the look he had, he just woke up. He had no relation to the event of the airplane being moved magically into Eta airs.p.a.ce." Upon hearing this, Gammon and Bamon looked pensive, as they were checking the evidence that Amon had placed in front of them, a recording of the earlier conversation.
The flight was uneventful and after 2 hours, the plane already landed at Vanice City domestic airport. After proving their ident.i.ties and answering questions from the press, the trio escorted Xander out of the city and headed to Delta province, their last stop being Callows City.
By 5 pm, they had reached Callows City, where they dropped him off and said their farewells. Xander hugged each one of them, casting [Lakshmi's Grace] to each one of them. He then smiled at them, saying,
"I'm giving you all a blessing, hehe :P" He then skipped to the gates of his villa and closed the doors, leaving the trio confused about what just happened. They shook their heads and returned to their home base in Eta.
Once Xander was inside the villa, he scanned the whole place and saw nothing seemed to be out of place, and there were no traces or remains of foreign invaders.
He headed first to the laboratory in the bas.e.m.e.nt, which he had not visited for 2 days. The current time acceleration when he last visited was 1 second: 2 years, so a total of 345,600 years should have pa.s.sed; It now had the same time flow as Eden.
When he got in, he was surprised to see how the laboratory had changed. First and foremost, all his gla.s.sware and laboratory materials and set-up turned into a crystalline-like structure. The mountain filled with different metals, ores, gems, and crystals was growing nicely, roughly 60 kilometers tall and a radius of 2 kilometers. No sentience or sprites were formed, to the relief and surprise of Xander. He had calibrated the laboratory to be able to handle sentience development.
He checked with the ordered system rules and was surprised to see that the section allowing the birth of sentient and high-level beings were removed. So only basic plants, trees, and insects and animals can form, and magic beasts can be formed from the insects and animals that appeared. Not even sentience can be developed, as he had tested it with [Samsara Revolution] on the animals that evolved from this lab.
He checked the trees of creation and destruction, hoping to see something different. First, he approached the two Trees of Destruction and was surprised to see a single, withered leaf growing from the longest branch. Although it was withered, it was firmly attached to the tree, making Xander curious what the tree would look like if it was filled with leaves like this or shed the leaves. Do they have a special property?
Xander then headed to check the 6 Trees of Creation, and he was surprised at the 3 oldest trees. They were in full bloom, the stamen, and pistil quite distinctive and in very bold contrast to the rest of the flower. The flowers themselves came in different colors, each flower having a different color or a shade of a color. However, no fruits have been developed. The same with the recently planted trees. They were still flowerless but filled with vibrant green leaves. All the leaves and flowers of the trees were similar to that of the Tree of Destruction, like no matter how strong you blow the wind, it doesn't fall or snap off.
Xander thought for a moment before deciding to meditate in this s.p.a.ce once in a while. Maybe it can give me the breakthrough in Order and Chaos elements, Xander consoled himself.
He then tested some theories that he had gotten from the papers from the Galactic Empire, testing the scenarios. After 10,000 years, he finished with 1/2 of the uploaded research papers and theoretical experiments and saw that in that set of papers he finished, only a quarter seemed feasible and replicable in the universal setting. He cleaned up and left the laboratory, after harvesting the growing Cla.s.s 7 fruits, as well as the ores, gems, metals, and crystals in the mountain. In the past 10,000 years, he had also been creating different elemental crystals, all of which were the size of a young kid, weighing 50 kilograms each. He had them stored in his portable storage as well.
When he left, it was quarter to 8 pm and saw 6 unfamiliar people in the proximity of his house. His old guards were still hidden, as I mentioned to them that they can only return tomorrow. He checked the database he had and had a match immediately: these were military special ops Cla.s.s X people. What are they doing here, Xander wondered.
He called his parents first concerning the situation, and they clarified that it was the government upgrading the security around him, which Xander really didn't need. His parents were hopeless too since his great-great-granduncle also agreed with this plan.
He rolled his eyes; that otaku ancestor of his should better shape up. He opened the front door and exited the villa, appearing at the entrance gate, looking at the five military men and 1 woman present. He eyed each one of them as the latter eyed him, observing and marking noticeable traits.
Xander then smiled at them and said,
"You must be the additional guards sent by the government as part of my protection? Do come in." He opened the gate and let them in, and once again, silence and serenity filled the surroundings.
Once they entered the villa, Xander gestured for them to sit at the seats available in the living room. None of them sat, still focused on their task.
"Greetings, my name is-" Before the buffed man could say more, Xander cut him off.
"No need for introductions, James. You and your fellow soldiers are of Squadron 2, Eagle Camo division of the Military. The division is renowned for its effective but brutal tactics in the military. James, Michel, Danes, Rafa, Farhouid, and Azaya. James being the captain, and Azaya, being the co-captain, both DemiG.o.ds. The rest are Mythic-8 and Mythic-9 magicians." Xander mentioned their ranks, their division, and even their current cultivation levels, surprising the group. However, before they could react, Xander continued to speak.
"I don't need any introductions for myself. Just remember the 3 rules I have in the villa. If you break any, I'm not sure if you can survive from the security measures in place." Xander then mentioned the rules coherently and succinctly, while the soldiers remained in silence.
"As you are working for me, you are to act as my bodyguards and as my chauffeur going to school. I don't care how you plan to do job rotations, just ensure my daily life will not be affected." Xander said dismissively. He then looked at each and every one of them, causing them to unconsciously stiffen up.
"Now, who among you can cook? Because I need to eat dinner."
After eating that lackl.u.s.ter dinner prepared by their captain, James, his smart.w.a.tch indicated an incoming call, this time, from his father.
Majes' figure appeared in front of Xander, looking grave, catching Xander off-guard.
"Dad? What's the matter? Why the grave face?"
"Son, return to the family villa. Your mother and I have something to tell you of the utmost importance."
Upon hearing this, Xander nodded and exited the call, then called one of the guards, Danes, to drive him to the Cloverfield's villa in Callows City. It was the only villa that the Cloverfields had in the city besides his own.
After 20 minutes, he reached the villa and was in alert mode that the villa was too quiet. The lights were also turned off. He hacked at the server of the house to check the security footage and the power controls.
It confused him to see his parents, their friends and colleagues hiding in the dark, carrying some sort of party poppers. Xander couldn't help but sigh. He had thought for a moment something bad happened to his parents. He signaled Danes to guard the vicinity and immediately send a form of signal to alert him if there are enemies.
He headed to the walkway and rang the bell, yet no answer. He knocked as well, but no answer still. He decided to enter from his old room, quickly flying to the window and moving through it like there was no matter that was hindering him, to the surprise of Danes who could what Xander was doing outside.
Xander appeared at his room, and was surprised to see that the room was kept the way it was. There were three large bookshelves with a height of 1.5 meters, just enough for Xander to reach the books when he was 4 and 5 years old. His old bed was still the same. Even the Wooden floor where he had accelerated so many times was also there. Xander tapped it in a sequence that only he knew, and immediately, a face appeared from the floorboards. If it was anyone else, they would have blasted it to bits, but he knew who this was, and why it was even formed in the first place.
"My lord, you're back!" the face said, almost screeching. Xander rolled his eyes. This was his first experience of a sentient being. In truth, they were rare, but Xander managed to create one on this specific part of the floor in his room. When it was born 2 years ago, Xander instilled in it the belief of him as its leader and with its undying loyalty to him.
"Shh! Quiet down! Jacks, why are parents and their friends hiding on the first floor, trying to surprise me?" Xander asked as Jacks' current body had already spread all over the house and even the foundations, as well as the nearby trees in the villa and out in the streets.
"Oh, they have a wonderful announcement to tell you, my lord. It would be better for them to tell you directly than I." Jacks said respectfully in response.
"Hmm… ok. Go back to pa.s.sive mode." Xander tapped in a unique sequence once again, forcing him to be on pa.s.sive protection mode.
He then left the room silently and headed to the second-floor corridor. He planned to surprise them in the living room.
Once he reached the staircase, he could see the silhouettes of people standing by. He decided to scare them by amplifying his voice and distorting it, using the elements.
"My, my, my. We have some unwanted guests in the house." Immediately after, the whole place lighted up with different spells being readied and locked on Xander's body. Xander on the other hand, merely walked down the dark staircase, releasing a simple orb of light. However, this...o...b..of light had a sub-elemental property of Devouring. Wherever the light pa.s.sed, all the spells that the people below vanished, being destroyed and taken in by the orb of light. It grew larger and larger, lighting up the room, showing the surprised looks and fear in the eyes of the people.
At this point, Xander snapped and the orb dissipated, but the light remained, turning into beautiful starlight in the darkness, enthralling the viewers.
"Mom, Dad, you know I don't react well to surprises. Why did you try to surprise me, haiz." Xander's regular voice echoed in the first floor, causing his two parents who were secretly alert to lower their guards and open the lights in the room. Once it did, the starlight slowly vanished from everyone's sight, awakening everyone.
"Haiz, son, it was supposed to be a good surprise."
"…Dad, you do you still remember what happened when you tried surprising me in the shower? I'm older now, but my powers are more potent as well. Do you want a repeat of that? Sheesh."
"Mama, why did you allow dad to do this? I could have hurt or embarra.s.sed you guys by accident." Xander said after looking at his mom, shaking his head. He then headed to the two of them and gave each one a hug and a kiss.
He then looked at the other people around, greeting them with a perfect smile that could only come from a child.
"h.e.l.lo, seniors and fellow researchers. I'm sorry for the sudden surprise, but at least you saw that starlight at the end, right? Please treat it as my apology." Xander said, his voice apologetic.
The others merely laughed and hurriedly said it was nothing to worry about. Xander then looked at his parents for an explanation.
"Well son, hmm… Faria, you tell him. You know I'm bad at this."
"Ok, sweetie, you know, when the stork came and delivered you to us-"
"Ah, stop, stop mom! I get it, I get it. You're pregnant? Who's the father?" Xander said shyly, before saying the latter part with a serious voice.
At this, several of the guests laughed; two of his dad's friends even spit out the drink they had, nearly choking in laughter.
Majes' face turned red, while Faria was surprised that such humor would come from her baby boy.
"You little kid, I-"
"It's just a joke, just a joke, dad, hehe. Mom, when did you find out?"
"Well, both I and your father found out 2 days ago, when you were still in Nema. I had pregnancy morning sickness, according to Dr. Mayback. It seemed I had been pregnant for 4 weeks, around the time your cla.s.ses began."
After hearing the situation, Xander nodded, before suddenly freezing, his eyes turning silver and black, surprising and alerting his parents. The area surrounding Xander suddenly became frantic, as an invisible gust of power ravaged the area, but didn't seem to touch any of the things around him. As they were going to whisk him to the hospital, Xander's eyes returned to normal, and the area calmed down.
He then looked at his mom, and dad, his face containing an indescribable emotion.
"Huh. Oh my. I didn't expect that would happen," he muttered. He then faced his parents, his face serious.
"Mom, Dad, can we talk somewhere private? I have something important to tell you both about the pregnancy. It's a serious matter."
Seeing his serious look, his dad talked to some of his friends, before heading to the second floor, to the study room both his parents used. The room was quite plain, with only a table, and 4 bookshelves filled to the brim.
Immediately, he discovered 3 video w/audio bugs and a small pinhole camera strategically placed to have a 360-degree view of the room. He immediately destroyed them all, creating a small fizz.
He then began to talk about the matter.
"Mom, I saw your future… yes I know, I should have told you I can see the future of others for the past few years, yes, yes. Anyways, your future and the babies' futures you carry. Yes, you'll be having twins. Fraternal twins, 1 male, and 1 female. For the next 9 months, they will grow, each as large as a normal baby. You will have hard labor, to the point that you will be in a comatose state for 2 years. It is caused by the elemental affinity of my younger siblings, which basically conflicted with Plant and Youth elements, as they have 2 primary elements: Metal-Heavy, Atrophy-Fester and Entropy-Array, Poison-Death elements respectively. Also, because of the stress in work that affected your emotional wellbeing that translated into physical ailments.
The main problem is when you are in labor, several groups and organizations will attempt to kidnap my brother and sister. They will fail, but dad will be seriously injured, almost close to becoming a cripple. Since mom is down for the count as well, both the two clans argue, and settle with one child each. Their experience under each family can be summed up in one word: Cold. Even when you and dad recover, the coldness and cynical perspective will be present in their hearts, minds, and actions."
Xander then wrote a few things in his smart.w.a.tch before sending it to the two of them. The two were still surprised with the information that they had received. For one, they had heard rumors from the other families that their son was able to divine the future of anyone, divining the Elven Queen's death, and the Head General's fate and current situation. They don't know if they should trust Xander but seeing him never make a joke about their lives, they decided to put their faith in it. After all, what's the worse that could happen? Unnecessary preparation? Better ready than never.
"This is the most probable scenario to happen if nothing too drastic changes the situation. To change that most-probable near-future scenario, first of, for the next 9 months, you have to take a work leave, and you need to consume Cla.s.s 3-7 fruits that are rich in Life and Plant elements so that the conflict of the elements wouldn't be as severe, and you won't fall into a coma for 2 years."
"Now, concerning the families attempting to ambush you two, the list I sent contains the specific members involved and the people who were behind the plan from each family. Either deal with them early on, or place more people from the clan, people you can both trust to do so, make them sign a binding contract if possible, around in the delivery room and all around it, including the bottom and the upper floors. The best solution is still to have doctors deliver it at home. If you hadn't noticed, the whole house had been modified for quite some time now, capable of withstanding several peak attacks from Divine-9 magicians or one attack equivalent to a Sage-1."
"Now, I also got rid of all spy cameras and bugs in the room. However, there are some left in the other places of the house." Xander tapped his foot once again, and the face of Jacks appeared, surprising his parents.
"Jacks, remove all the bugs and spy recorders in the house. If you see a servant or bodyguard placing a bug, you are free to kill them immediately."
"Yes, my lord! Right away!" Jacks nodded happily, before disappearing. Majes and Faria felt the powerful suppression the face gave out, as if with just one look, they would be killed.
"Don't mind him, he's a servant uncle Simpson gave me 2 years ago. He's very obedient to me." Xander said, attributing the presence of Jacks to his alter persona. The two nodded, as it seemed plausible since Xander and Homer Simpson had been interacting for around 4 years. According to the character of Homer Simpson, he is most likely willful and very particular about things, but he holds friends.h.i.+p dearly.
Seeing them not say anything, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Truthfully, Jacks was basically born after 2 years of continuous time-acceleration, reaching a frightening level of Divine-6 from being a Mythic-9. For the past 2 years, Xander had exposed a certain part of his room to the time acceleration of 1 second: 1 year, reaching 63.6 million years. Of course, for Xander at the time, this was the limit of his speed, when the specific area of the room, no more than 20 centimeters in radius, is affected with it. It was because of Jacks' appearance that he wanted to test if sprites could also be born the same way.