The World We Do Not Know - 143 Backstabb - 1

143 Backstabb - 1

"Wahahaha, there it is!!! The strongest weapon in the spirit world." Lucifer is rejoicing in his achievement clapping his hand wildly. All the other n.o.ble's also praises Lucifer for his accomplishment.

*"It indeed is a really powerful weapon, to think that these humans excel so much in intelligence. They have been preparing this to fight me eventually and take over the spirit world. He is just showing off his new weapon to gain more supporters.* Uriel thinks to himself finally realizing the intentions of Lucifer's plans in having Uriel serving/helping his Asura family for a decade.

"The soul whisper can disrupt your soul and your spiritual power. It basically causes disturbances in the balance of the power by alternating the ma.s.s and by increasing the acceleration. It increases the force and the force released from the discs collides with the force of your soul. That causes major disturbances. This, however, makes you completely useless for an hour in the spirit world."

"The more the force is applied to you, the more time it takes for one to recover hehe, doesn't this sound just about good Uriel?" Lucifer asks as he mocks Faust, "if every being in the universe needs to enter the spirit world, they should either use the oscillatory machine or go through the soul.

Since most of them are souls, my soul whisper can disrupt every soul." Lucifer explains about the device proudly while seeming to questioning if Uriel has the same powerful machine as he does to defend himself from Lucifer.

"It is really good indeed. I'm happy I chose your family to serve. I get to learn a lot of things from the intelligent Lucifer himself. I can also improve my world's technology and use your house's technology to create more incredible things." Uriel didn't give in to the intimidation of Lucifer but in return gave a very tight slap of words to Lucifer making Lucifer lose credits to Uriel and have Lucifer's intelligence credited to him.

*Back to Roney and Yui*

"No!!! This can't happen!!" Faust who just witnessed everything says in disbelief.

Faust refuses to accept what he saw. Yui is bleeding from her nose and ears. She lay on the ground, lifeless.

"Dammit!!! I told you! I told you not to mess with her at all! I will make every one of you payback." Faust is in rage. His friend and the first girl he has ever been with was laying down lifeless in front of him.

Being a guy he should fight along with her. Being a swordsman he shouldn't be on the ground making her, his friend fight in his place.

"You will all PAY ." Faust gets up on his feet while his knees are trembling. He stands still and charges toward Roney like a mad bull taken over by rage.


"Dammit!!! I told you not to mess with her!!!!!"Faust charges towards Roney like a mad bull completely taken over by the anger.


*"This same attack again, dammit! I won't be taken down so easily. I cannot be defeated. I'm learning the ancient martial arts I will never go down by this soul s.h.i.+t.* Faust survived the attack of soul whisper on his sheer will. The same attack couldn't disrupt his soul this time and he could never let that happen again.

"This is called making things hard for me, you little brat." Roney falls back after saying the words and breathes heavily.

*"This device is eating up my spiritual power so fast!"* Roney suddenly realizes the sacrifice he had to make for the drawbacks of soul whisper.

Roney removes the two physical enhancers, the white crystal stones from his exo-suit. He reaches out to his wrists and rotates the dial on his right in the anticlockwise direction.

"75 Newtons. I'm going to kill you if you don't walk away from here." Roney warns Faust with a convicted tone.

*"I have removed my body enhancement stones. This should stop them from consuming my spiritual power and all of it goes toward these whispering discs. I'm going to teach him what adulthood really consists of."* Roney justified and he stares down at Faust.

*"Breathe in-breathe out. Focus, target the vital points, block and attack, hit and run. First cut off his arms and legs, and then go for his heart"* Faust suddenly becomes calm, resembling still water. He thinks of calculating the attacking way to take down Roney.

Yet, inside his heart, he is scared. He is only a 10-year-old kid. He is afraid and his heart just doesn't seem to be in control.

It just doesn't settle down, but he tries to act brave in front of the only girl in his life. He wants to protect her. He doesn't want to go down while she is watching.

Faust clenches his fist, but the middle phalanx (middle bone) of his index finger is protruding outwards, more than the rest of his fingers.

All the fingers are folded inwardly clenching like a fist. But the index finger is only folded halfway, and it looked like he is holding a knife in his knuckles.

Roney and Lucifer are taken over by confusion as to which martial art Faust is using. Faust takes off, hoping to catch up-to-speed with Roney and he is doing great keeping up with Roney even when Roney is having the advantage of the exosuit.

Faust pushes him close hand-hand combat with Roney and moves incredibly fast without letting Roney catch a breath.


As everybody is watching, the right arm of Roney doesn't see to move or even show the slightest moment.

Faust has severed the communication between the brain and his right arm. "Your tendon inside your arm has been cut and the nerves are dead." Faust smirks and tells to Roney as to how big a mistake he made, of messing with Faust.

Faust landed a hard blow on Roney's arm joint, and the next second, his arm is numb.

"It's not over yet!!" Faust shouts and jumps forward. He repeatedly lands many hits on the Roney's face, his chest.

Roney is scratched and cut wherever Faust made contact. Even his exo suits which are defending him are dislocated and twisted at some parts on his chest.

Faust finally lands another hit. A hard hit in between the elbow and funny bone of Roney's elbow. It was a hard hit on his pressure point. Roney stumbled.

Now, Roney's two arms are numb and lifeless and this creates an opportunity for Faust to end this fight.

Roney could feel he's losing this fight, but he did not want to give up and get beaten up by a kid who's younger than him, he was desperately prideful at this point.

"Captain, let us help you." Roney's friends yells from behind.

"STOP MESSING WITH MEEEE!!!!" Roney shouts and jumps back instantly. "Do you think I'm that weak that you pathetic people have to come and help me?" Roney yells at his friends angrily.

"Repair!" Roney shouts loud. Suddenly the exo-suit he is wearing responded to his voice commands and injects a nanoresuct into his spine directly from behind. Faust is taken over by shock. Both arms of Roney are back to normal in just a second.

"I will make you regret this, you s.h.i.+thead." Roney grits his teeth harder with rage taking over his body completely.

Faust rushes towards Roney as he wanted to finish this fight early without letting Roney to give enough time for him to rethink another plan.

"I'll make a mess of you!." Faust says as he draws his fist back to land a punch.

"Soul Whisper." Roney utters calmly.

Trauma takes place for Faust after this incident where he almost died.

"Hahah, when the soul whisper is at Max power, it can just shred and tear your spirit. The pain is greater than the pain you experience when you are in normal body. Every tissue that has been torn gives 100 more times sensation and pain than in normal body, if this isn't the beautiful art, I don't know what else is hahahaha!!"Lucifer laughs demonical-ly while he admires his creation.

"The experiment is a success on my side, how did your conversation go lord Uriel?" His smile gets taken over by curiosity and malicious intentions, with a joyous expression spread on his face.

"It's a success too, she agreed to join the sect, this mission is our pure success. I'm really happy what we both achieved from this event today, heh." Uriel says to Lucifer with a straight face. They both meet each other and shakes hands with bright smiles as a token of respect.

"Then only one thing is left if you please." Lucifer says to Uriel and seems as though he cannot wait any longer for what he is about to do.

"Of course," Uriel says, while his eyes turn pitch black in an instant, the black aura extends from his body, completely surrounding Lucifer and both of them instantly, in a pure evil second are teleported to Faust and Roney.

*"She left me, no one is here to help me, my arms hurts, am I going to die? My whole life, I don't want to die at a young age .* Faust still holds his arm and cries while he is down on both of his knees as Uriel arrives with Lucifer.

"Ah... Uncle Uriellll!!" Faust says while he looks at Uriel with all the hope in the world in his eyes. Faust just wants to hug Uriel and cry all he wants in relief that he came to protect him. *"It must be Yui, she went to call Uncle Uriel. She didn't abandon me.* Faust gets excited by his thoughts and joyfully laughs after seeing Uriel.

"Oh ya oh ya! look at the hope in his eyes, my sweet little kid who has done a great job in helping me with my experiment today." Lucifer says with a psychotic smile towards Faust. He is still feeling overjoyed with his accomplishments today that he wanted to give Faust a tight hug and thank him for their successful experiment today.

*"Huh? Who is this guy standing beside Uncle Uriel? Experiment? What is he talking about? Anyways, I need to go to Uncle Uriel, maybe he can heal my arm. I don't want to be crippled at a young age, I need to live long, I don't wanna die."* Faust slowly gets up on his feet and runs toward Uriel in hope. To Faust, Uriel is like his uncle now as he is interacting with him from the past 6 months and he starts calling Uriel as uncle and Uriel too doesn't say anything back.

"Uncle-Uncle Uriel, help me Uncle, these guys are trying to kill me, please - they even hurt Yui, do not leave any one of them. And before that can you heal my arm uncle? It hurts a lot and I can't feel it. Please uncle, do something." Faust tells Uriel who is just standing with a straight face without any kind of emotion showing on his face.

"Of course, I came here to protect you Faust." Uriel says and takes a pause. "But before that apologize to these people for making them hate you. And then they will forgive you." Uriel says with a cold voice.

*"Huh? What is uncle saying? Apologize? They are going to kill me. Did uncle lose his mind? Or did he become a saint all of a sudden? h.e.l.l with apologies* Faust rage fully thought while starring at Roney and his friends.

"Haha kid, no use in asking your Uncle Uriel, he can't help you right now. But I like you since you helped me achieve my goal. So let's do this, kneel in front of everyone behind you and touch their feet with your head and ask for forgiveness. If they agree, I will let you go home right now hah hah." Lucifer confirms Uriel's words and let him know that he doesn't have any other option.

"Huh? Unc-" Faust looks at Uriel to try to reason with him, but Uriel wasn't willing to even look at him, let alone responding in any way. He was emotionless without any expression on his face. Just like a statue would be and Faust's hope once again wad shattered into pieces.

Faust with no hopes left gets up on his feet and seemingly shuts out his emotions. He walks towards Roney and his friends without even seeming to care where he is walking, or towards whom.

His world is only dark now. He felt oppressed and forced. Everyone around him is older and matured. Still, they make a child go through h.e.l.l. What kind of experiment? What kind of humanity? What kind of a Human? What is a human? All these different kinds of thoughts flood inside his head.

He kneels on each person's foot. Leans forward and touches their foot with his forehead and asks for forgiveness like a wooden dummy who is obeying a command without any feelings left.