Time Twister - 69 Pov: Creating Snowflake City

69 Pov: Creating Snowflake City

Two figures could be seen lying around on the tree's branches, one of which was a turtle gently snoring, and another, a humanoid that was looking up in the sky.

As I looked up into the stars that seemed to s.h.i.+ne bright every night, I couldn't help but feel saddened, a bit melancholic, if you will.

Life seemed a bit idyllic for me. I just needed to order the other sprites and magic beasts, protect the tree of life… is that all there is to life?

I'm quite happy that in a few more hundred thousand years, I can leave this garden.

I really want to explore the big, wide world with a master.

Oh, master, why are sprites like this, not affected by age, but our cultivation itself is reliant on our ages? Why can't we be like other beings that can cultivate at their own pace?

Why must we be weathered, becoming stronger as we experience the pa.s.sing of seasons?

I'm really just…bored? Or unfulfilled in the correct term. There's not much to do here.

I closed my eyes and went to sleep. That's what I do most of the time, anyways.

The next few weeks and months were a bit of a blur. There were many situations where Pan and I had to step in and decide for them.

However, 20 years later was when I had an important decision had to make.

The sprites and magic beasts wanted to create a very, very large city, where everyone can freely come in and live, trade, or even meet with their friends.

Pan and I discussed it for a while.

"Pan, what do you think of this plan? It seems feasible, but to create a city that can accommodate all kinds of sprites and magic beasts… it would seem to be quite a stretch." I said, pointing out the main problem of the idea.

This was because there were different kinds of magic beasts being introduced whenever their master appeared, and some of them grow to become very huge, reaching the size of up to 200 meters in length, or their weight becomes astronomically large that they couldn't even move from their place without risking the ground collapsing. There was also the matter of the sprites; there were different sprites, both mobile and immobile origins.

How do they ensure that the place they are going to establish the city would not affect the immobile ones? Once the city is made, how will the sprites of the immobile ones reach the city if they can't move their origins freely? After all, there's only a certain distance from their origins for sprites to move until they dissipate and return back to their origin and reform their physical bodies again.

Pan munched the piece of metal in his mouth, his eyes a bit unfocused.

After a moment, it regained clarity and he said to me,

"Why not create a "snowflake" type of city?"

"Snowflake? You mean…" I said, trailing off as I immersed myself into the idea.

It was plausible. A snowflake usually consisted of a core and its secondary points, before its main points at the end.

I then gathered those who were proficient in architecture and landscape design to create a blueprint of the planned city.

After 5 years of continuous labor, the architects, landscape designers, and I finally created a blueprint for the planned city.

It was going to be a 16-pointed snowflake city. The core of the city is the tree of life, so they planned to leave a radius of 10,000 kilometers from the current growth of the trees to have enough s.p.a.ce for its growth and avoid disrupting the other parts of the city.

The 8 secondary points were between the 8 main points, a bit shorter than the main points, but have larger hubs than the latter.

There would be 16 main roads for each point, and every 25,000 kilometers, a hub is created, for a total of 3 hubs for each main point, and 2 hubs for the secondary points.

In the main points, the hub sizes are equal to one another, with a radius of 50,000 kilometers each. These hubs would create 2 additional roads on its sides, branching out and producing 2 smaller hubs with a radius of 10,000 kilometers each.

In the secondary points, the hub sizes are equal to one another as well, with a radius of 75,000 kilometers each. They would not produce any secondary roads to lead to smaller hubs, but rather, they have secondary roads that connect to the nearby hubs of the main points.

The main points' distance from one another is 200,000 kilometers each. The total area of the snowflake city would be 193 billion kilometers. The distance of the farthest city from the tree is now 385,000 kilometers, which can be easily traversed by DemiG.o.ds and above.

Now that they had a blueprint, what they needed to do now is collect or create the necessary materials.

According to the earth and metal sprites and magic beasts of the said elements, they could produce certain metals that the building making required, but they needed metal references.

This was when I thought of a solution: ask master!

I immediately connected to master through our bond, asking him if he could send over the strongest and flexible metals and crystals that he had, explaining the reason why.

After a few moments of silence, I heard master reply,

"Sure, no problem. I placed them already on top of the tree. I like the idea of the snowflake city, in fact, it gave me an idea of how I will modify Eden in the future.

Don't worry about the s.p.a.ce, I had adjusted the distances of the trees of life to be at least 500 billion kilometers from each other. You can be sure that the cities you make won't overlap with one another."

"Thanks, master! Don't worry, we will do our best, hehe!" I said shyly. I was quite pumped up, and collected the metal samples from the tree, each of which was the size of my head, but had different ma.s.ses.

The research of the metals took around 10,000 years. During this period, the other materials were quickly located and prepared to be cultivated and gathered. In the meantime, the architects, landscape designers, and I focused on improving the fine details of the blueprint.

Since there was a wide stretch of land between the hubs, why not place some of the living homes of sprites and magic beasts? They planned to make houses to cover that 25,000-kilometer stretch of land with houses.

They alloted a 16 square kilometer area per home on both sides of the roads, producing a total of 37,500 homes per main point, and 25,000 homes per secondary point. This would show a total of 500,000 homes estimated to be built on the side of the roads. They could have made the plots smaller, but that wouldn't be comfortable for some sprites and magic beasts that wanted enough s.p.a.ce for privacy or were very, very large creatures.

For the sake of fairness and their personal safety, no one was allowed to build homes 10,000 kilometers away from the current end growth of the Trees of Life.

After this, they began to focus on each hub: How will they design it? Does it cater to a specific group, etc? I asked the opinion of Marie, Mary, and Fae. Marie and Fae, A fire sprite and a magic beast, both gave the idea of elemental priority design.

This means that each main point had a certain element as its dominating theme. When Mary heard of this idea, she asked me how I will resolve the issue of those with elements that are not in any of the main points. I said that a possible solution is to make the secondary points' hubs to have a mixture of elemental priorities.

Seeing it feasible, I thanked the trio and continued to design the city hubs. After a few decades of researching and census, the elements were decided for the first city.

Main points: Light and Darkness, Fire, Water, Air, Earth/Metal, Wood, Life and Death, and Fate.

Secondary points: Secondary derivatives of these elements, one from each. The same goes for the smaller hubs branching out from the main hubs.

Time really does fly, if one is living the moment. It felt… fun. It wasn't boring anymore like before. There really was something happening.


60,000 years pa.s.sed by since they completed the research on the metals and its alloy derivatives.

The framework and foundation of the city were slowly being built. Everyone was contributing whatever they can contribute to making the city and its hubs.

I guess… being a leader isn't that boring after all, huh. I paused, then let out a soft giggle. I can't help but wonder how long this feeling would last until I feel bored again. However, for now, I'll make sure to enjoy it.

I looked at Pan, who was busy tasting some of the different cuisines that the sprites had begun to experiment on, with his face full of delight. It seems even my buddy had found meaning as well to staying here for a little longer, huh.

I think… I'll stay here for now. Maybe, delay until I reach Divine cla.s.s, like Marie, Mary, and Fae.