The World We Do Not Know - 79 The Day Of Awakening – A Lightning User?

79 The Day Of Awakening – A Lightning User?

"Hi students! I'm your homeroom teacher for this year. I go by the name of Peter. Nice to meet you all." He pauses to take a breathe while scanning throughout the room to continue.

"Now! I will have you people stand in front of this trolley. Then you will place your hands on the handprints and channel your spiritual energy. Then the respective stone which resonates with your spirit will choose you." The teacher that came inside announces to the whole cla.s.s.

"Oh! And you two are eating in the first period? It's not a lunch break yet." He raises his head high, asking both Faust and Aion.

Both of them doesn't talk or respond to the teacher. They behave as if the teacher doesn't exist in their world.

All the other kids are surprised to see how they don't even bother about the teacher. 

"Wow! They are so cool  they are not even a bit scared of the teacher."

"Oh my! They both are hot too."

"We have delinquents in our cla.s.s? from the very first day? I will not let those punks ruin my study."

"I'm ok as long as they don't cause disturbance in our cla.s.s."

The whole cla.s.s is  talking about Faust and Aion. Some are admiring their bravery, while others are despising.

"Well I'm ok! Kids your age Should eat a lot and stay healthy. And so, you both are last in the line to take the awakening test." The teacher makes it clear in a demanding voice.

"Tsch." This affected the pride of Aion and faust. They still continue to eat.

There are seven stones on the table on total. 

A 'White' stone: which enhances the physical properties of a human, which let's one to move at an insanely fast speed. jump to greatest heights and superhuman strength.

A 'Red' stone: which is the bombarding/fire element, the energy that is released from these stones have a high bombarding nature.

A 'Yellow' Stone: which is the light element, the person using this stone have the light on their side. With the help of latest technology, the light stone users can be fatal. But they are vulnerable during nights, since they cannot produce the light itself from their body.

A 'Green' stone: which is the air element, helps the person using this stone to control air bullets/arrows/manipulation of the air.

A 'Blue' stone: which is the ice element, is the stone which is mostly awakened by martial arts. The stone enhances the weapons used by the pract.i.tioners.

A 'Purple' stone: which is the lightning element, is considered the strongest elemental stone of all. With only limited people being able to awaken this stone.

An 'Orange' stone: which have another crystal embodied within, that gleam of jadeite, is the spirit/healing element. An extremely rare element with only one in thousands awaken this stone.

"Ok! Please come in the order that I call your names." Peter emphasizes while examining the names, on the paper he is holding in his hands. "Li Ming Jie" Peter looks up at the spirited cla.s.s.

"Wow! Isn't it the one who ace'd the entrance test?"

"No kidding! His spiritual power is on another level."

"I'm not out to be surprised if he awakens lightning or healing element."

Li Ming Jie immediately stands up as he hear people chattering continually about him. His chest fills with pride, even though he pretends like he did not hear anything.

He walks to the front and stands before Peter, with a humble get confident smile surfacing on his face.

"Ming Jie! You came first in the entrance test. I should say that I'm pretty impressed with your scores, if you keep working hard, you will reach greater heights. Now let's see which element you will awaken." Peter states with a kind and warm smile.

Li Ming Jie nods but stumbles upon seeing another stone among the 'seven' elemental stones.

It is a black stone that is sparkling among the other colors. It looks plain at first sight but really stands out between the others. Ming Jie is not able to avert his eyes off from the black stone.

Unpleasantly, he  places his hands on the table. Closing his eyes, he channels his spiritual power. Which travels through narrow tubes towards where the power stones are placed.


As the cla.s.s is watching in quiescent, electricity surfaces like a spark around the purple stone on the table.

Every student including the homeroom teacher is in awe looking at beams of electricity sparking out of the stone.

"Woahh! The first lightning element user in our entire school!"

"This guy is amazingly! Full scores in entrance test and a lightning element here?"

"Dammit! I must be a little jealous, watching him."

"And he is good looking too.. I might actually fall for him."

All the students started gossiping about how amazing of a person Ming Jie is.

Ming Jie, who just opened his eyes to see what was happening is left with happiness on his cheeks. He realizes that he doesn't need to live in poverty in the lower city anymore.

"Wow! Our cla.s.s has its very own lightning user. With him, we may be able to aim for the top 10 in the annual school compet.i.tion." Peter starts showering Ming Jie with respect and praises. His very first student to take the awakening test has awaken a lightning element. He is more than happy with this.

Ming Jie goes walks back to his seat with a smirk in between the cheers of the students.

After him, many students awakens basic elements. Most common one among all stones. 'Bombarding Element'.

Eight in the cla.s.s with Air Element, Four of them with Ice, two of them with Light and only one Lightning Element.

"Hmm! The next one, Faust!"