The World We Do Not Know - 105 Unmatchable

105 Unmatchable

The area that Faust is standing is covered with full of dust from the strong winds and sand. Caitlyn and Fei pauses firing to let the smoke clear to have a look at Faust. They are sure that they had pinned down Faust as they are sure that he cannot use the s.h.i.+eld tool.

As the smoke starts to clear, they can see a thin blue wall of defence s.h.i.+eld in between them and Faust which looks like the s.h.i.+eld made by the holo tool. Faust is able to use spiritual power now? He did not just put up a s.h.i.+eld but a powerful one to stop the bullets of two rifles?

Caitlyn and Fei are as surprised as everyone in the audience and n.o.bles. As all of the smoke is cleared, they can see a wounded right leg which was shot and shredded left shoulder armour which is destroyed by the bullets.

"C-Captain?  Why the h.e.l.l are you here?" Fei asks in a subtle voice. Caitlyn watches in a shock.

The whole crowd in the audience jumps out in excitement while shouting loudly. No one can believe their freaking minds.

Jericho is in front of Faust protecting Faust with his s.h.i.+eld. *"I remember I was at the door of the main building! But why am I here?"* Jericho is fretting as he is standing his ground against the rain of bullets from his squad.

Jericho clearly remembers that he is almost close to eliminating one of Faust's squad members by ambus.h.i.+ng from behind them but was directly summoned in front of Faust as a s.h.i.+eld. A couple of bullets from Fei and Caitlyn hit him before he could put up a s.h.i.+eld.

*sleeek* Faust landed a slash onto Jericho from behind him, slicing through his body s.h.i.+eld. 

"Jericho! Eliminated." 

Faust looks at Caitlyn and Fei, He looks normal and like a cool hero on the first look with a smile on his face. But as he slowly starts walking towards them both, his smile appeared to be a creepy one with his eyes wide opened. He looks as though he is not in his right mind, as a villain.

Caitlyn and Fei are left in shock by the intimidating appearance of Faust. *"So this is what a Captain cla.s.s is like."* Fei gives up on shooting at Faust, at this point, Faust pretty much look like an immortal to him.

He goes in to quickly shatter the body s.h.i.+eld of Fei to eliminate him. Caitlyn, witnessing the elimination of her member. Realizes that she is in danger, her pure animal instincts came into play as she raises and points her gun towards Faust.

He disappeared, Faust disappeared from in front of her and appeared close to Caitlyn. He looks into the eyes of Caitlyn who is in shock. Faust, gently with his fingers, move her gun aside.

"End me!" Realizing she couldn't do much, Caitlyn says out of her pride. "All three buildings are plundered and Faust and his squad are the winners." Computer voice announces to the entire Arena. Caitlyn is spared or is it a coincidence?

Cheerings have touched the sky and whistles added with claps have resonated as the four of Faust's squad are returned back. Tsumugi teared up looking at her four soldiers rewriting the history of her house. 

"Ayeeee, I'm now with the youngest captain in the house with mysterious powers. Faust! can I have a word with you?" The host of the purge approaches Faust with a mic asking how he is able to jump long distances in a blink of an eye.

"It's the teleportation of course!" Faust replies without hesitation that made all of the people in the arena go silent.

"H-how?" The host asks, not being able to believe what he heard.

"Haha, I'm just kidding guys! The real reason is my black stone." Faust lifts his cloak up to expose the black stone on his armlet.

"The black stone." 

"But the previous black stone user did not do anything of this sort."

"What is his case." 

The people start voicing their own opinions, anything new and mysterious is always seen as something foreign and scary.

"But we get it-But! What is the power that the stone gives you? Teleportation? Jumping time or is it time freezing? Or black hole portals? What is really in the black stone? The element!" The host asks on behalf of the n.o.bles which made everyone curious to know the answer. All of them hold their nerves curiously wanting to know the secret.

"Well I wonder the same, what could it be? Hehe. it is just that this stone, I don't know how it makes it possible, but it makes it possible." Faust cleverly dodges the question.

They all head to their camp to get ready for the next match. Faust doesn't talk or respond to anyone during their walk from the stage to their camp.

"What happened to Master Faust? He seems to be in a foul mood." Charles, the butler asks Fab as they all start equipping their weapons with new elemental stones and getting their equipment check by an engineer.

Faust goes to the back of the Arena, breathing heavily, he holds his chest as if his heart is getting crushed. He goes to a female restroom, locks the whole restroom from inside. Goes in front of a huge mirror, takes off his contact lens from his left eye.

As he removes the black contact lens, the original.eye of his eye that is exposed is also black in colour with the white part of his eye being black and his eyeball in green.

"Ugh! Control it! Why am I crossing the lines?" Faust struggles to subdue his crazy side that is raging with blood l.u.s.t. He grits his teeth tightly in rage while looking at himself in the mirror.


After a few mins, he walks out of the restroom with both of his eyes looking normal. Meanwhile, a female contender stumbles as Faust is coming out of the female restroom. 

She instantly stops in her tracks, her eyes widen as she gets stunned by what she saw. "Did you see it?" Faust asks in a low voice, glaring at the female contender.

"Well nevermind." Faust rolls his eyes and starts walking out of the corridor. The female keeps looking at Faust, without knowing what to do. Before Faust turn at the end of the corridor, he turns around to the Female, he arranges strands of his hair by putting them behind his ear in a feminine way and performs a hair flip before going on his way. He did it to make the female think of him as a changed gender. He doesn't want to deal with any sort of problem so he KO'd the female with his act.

The female contender just stands being disgusted. The next two matches of Faust's squad went by in the same manner as the first two, without losing any of the four members.

Faust did not have to move an inch from the main building, he kept giving commands to Fab, Jonathan and Rachel and with his ability, the squad killed all four members of the enemy team's.

The first day ended with Tsumugi's family, against all odds, came on top of every other team. Every match they had, they completely killed all four of their enemy teams other than Caitlyn. She is the only one that was left alone.