They Said My Status Stayed The Same Even Though I Reincarnated In Another World!? - Chapter 29-31

Chapter 29-31

Author: Sakurakiri Kohaku (桜霧琥珀)

Okay, going to start and do my staple. The cheat sheet on the top, it will eventually grow to include new characters and appearances.

Fari von D'azell . Previously Nanjou Yukiho, nicknamed Yuki by Kami. 

Is currently 10 years of age. Ruby red long wavy hair and striking gold eyes not fitting her age.

Kami-sama, or also known as Kamille. Is a girl that looks 12 but is a G.o.d. Has silver hair and red eyes.

Also Fari always uses, 私 aka female p.r.o.noun watas.h.i.+.

Father is Gilbert Von D'azell. Master warrior.

Rigurett Beuze Crausus: Long blond silky hair, blue eyes. Uses 2 bayonet guns, and is really good at magic, four attribute magic.

Translator: Mamuni

The first practical test is a test without magic.

So far, you have to fight against a prepared humanoid golem.

If you beat the golem, a new stronger golem is then thrown in. Then another one.

The number of golems you beat, indicate your strength ranking.

"Fufu, I'm looking forward to our match, Fari."

She chuckled, but still had excited eyes.

I'm far from looking forward to it. I already have a stomach ache. . .

Looking at the scores of the other candidates, the average is 5 or 6 total kills.

People with no martial prowess usually have a hard time with 1. 

On the other side of that, people who are really skilled in physical combat get more than 10.

Among the people I saw taking their test, Was a woman with knight like equipment defeating the most so far. She destroyed 17 golems.

There are only 20 golems available, so she almost got them all until the time limit ran out.

"307! You're up!"

Finally, it's Rigurett-san's turn.

She walked up onto the stone testing stage. She was standing opposed to a golem.


Once the examiner said that, Rigurett-san and Golem-san started to move.

Rigurett-san instantly filled in the gap- – -then at lighting speed, she slashed through it with her bayonet.

The golem was cut in two. However it wasn't stone, simply soil. So that's an expected result. 

A next golem was then summoned, and. . . Rigurett had no trouble with that one either.

Then another one was summoned, and another one defeated. That when on for awhile.

Eventually they changed it up. On the 11th golem, the material changed from soil to stone. 

For most people, the momentum of defeating golems stop here.

It's pretty hard work defeating a stone golem with only iron weapons.

It's possible to defeat them if you target their weak points. And you can do ma.s.sive damage if you hit their core at their chest properly, but the golems movements make all of this difficult. It's going to be especially difficult for her, because those bayonets don't have crus.h.i.+ng damage.

However once the golem appeared Rigurett-san simply gave a slight grin.

Without hesitation she rapidly closed the distance. Then stabbed her bayonet into the vulnerable core.

With the help of her momentum, she pierced deep into the core of the golem.

The stone golem was defeated instantly.

Examiner's and onlookers alike, all started to raise a ruckus.

One after another, she slayed each new stone golem with ease.

Then she stacked up the 20th kill. Each kill she pierced the core with a single blow and destroyed them.

Viewers of the spectacle gave cheers and applause.

"All of you knock it off! Get back to your exam! 308, You're next!"


I replied and got up on the stone arena.

As I was walking up I pa.s.sed by Rigurett-san, who was walking down.

"I'm looking forward to it."

She said that in a victorious tone as she pa.s.sed me.

She truly believes she won already.

. . .No. Well maybe.

Anyways, even if I destroy all the golems, it will just be a draw.

However I don't plan on it being a draw.

Because I'm going to. . . do my best acting and lose to Rigurett-san!

I don't want to stand out at all.

It's not good for my mental health if I actually does end in a draw.

So I'll simply act like a skilled child and lose.

At the same time, I'll still get a good score so I could get the attention of the teachers, however not so good that I'll keep their attention.

By doing that, I may also be able to convince Rigurett-san that I tried. Also she will then be able to take all of the attention away from me.

Fufufu. . . Rigurett-san, you'll make a perfect scapegoat. Now I won't need to worry about standing out.

It's finally time for my exam to begin.


Once the examiner said that, the golem started to move.

I started to move a bit late. I should act like a child, so starting to move late is important.

The movements of the golem is terrible.

If you have any knowledge in martial arts, you can defeat it with ease.

I know I can do that simply. However I just want to give off the impression of me having moderate strength.  

I unsheathe my weapon. . . it was a short sword made for children.

The golem is made out of soil, so I shouldn't need to worry about not penetrating it. I easily closed the distance and defeated it. It has obvious movements so I don't need to worry that much about dodging.

Then the 2nd one came up, and 3rd then a 4th. . . I was defeating soil golems one after another.

The soil ones won't continue forever. Once the 11th golem comes then there may be some problems.

I cut down the 10th without any difficulty, then the 11th one was summoned. It was a stone golem. However this one moved and looked like a trained soldier.

For me however, it's child's play. The training with my father far outweighs anything this golem can dish out.

However if I simply destroy this stone golem I'll stand out.

I lured the golem to attack, and then I evade. Lured him to attack, then evaded. Rinse and repeat.

Eventually the golem's balance gave out and it tripped.

When it fell on it's back, the core was exposed.

I jumped up on top of its body and slammed the b.u.t.t of my sword into his core many times.

Bas.h.i.+ng it instead of stabbing it will do much more damage. I am a swordsman, and I know it's pointless to slash at a stone enemy. All it will do is damage the blade.

Rigurett-san thrust into the stone golem. Her stab never missed, all of the damage was concentrated at one point, so the damage to edge was minimal.  It was enough to destroy the core.

However I don't have the luxury of doing that.

I am a child, so I don't have that much power. . .Well actually my status is twice as much as Rigurett-san. That's just a setup though. I still need the force to back that up. (設定としてです。そういう設定で演技をしているのです。TN: I'm a bit confused "Tired" so I don't know about this one.)

So therefore, it's impossible for me to destroy the golem with a stab. Slas.h.i.+ng is of course no different. 

I'm using the metal b.u.t.t of my sword like a hammer, bas.h.i.+ng the core.

Even with the power of a child, I can break it with enough repet.i.tion. And because he is on his back, he can't move.

So I bashed, and I bashed. Hammering away on the core many times.

Once I was able to crack the nucleus it fell.  

It was pretty easy.

A second golem that was shorter was soon summoned. Because I'm a child, I'm suppose to have low stamina. So I pretended to be out of breath. I would naturally be drained after wailing on a huge monster like this golem.

Eventually I defeated the second stone golem and then a third. I was breathing heavily, raising and lowering my shoulders. Of course this is just acting, I want to make sure I look like a simple child.

Having to outpace each stone golem would put a considerable toll on your body. So n.o.body should suspect I'm lying.

I'm already on the 13th enemy. So that's also a reason for my fatigue.

I now have a good enough reason to give in. 

Obviously this is just an act, I'm not even winded.

With this I'll end it.

When the golem approached, I walked back and intentionally tripped on my heel.

The golem's heavy fist flew towards me.

I prepared my sword in front of me to cus.h.i.+on the blow.

"- – -Enough!"

The golem's movement instantly froze. The examiner signaled the end.

"12 defeats. For your age, that's an impressive feat. It's a sign of amazing things to come."

The examiner said that to me.

"Thank you very much."

I thanked her and got off stage.

Rigurett-san was waiting for me once I got down.

She was sulking.

I don't like where this is going.

". . .So I guess I win."

I feel like she isn't convinced.

"Ahaha, well I did my best. However once I got to the 13th one, I was just too tired to fight well."

"You say that, but you're not even sweating."

. . .Oops.

I completely overlooked that.

People further away from me wouldn't have noticed, but Rigurett-san is right in front of me.

Also apart from sweat, my body wasn't even hot from the work out. It's obvious to see through it.

". . .If you really don't want to stand out that much that you would do that. I won't say anything, but I will say this."

She then sighed.

"However, I can't help but feel insulted. You are a total disappointment!"

Then she briskly walked away from me.

I can't help but feel overwhelmed.

I was told I was a disappointment.

I betrayed her expectations.

Those words echoed in my head. – – – Then some memories poured into my head.

When I wasn't Fari, but was Nanjou Yukiho.

 I could never read the atmosphere, and often acted selfishly. I often got into conflicts with people just because I wasn't thinking about their feelings, and did what I want.

Back then, I always told myself I couldn't help it. 

However- – -sometimes it was my fault.

I've treated not only strangers like that, but even important friends.

The oldest past life memory of something like that happening, I can think of is when I was in elementary school.

There was a time that all the boys were engrossed in a card game.

I didn't like playing the card game, but I liked collecting the cards.

There was a time when my cla.s.smate said he wanted to trade cards.

I was happy to give him one, because I kept getting duplicate cards.

In exchange for that I would get a card I did not have.

That seems like a fair deal.

However. . .It was a bit more complicated.

The kid I was exchanging cards with was the bully of the cla.s.s.

When he won the game, he would force the loser to exchange their rare cards.

He gained more unique cards that way, and I exchanged for them.

What's more, I was giving strong cards to the bully. Naturally he would get stronger and stronger.

So I was indirectly allowing him to win.

When I finally realized what I was doing, I was already hated by all the boys in the cla.s.s.

–  – I just simply said it couldn't be helped.

I was a truly disliked child.

One day, one of the boys pulled me aside.

At that time, I realized what actually happened.

The bully finally realized he s...o...b..lled up everyone's cards.

But. . .I didn't really accept responsibility for it.

All I did was exchange the cards. 

At the time I didn't understand why people were upset with me.

In retrospect. I would have been upset if I lose to a bully with OP cards. Even more if he then forced my important cards out of it. Then having those important cards given to another kid that was supplying the bully with OP cards.

However to be honest, thinking back on it. I wish I simply traded with everyone. Not just him. Or actually just given everyone their cards back to make up for it.

But I didn't do that. I didn't even give back the rare cards that were taken away by the bully and given to me.

After that, n.o.body talked to me. Not even the bully. Not even my close friends.

I repeated stuff similar to that, over and over again. I betrayed my credibility with my friends, and lost a lot of them.

Although, I was aware of it.

The fact that I did that in the past just sunk into my self conscious. I just felt like it was something I couldn't help.

I disappointed a lot of people in my past life.

That's why Rigurett-san's words shook me to my core.

I might have been able to make a friend, but I ran away from the work needed to do that just for my own convenience.

I don't want to be in that situation again. I don't want that loneliness.

I quickly ran to catch up with Rigurett-san.

h.e.l.lo another chapter for you. This one with backstory and character development. Pretty cool. I can't think of anything to say. However the next chapters might just be a two one because kinda getting side tracked with other stuff and just generally tired.

Anyways next chapter in 3-4 days. I don't think we are going to finish the exam thingy just yet.

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