They Said My Status Stayed The Same Even Though I Reincarnated In Another World!? - Chapter 26-28

Chapter 26-28

Author: Sakurakiri Kohaku (桜霧琥珀)

Okay, going to start and do my staple. The cheat sheet on the top, it will eventually grow to include new characters and appearances.

Fari von D'azell . Previously Nanjou Yukiho, nicknamed Yuki by Kami. 

Is currently 10 years of age. Ruby red long wavy hair and striking gold eyes not fitting her age.

Kami-sama, or also known as Kamille. Is a girl that looks 12 but is a G.o.d. Has silver hair and red eyes.

Also Fari always uses, 私 aka female p.r.o.noun watas.h.i.+.

Father is Gilbert Von D'azell. Master warrior.

Rigurett Beuze Crausus: Long blond silky hair, blue eyes. Uses 2 bayonet guns, and is really good at magic, four attribute magic.

Translator: Mamuni

There was a woman standing in front of Rigurett-san. It was the examiner.

There are three examiners. All of them can use the search magic. And for the sake of being accurate, all of them use search on the same person.

The search results are not disclosed to anybody, but the examiner's themselves.

It's natural that some people want to keep secrets, and the examiners know that.

Regardless of that, it's still scary.

If my apt.i.tude with all attributes and resistance get's leak. I won't even be able to properly take the test because of how much it would effect the other candidates.

My overpowering talent would just overshadow all of the other candidates.

Aaaahhh! This sucks!

Just imaging it is making my heart beat rapidly! I could hear it quickly thumping in my chest!

I don't like this feeling!

. . .No, calm down. I don't need to get upset.

I can't escape now. Also the accuracy of the examiner's search is probably poor. There is a high possibility that they will miss my apt.i.tude.

Ahh, however I can't count on that.

"Number 307! You're up!"

That was Rigurett-san's number. She walked in front of the three examiners.

"Would you kindly."

She said that politely and gave them a bow.

  –   – That gesture.

I feel like I have seen that somewhere before. . .

Hmm. . . Well whatever.

For now, I thought up something. Rigurett-san should be the best candidate taking the exam.

If I use her as a reference and compare her to myself. I can also see how they would react and guess how much they could actually see. Also my powers are sealed, maybe it will hide my actual status.

So I decided to use my super search on her. 

I looked at her and concentrated. 

Soon, Rigurett-san's status flowed into my head.

Rigurett Beuze Crausus. (リグレット・ベーゼ・クラウサス(Regret Beuze Crausus)(TN: The author actually wrote it out in English. Thank you author ❤)

Life: 4,674

Power: 4,892

Attack Power: 323

Defense Power: 204

Magical Power: 1,645

Agility: 492

Skills: Swordsmans.h.i.+p(C) Marksmans.h.i.+p (C)

Magic Apt.i.tude: Fire (B), Earth (B), Wind(B), Electric (B)

Magic Resistance: Fire(D), Water (D), Earth(D), Wind(D), Electricity(D), Darkness(D).

Life is Physical Vitality. Also it's not like you die if it reaches zero, you just usually faint or can barely move.

Power is kinda like Energy or Mana. It's the fuel needed to use special techniques, such as magic. It recovers over time or by using a potion.

Attack Power is the status involved in non-magic attacks.The higher the stat, the greater the damage.

Defense Power is the status that contributes to damage mitigation. All damage mitigation I might add. The higher it is, the less damage you take.

Magical Power is related to magical attacks. The higher it is, the more damage. I think you get it by now.

Agility is related to speed. The higher it is, the faster your attacks will be. If you are a wizard, it somehow also affect you spell activation time and silent chanting. 

And then there is skills. Those are skills/attributes that are special to each person.

With regards to magical apt.i.tude, and magic resistance. . .well I already explained that earlier.

Once I saw her magical prowess, I knew she was a magical genius after all.

It is strange that she has more magic resistance than magical apt.i.tude, but still, looking at it. She has an exceptional talent.

Also Rigurett is a n.o.ble after all. The structure of her name is the same as n.o.bles in this country.

But I- – -I feel like I've seen the name Beuze Crausus before.

I'm still 10 years old, so I rarely see the social world, and I don't know that many people.

So why does that name sound so familiar. . .

. . .Well I'll have to come back to that. This isn't the time to be focusing on it.

So I now know the status to compare my own.

Now It's time to see how much this seal actually helps.

Fari von D'azell

Life: 6,928

Power: 3,839

Attack power: 624

Defense Power: 503

Magical Power: 928

Agility: 493

Skills: Swordsmans.h.i.+p(B), Archery(C), Martial Arts(C), Storage(S)

Magical Apt.i.tude:Fire(C), Water(C), Earth(C), Electricity(C), Wind(C), Light(C), Darkness(C), Life(C), Non-attribute magic(C)

Magical Resistance: Fire(A), Water(A), Earth(A), Electricity(A), Wind(A), Light(A), Darkness(A), Life(A), Non-attribute magic(A)

It's no good.

It's bull c.r.a.p that my powers were really sealed. Even with the largest seal, I have already surpa.s.sed Rigurett-san in various ways.

Also my search skills is exposed, and it's an S.

Plus why is my attack power over 600? It completely overwhelms Rigurett-san, and she was the top candidate in the last exam.

[That's because of you~ Yuki ♪]


There was a sudden voice in my head.

. . .Everybody was looking at me. Oh I accidentally raised my voice, and n.o.body knows why I just did that.

. . .Ahh, please don't look at me. I don't like being the center of attention. . .

[Ahahaha! Yuki, It's me. Kami-sama.]

Yeah, that's definitely Kami-sama's voice, but why is it echoing in my head? 

[We have a special connection, Yuki. We can easily talk through your thoughts.]

(W-What? Have you been reading my mind the whole time?!)

[That's right.]

(Haaah. I would whack you if I could see you.)

. . .sigh. Well anyways.

(Why is my status so high even though I have the max seal?)

[Well Yuki already had great physical abilities in her previous life. It wasn't superhuman though. And because you trained extensively with your father, you are quite experienced regardless.]

I see. . . Well yeah, I never had a problem playing sports in the past.

However, I didn't really like sports, so back then, I didn't move my body that much.

"Next! Number 308!"


It's my turn now. I nervously walked towards the examiners.

All 3 of them were smiling a little.

Well, I am a kid. However It doesn't seem likely I can use that as an excuse to escape the status search.

Well, that would also probably mean I would fail.

Also it seems like the examiner's are much nicer to me than the other candidates.

However that might make me stand out even more to them if they see my status. . .I wonder how much I will stand out. . .Ahh, this is making me depressed.

"Well, to start the exam. After we see your status, we will ask you a few questions. Answer them honestly."


I am completely frozen. I can't move because of how tense I am.

It's finally time for me to be searched.

In front of the examiners, an image of my search results floated.

It was obscured for anybody but them thanks to a device.

The three examiner's calm facial expressions changed once they saw the results.

It went from surprise to then pale. It was like they saw something ridiculous.

". . .Hey, is that right? Is that apt.i.tude right? "

"Yes it is. That apt.i.tude is. . .also that resistance. . ."

"I see it too. I've never seen anything like this, I've only heard about it in legends. . ."

Y-u-p, it leaked.

My attribute apt.i.tude, and my insane magic resistance.

From now on I'll stick out like a sore thumb.

"Get the other teachers, then they could all use search. We need to make sure that this is correct."


One of the examiners ran off somewhere.

After a while, a bunch of other women gather all around me. These are apparently the other teachers of the hunter academy.

"Is it really true?"

"Of course it is! . . I know it's hard to believe. However the search results of 3 individual people all confirm it. I don't think it could be a false positive."

"Well then. Everybody who can use search, collaborate together and use the highest grade."

As they said that, 10 women surrounded me and started their search magic.


It's not hidden?

This time it wasn't hidden, it was plain to see.

Nooo! All the candidates can see it as well!

As I thought, all of the other candidates stopped and looked at me with a shocked face.

One by one, they started to make a crowd around me.

And then. . .near the center was Rigurett-san.

She was glaring at me with an earth shattering expression.

Ohh. . .I don't understand why, but I think she is really angry at me.

Rigurett-san really hates me. . .I thought she was going to be my first friend here. . .

"Alright, it looks like the search results aren't a lie. . .Candidate Fari. I am going to start asking you questions. Answer them all honestly."

"O-Okay. . ."

I was completely worried about Rigurett-san. I felt like my heart was broken. Not only am standing out now, I also lost a possible friend.

Then one of the examiners started to question me.

"It seems that you have a high attack power and magic. . .especially that magic talent. Also your other skills don't seem to match your age when compared to other candidates. Have you been specially trained?"

"Umm, well. I trained with my Papa."

Once I said that, the teachers around me started to make a ruckus.

That's right. . .I'm the daughter of the D'azell family. My name was also disclosed to everybody.

Let's just hope that none of the other candidates knows about the n.o.bility social society.

. . .Probably not though.

"Hmm. . .and then there is your skills. I can't believe your swordsmans.h.i.+p would be at a (B) at your age, but even more than that. I've never seen a storage with an (S)." 

I suppose.

All because of Kami-sama's over kill preferential treatment.

"Usually, storage is (F). Some of the world's top storage user have (C), but an (S). . . I can't even imagine how large that capacity would be."

"Hmm, I don't know. . .I have never done that."

"You have never used it? However it is an S?"

"Oh, Um. I have used it a bit, but I've never used it's full storage."

That caused an even larger ruckus.

"Uh huh. . .Well last question, is your magic usable? Actually are all of the attributes usable."

"Umm. . .I've only used non-attribute magic."

That was a lie. I've used the electric resistance a bit. However I want to hold back on giving any groundbreaking news, so I tried to make myself modest.

However it had the opposite effect.

"(C) level magic without having any experience. And in all attributes. . ."

The examiner seemed surprised. More surprised than before.

"- – Ahh, well. That's the end of the question. You've pa.s.sed the status check. However there is still a possibility that you will fail the other test, regardless of how talented you are. So do your best."

"Okay, I understand."

Finally I was released from the search exam.

Once the search magic disappeared, all of the teachers and examiners disbanded. Everybody left to go continue their own exams.

Then there was only one person here. The person who now hates me. 

I resolved myself and called out to her.

"- – -Um, Rigurett-san!"

"What is it?"

"D-Did you see my search results?"

"No. It wasn't visible to anybody other than the teachers. No one could see it properly. . .Why do you ask?"

"N-No reason!"

So apparently the reason why everybody was looking at me with surprise and curiosity, was because I was the 10-year old being surrounded by a large number of teachers, and all the teachers were mumbling and talking among themselves. I don't think anybody else found out about all of my attributes/resistance, or my storage.

Maybe I don't need to hide after all.

"Even if we couldn't see your status, we could all tell that it must be incredibly strong for all the teachers to gather around. . .Although, regrettable. The uproar you caused was considerably larger than the uproar I caused last exam. You must have some amazing abilities, and that is now well known to all the examiners and candidates."

"Uuu. . .I don't like it. I don't want to stand out. . ."

I squatted on the spot, went into a fetal position to hide myself.

They don't know about my magical apt.i.tude, name or storage. So I'm in a much better situation than I thought.

Still. . .I'm going to stand out.

I peaked out and looked around me. A lot of people were giving me side glances, or sneak peaking at me. Again and Again and Again. Everybody was still watching me, even when they went to do their own things.

"You don't want to stand out. . .that's impossible for you Fari. Regardless of this whole ruckus, if you take the hunter's academy exam at your age and then pa.s.s. Everybody would have taken noticed."

"Uuu, But, I still. I just wanted to not bother anybody, and do it as quietly as possible. . ." 

"You should've just not taken the exam if you really wanted to stay undercover."

"Well, I didn't want to do this. But my Papa told me in order to become a skilled hunter, I need to go here to study."

"Ah, that is the education policy of the D'azell Family. So that's why Fari is here. It's finally clear."

Uh oh, I just leaked everything out to her in the flow of our conversation. . .

Rigurett-san noticed my eyes shaking with anxiety.

She simply laughed and said.

"Calm down. I'm not going to tell anyone your secret. I have one or two things I can't say either."

"Thank you very much. . ."

"Y-You don't have to look at me with those watery grateful eyes!"

Anyway, it seems like I don't have to worry about that secret leaking even more.

"However, more than that, Fari. I do have a request relating to your abilities."


She has a request.

I want to hear it!

She is a wonderful person that has kept my secrets, a secret. I want to repay her, if there is anything I can do, I'll do it!

"Well. . . I'm not sure if it's a request or more of an offer."

"Haa, well what kind of request is it?"

"A match."


"Think about it like a game. I want to compete against you in this exam, and see who gets the better results."

T-That is bad.

I don't want to stand out.

If a 10 year old girls rivals or perhaps even worse, beats her. I will stand out so much. Especially given how skilled she is.

"Oh, um Rigurett-san. D-Do you perhaps have another request? One that doesn't make me stand out that much."

"You will stand out no matter what you do. So, instead of standing out alone, it's better if two people stand out together. If that happens, then the attention on you will decrease."

Is that so?

Well, I feel like I will get more attention than Rigurett-san. . .

In the first place, the reason she is saying this is probably just to convince me. All she wants to do is compete against me.

". . .Hmm, has that not convinced you?

"Yeah, it hasn't. I hate standing out."

"What a shame."

Rigurett-san sighed and had an expression of giving up.

However I feel like she is just faking it.

"Well that's unfortunate, however without a rival on my mind, I may even get reckless. If that's the case, something might slip, although it's a small possibility, I might accidentally call you by your full name. I might not."


"We're also in a condensed s.p.a.ce, so I have to speak loudly. I can't help, but feel that way. Unless Fari takes the contest." 

She's a devil. Rigurett-san isn't a nice person, she is just a nice devil.

I can't risk my secret getting out there.

". . .I understand. I'll play your game."

"Oh, you changed your mind? I'm so happy."

As if she was unaffected by her ploy, she simply laughed and smiled at me. 

h.e.l.lo. Another chapter release. Hope you guys are enjoying the chapter compressed ones. I am really enjoying the MC personality s.h.i.+ft. She completely becomes a nervous child unless she is dealing with a G.o.d. Also there is now this interesting dynamic with Rigurett and Fari. Looking forward to it. Rigurett name is just (Regret) according to the author. However I'm not going to be using that, because it would just be really confusing. I couldn't use the word regretful, or just regret without it being confusing. 

Next chapter is in 3-4 days~ Going to try to finish the exam story line, but I don't know how many chapters that is. I don't think that many from now.

Thank you ClueTeaEh for the coffee. I'm enjoying it right now. And yes, I'm still having fun translating, because then I can give it you guys and see the responses/chat.  It's a win, win.

Here is the link  

I'm tired right now, so I think I'm going to need a coffee.