The World We Do Not Know - 142 Downfall Of A Princess

142 Downfall Of A Princess

*In the house of Asuras*

"Mission for Brawlers junior team." A man who takes care of the information centre in the house of Asuras says while he hands over two small rectangle-shaped magnets and asks a guard to deliver the magnets to the junior team of Brawlers.

The squad captain of the Jr. Brawlers receive the magnets. A certain seal is connecting the two magnets, once the captain removed the seals, both magnets float in the air repelling from each other and form a virtual note as big as a tablet made of electromagnetic waves. 

The two magnets are like a sealed scroll from the old days and when the seal is removed the two magnets move far from each other like the opening of the scroll and displays the message on a green note made of magnetic waves.

"Let's go, men, we got a mission from Lord Lucifer." A familiar voice is heard commanding three of the other men, after reviewing the message.

After a few days, in the place of nowhere on the layer of gateway...

"What a lucky coincidence to meet you both here at this time." A familiar voice comes from behind Faust and Yui.

Roney and his 3 friends were standing behind them at a distance from Faust and Yui.

"Hmmm, you guys never learn, do you? I have been training harder for the past 6 months. I'm stronger than before." Faust says in a cheeky way with the air full of confidence, he was sure he could kick their b.u.t.ts again.

Yui, however, is shocked and seems scared, she couldn't find the correct words to utter.

These people in the past tried to bully Yui when she was alone and cornered her. Where Faust defended Yui and kicked all the high schoolers and sent them back their way.

"Heh, let's see what you have got the kid." Roney says while he smiles from the corner of his mouth. He is fuming with the rage of revenge. No matter what the case is, he wants to take his revenge.

"N-no, Faust, don't go near them!" Faust charges at Roney and his friends at a great speed before Yui finishes her sentence.

"Hahahaha!! hah!!!, the same old way of fighting?" Roney says while he lifts his head up and covers it with his hand and laughs like a maniac.


A sharp, high pitched sound resonates in the head of Faust, his body stops in its tracks, he does not hear any sound other than the loud beep sound in his head and his body could not respond to the moments of Roney and his friends.

Roney and his friends appear to be equipped with exoskeletons that are grafted to their arms and legs. Yui had seen these frames before, she knows the extent of the danger they can cause.

Not only the exoskeletons, but some stones are planted in the frames and the weapons they are carrying.

"Hahaha, you are down already? I haven't even gotten started yet." Roney laughs mockingly as he has his share of fun with Faust. " Well, now it's your turn, miss guardian princess," Roney says with extreme anger as he turns to face Yui and traces of his mocking tone in his voice is replaced with rage.

Two of Roney's friends goes after Yui, but before she could draw her spear out, the same sound that Faust heard is heard by Yui and before she knows it, she is down on the ground. Her face displays how shocked she is of the sudden painful ambush.

The frames that Roney and his friends are wearing are powerful Exoskeletons. These frames allow them to jump at an incredible height, punch through doors and walls and much more incredible power adds with the stones. 

Roney and all of his friends are equipped with a crystal-like transparent stone. This stone enhances the human capabilities and makes them superhuman and it gives them super strength that is beyond words. This combined with the exosuits makes the foe much stronger than Faust and Yui combined.

*Far away in the house on clouds. Lucifer watches the whole thing on a big virtual screen made of electromagnetic waves in his hall and Simon is sweating. He knows what he saw just now, was something he should have never witnessed*

"Thank you for starting the show Lucifer." Another n.o.ble from the house of Asuras watching the whole thing virtually presented before him says while he cherishes it gratefully and tons of other n.o.bles started to flood on the screen as expected.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"Are you ready for the main show?" Lucifer says while he is smiling in satisfaction and pleasure, watching Roney and his friends making a mockery of Faust and Yui.

"Of course! Your shows are always interesting." Uriel who is sitting behind him on the couch replies to Lucifer with an evil smile on his face. Simon is confused about how Uriel is alright with Lucifer hurting his daughter and couldn't comprehend how sensitive the matter is right now. His whole house and family could potentially get wiped out if Uriel dislikes even a bit of what Lucifer is showing him

Yui's father and the friendly ally, Uriel is the one plotting behind this all this time.


What happened kiddo? You were so full of yourself until now. What happened to that att.i.tude now? Huh?" Roney gives an evil smirk. "I want to see you shout and act, come on get up! At least try to get up on your feet. 

Or we will just stomp on that little b.i.t.c.h, and carve her face with my little knife." Roney is completely making fun of Faust. He and his friends stomp on Faust, kicking him when he tries to get up on his knees. They keep knocking him down on the ground, again and again, laughing loudly like maniacs.

*"Huh? Why? Why am I on the ground?! It must be some trick, there is no way I would lose. I learned martial arts and sword arts. 

There is no freaking way I would stay stuck on the ground!."* Faust thinks to himself while desperately trying to get up on his feet but his body doesn't listen to him. He falls back down as he tries to get up, but Roney and his friends keep stomping on. It makes it even more impossible for him to get up and punch the s.h.i.+t out of Roney.

"Eh, I'm so bored with him now" Roney turns his head creepily toward Yui and he licks his lips, ready to eat his main dish course for the day. "let's see how our princes-s..." Roney stops in mid-sentence and the look on his face shows shock instead of delight.

Yui is standing with the support of her spear and the two people who went to deal with Yui are suddenly down on the ground, helplessly trying to crawl away from Yui in fear.

A black aura surrounds Yui's body and it acc.u.mulates in her spear covering all of her spear in the pitch-black mist. It is the exact same aura of Uriel's. The black mist-like aura then spreads to the blade and tries to take the form of some sharp strange blade but it stops as if it isn't fully nurtured yet.

"Don't hurt him anymore, or I will kill you all," Yui says while her clothes and hair are waving around wildly in the black aura. Her eyes, at this point, were pitch black, dark like a black hole, wanting to swallow all the people in front of her. She looked like a death G.o.d enraged to the point of no turning back.

*Back at the place of Lucifer.*

"Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you our secret weapon, the killing machine, Inside the flesh of the girl. This seals our deal of having you and your daughter for the next 10 years I presume? Lord Uriel." Says Lucifer while his arms spread wide open to each side defining his inner feelings that he achieved something greater.

Uriel, however, doesn't seem to be listening to Lucifer, he is lost in the admiration of thoughts for Yui.

*"That aura, the shape of the blade, this is what we need. We have the ruler of the world. We don't need to fear others anymore. I WILL FREAKING TURN HER INTO A PERFECT KILLING MACHINE!!!* Uriel is filled with greed and ambitions in his heart as he found out his daughter's true power. He even had to clench his fist tight, to hold his excitement from exploding and embarra.s.sing himself in front of these foolish people.

Lucifer who has been eyeing Uriel the whole time realizes how excited he is with this new profound luck. He sneers in his heart at the disgusted sight of Uriel. "This is not the end Lord Uriel, let me show you something greater, a weapon which will make you conquer the spirit world and n.o.body would ever be able to win a war against you. A weapon which only works in the realm of spirits." Said Lucifer.

Uriel snaps back from his trance-like state, after hearing the words spoken by Lucifer. "What do you mean?" Uriel asks Lucifer wondering what else is there other than awakening Yui's powers.

Simon who has been on the side, staying quiet this whole time and spectating the show is taken over by surprise at Uriel's sudden change of state from admiration to suspicion. The air in the room became too heavy for him to breath as he senses the uneasy feeling returns once again.

*"This is it, if this doesn't please Uriel as Lucifer wanted, this room is going to be the end of me and for Asura house as well.* Simon holds on to his breath not daring to accept this unwise plan.

"Please watch the screen" Lucifer advises Uriel and lets out a smile at Simon as a way of saying "watch what I'm about to do now, Simon."

*Back at Roney and Yui's face off*

"Heh this is just getting better and better," Roney says while looking at the overpowered Yui, he reaches out to his pockets and pulls out two silver-coloured discs and inserts them in his gloves calmly.

"Hmmmm, maybe 10 Newton force is enough for you?" Roney turns the rotatory dial attached on the side of his wrist in anticlockwise motion and the discs on the back of his hand start showing the faint signs of vibration.

"And now-" Roney takes off fiercely at a very high speed and circle all around Yui in order to confuse her of his position and to strike at her blind spot.

However, Yui's eyes were fixated on Roney the whole time, not even twitching or blinking a bit from Roney's traces.

*"She's keeping up with this speed when she's only about 9 or 10 years old? How can she be such a monster? I need to increase my physical enhancement!* Roney thought to himself and freaks out a bit by Yui's sudden smartness.

He then low-key smiles, while inserting another white crystal-like stone into his exosuit. As soon as the stone activates it emits white colour. The nerves bulge up on Roney and blood gushes throughout his body speedily.

"This is about enough." Roney charges at Yui while whispering the words to himself.

*Boom!!!~* Yui is kicked from behind and is sent flying at 20 feet away from Roney, rolling over and finally stopping in her traces.

Roney who charged at her face suddenly disappeared midway and appeared behind Yui. Even though Yui caught his moves with her eyes, her body couldn't respond in time and got kicked by Roney.

As Yui stops rolling off the ground and balances herself, she waits and watches out for his next move. But Roney is not present at the same spot he kicked her before.

Yui frowns upon her eyebrows as to where Roney took off to and suddenly...

"Soul Whisper" Roney suddenly appears behind Yui again and chants the Divine words in a whisper while holding up his hand.