They Said My Status Stayed The Same Even Though I Reincarnated In Another World!? - Chapter 7-8

Chapter 7-8

Chapter 7: What happened to my problem with trouble!?

Author: Sakurakiri Kohaku (桜霧琥珀)

Okay, going to start and do my staple. The cheat sheet on the top, it will eventually grow to include new characters and appearances.

Fari von D’azell . Previously Nanjou Yukiho, nicknamed Yuki by Kami. 

Is currently 10 years of age.

Kami-sama, or also known as Kamille. Is a girl that looks 12 but is a G.o.d. Has silver hair and red eyes.

Also Fari always uses, 私 aka female p.r.o.noun watas.h.i.+.

“Well Kami-sama! What about my problem!? My problem with having troubling thing happen to me hasn’t been cured!”

That’s right.

If I go back to my 10 years of life here. All of my problems continue to happen.

For example, I was kicked 10 meters in the air by a horse the other day.

I thought it was a funny story, but when I told the maid she started crying and she left the mansion in shame.

My miserable unfortunate fortune continues from my past life, and when I talk, I still sometimes can’t read the room.

“You said you would like to improve your problem with misfortune, right? However I like to seeing Yukii in trouble. In fact, I made your problems happen a bit more frequently. That’s the improvement”

“H-How awful. . .”

In other words, the only thing I actually asked for in my previous life didn’t even get fulfilled.

Is she actually an evil Kami-sama?

Well, I guess that’s just the reality I live in.

“By the way Yukii. Don’t you have a swordsmans.h.i.+p test?”

“Eh? Oh yeah. That’s right.”

“You should get going, your father is still waiting, right?”

Kami-sama just reminded me.

Right now I’m suppose to go practice my swordsmans.h.i.+p with Papa.

I was told that what the results are will determine my future.

So in other words, it’s to see if I have a future as a warrior daughter.

Regardless of my regained memories, I am still Fari von D’Azell. Daughter of a warrior family, and I want to make them proud. 

I tightened my facial expression, and regained my composure.

“- – -Anyhow Kami-sama, let’s talk later. Right now I need to concentrate on my fight with Papa. Let’s talk more about reincarnation later.”

“Of course. I’ll always be at your side Yukii, because I’m watching you. I am the G.o.d who reincarnated you. So it’s my responsibility to watch over you. So if you want to talk, I’ll always be there.”

“Thank you very much Kami-sama.”

I feel like I was just told something strange and ma.s.sive.

Anyways, I need to concentrate on the fight.

I went to my room to prepare myself in front of a full length mirror

Long glossy ruby red wavy hair. And for the sake of fighting, it is tied up in a high ponytail.

I have sharp bewitching golden eyes that don’t fit my age.

I’m actually pretty good looking.

I was kinda self aware about my cuteness before, just because of everybody saying it.

However once I got my memories from my previous life, I’m truly just realizing.

Well then, that’s enough about my appearance. I simply changed clothes and sheathed a sword to a sheath attached on my belt. I gave a little war cry after inspecting my equipment.

“- – -Alright, Let’s do this!”

Chapter 8: Papa VS Me

I opened the door and went into the battleground.

At my home there is a knight training grounds.

It’s a familiar sight, so it’s not an unnerving place.

No, well. Ever since I remembered my reincarnation and was told all the c.r.a.p Kami-sama has been doing behind the scenes. I can’t help but feel a bit overwhelmed.

“- – Oh, it’s good to see you Fari.”

Suddenly I heard a bold male voice shake the air.

It was my Papa, Gilbert von D’Azell. He was standing in the center of the training arena.

“It looks like you didn’t get cold feet.”

“Thank you, Papa. But I am naturally strong. . .Right?”

“Quiet so, you are my daughter after all, Fari.”

My Papa has already prepared his sword.

My Papa mastery of a weapon is actually the spear, rather than the sword. His spear-man s.h.i.+p is unmatched in all of the lands.

However his skills with the sword is also top notch. Even the head of the D’azell knights can’t win easily in a practice match. It’s a true duel when they practice.

His proficiency in the martial arts is recognized by all.

That’s my Papa.

Of course I’m a 10 years old.

So he will of course be going easy on me. Although, easy is a relative term.

I’m a child, so I have a light weight custom made short sword that even children can handle.

“- – Let’s start the match!”

A voice rang out from somewhere.

It was the voice of a group knight, who will be the judge. They are watching a bit away from the practice ground.

They don’t have to worry about getting involved though.

I broke off into a charge with all my strength and swung my sword.


A swung from the diagonally and a flash from steel on steel, My Papa easily caught my sword with his.

Our height and body are also very different, but above all, the speed and technique are different. Papa easily blocked my fastest attack. And in addition to that, his posture is firm and he is easily able to counter attack.

With no words, my Papa sword clanged off my and I was thrown away as he gave a sweeping attack.

I was able to jump back and dodge it. I was able to stabilize myself and brace myself.

However my Papa quickly filled in the s.p.a.ce between us and instantly his sword was swung down from the top.

Gakiing*! The sound of metal hitting metal blew through the air.

I was in a pretty unfavorable position. 

I slid my sword towards the side to s.h.i.+ft the pressure off me and onto the ground. 

Once it was a bit further away, I slid out and swung towards my Papa while sliding my back foot out to get some footing. His blade reacted and caught it.

He went to counter attack and push my sword off his. He lunged his sword towards me. However I was able to hit his blade away with the edge of my sword and pushed my body into his. 


I pulled my sword towards me and hit him in the stomach with the hilt of my sword.

I then flipped the sword and stabbed towards him from behind.

He jumped back right as the short sword lunged towards him, he was obviously surprised by my sudden attack. 

I thought this was my chance now though. 

I jumped into the air, preparing to fall towards my Papa with all my force.

I raised my sword.


I yelled as I struck down with all my strength.

I really couldn’t translate the fight scene that well. So I kinda made up the middle of it. The ending and start are the same though. Hopefully it kinda makes sense, but don’t blame the author if it sucks, It’s just that I suck. Also I translated the whole fencing thing wrong. I don’t know what it is, but I’ve been having a hard time translating some of this. It’s either the word choice they use, or the writing style, but it’s pretty difficult to make sense of it at times. They used 剣術 for fencing. I should’ve looked it up more, I just took it at that, but it’s actually an umbrella term for j.a.panese practice fighting with practice weapons, or Kendo weapons.

I placed these two chapters together, because they are so SHORT! I can get them done pretty quickly, but I don’t want to spam people’s inbox for something that could be read instantly. So let me know what you think. If you prefer the single chapters or you like this. Or even, should I combine 3?