The World We Do Not Know - 80 It's The Delinquents Time

80 It's The Delinquents Time

Both Aion and Faust look so bored with nothing to do. Clearing his throat Peter continues. "Ok, next one, Faust? I believe it's the gentleman sitting in the corner?" Peter shouts.

With a strong thump from his leg on to the ground, making a huge sound, Faust gets up from his seat and walks towards the teacher. He shows his anger by thumping his shoes on the floor at every step he takes.

"Heh! I don't think these guys will do anything."

"They basically look weak too if you see."

"Apart from good hair and dressing styles. These guys lack talent." 

"He looks kinda cute though! Not going to lie."

In between the glares and starry-eyed infatuations from the students, Faust stands in front of the table. He wipes the moisture off his hands, placing his hands on the table. He closes his eyes and with a deep breathe he starts focussing on the stones.

A good five minutes have pa.s.sed and no stone is reacting. Peter comes forward to check if the stones have been affected by the spiritual power of the others.

"Ah perhaps!" Peter grabs his set of papers, reading the last page. "So you are the one who cannot use spiritual power!" Peter says in a surprise.

The whole cla.s.s turns completely quiet for a minute. No one has ever heard of a person without a spiritual power.

"Ahh! No wonder your hands are sweating before." Faust steadily opens his eyes. The first sight in front of him are the stones, laying dormant without a trace of energy in either of them.

"Are you done 'channeling' you 'spiritual power'?" Peter remarks, "I think I need to talk to the regarding you. I don't know how you will be able to survive in this world without spiritual power! I really pity you." He continues.

The whole cla.s.s bursts out in laughter once they realize what is happening in front of them. A human without spiritual power, really took them by surprise.

"I thought maybe the water stone let out a drop of the light stone became dimmer. But man! Talk about pathetic."

"What? No way! Does he know about this before?"

"Why did he come to school if he knows he doesn't have any spiritual power before?"

All the students their own conclusions on him.

*"I knew this would happen! These guys would definitely bring a bad name to our cla.s.s."* Ming Jie thinks to himself, as if he has already antic.i.p.ated this would happen.

"Shut up!"

Faust mutters in a low voice, enough to reach every student in the cla.s.s. His face is still looking down towards the stones.

"I don't care if I don't have spiritual power! I don't bother with flashy weapons." The shadow of Faust on the wall flutters slowly and the place that Faust is standing became dark all of a sudden.

"In the end, I will be the strongest, you guys have ever heard." Faust declares.

But what the whole cla.s.s including Peter notices is, one of the stones is emitting energy. The black stone which is dormant all this time is suddenly glowing and from within the stone, a dark cloud of aura is bubbling out.

Within seconds the aura, filled up the table and overflowing. Spreading out and reaching the students that are sitting.

The students on the other side starting to h.e.l.l and panic, seeing the dark aura coming closer to them.

Faust instantly retracts his hands from the dark cloud that creeped up to his forearms. He did not understand what was happening either.

And while everyone is watching a light glows from within the dark cloud that surrounded it. "S-so beautiful." A girl utters with a blank face, she did not force the words out of her mouth. The words came out of her heart. The dark cloud with a small light glowing from within looked pretty in its own way.

After the dark cloud has disappeared without a trace and the heart beats of students calmed down. "I have never seen one before." Peter opens his mouth.

"I have never seen this black stone awaken before. There is only one person in the history of mankind to use the black stone." Peter is lost in a dilemma on how to react. He wanted to shout and yell out loud and at the same time appreciate Faust.

But regaining his senses, he left the cla.s.s in a hurry to inform the and other renowned teachers about Faust.

Among all this chaos, there is only one kid who is calm. Aion is sitting still with an evil grin on his face.

"Well done Faust! I told you right? That you would evoke something. Now are you happy?" Aion welcomes bewildered Faust, who is walking towards his seat.

"How Aion? I don't have spiritual power and I know about it. Just how?" Faust questions in a surprise. He, himself could not believe what he just witnessed.

"Well, n.o.body knows a thing about the black stone or it secrets. So it's hard to a.s.sume anything right now." Aion snuggles.

"But look at you! You have the altered s.p.a.ce and you are a black elemental stone user. What else this school needs?" 

"What? You have altered storage too? Isn't that an expensive tool? You need to show me once dude!" A student in front of Faust, turns back in excitement after hearing Aion talk about altered s.p.a.ce storage.

"Altered storage too? And tell us more about your black stone! What kind of things can you do with it?" Another student Sitting in front of Aion joins in the conversation.

*Faust of cla.s.s 9-B! Please come to the's office as soon as possible!*

"Woah!'s office?is he going to get rewarded or something?"

"They must have called him to negotiate the fee. Now that they know he is a black element user, they don't want to lose him to other schools."

An announcement aired from the speakers created a stir among the students, increasing the hype around Faust.