The World We Do Not Know - 104 Jericho Vs Faus

104 Jericho Vs Faus

Jericho and his squad are experts in close range combat. Jericho himself carries two small pistols that are lighter while moving. He can move really fast, doing acrobats and shooting at his enemies with his sharp aim.

But since they saw how Faust appears or jumps a distance in a blink of an eye, they position themselves in mid-range to be safe and the area that Faust and his squad would appear is all covered with wind and dust as a doing of Caitlyn, wind element user. Gradually, the wind turned into a sand storm.

The strategies of the Jericho squad are simple. Firstly, Caitlyn goes into the line of sight of the soldiers in a lane and runs upon seeing them, confusing and getting their focus s.h.i.+fted onto her, making the enemies think that she stumbled upon them by mistake and became a free kill. Meanwhile, a sand storm hits them hard making them blind and slowing them down.

This is when the others from Caitlyn's squad are in an inclined angle from the prey that fell inside their trap. 

Then comes the lightning element sniper with a purple coloured sniper rifle.

A black colour cloud forms above the enemy squad, with thunders falling onto them immediately burning them to a crisp, breaking their s.h.i.+elds and paralyzing them. That is the moment Jericho jumps in the sand storm with his acrobatic skills, he takes down all of the squad with his pistols.

Jericho, a master at this deceiving/luring trap have hundreds of traps In his mind that he can choose if the opponent starts predicting his previously laid traps.

The real match has begun, Faust and the others teleported inside the match. but Faust is instantly inside the main building. While Fab and Jonathan goes left of Faust, hiding behind a wall for cover from the sand storm and Rachel goes to the right building and starts trying to spot the enemies.


Above the sandstorm is a black cloud raging and rumbling as the purple lightning traverses the whole cloud as of it's collecting the electricity from the cloud.

Shortly, all the lightning gathered at one spot, at the middle of the cloud fell onto the sand storm where Fab and Jonathan were taking cover. The lightning is like a roaring dragon descended from the heavens. The concrete walls and roads are ruptured with cracks and fissures, split opening the land, the arcs of lightning destroyed everything they touched.

The crowd goes silent, the person they are cheering till now is now in a pinch with four vs two. Everyone starts doubting the capabilities and powers of Faust and his squad.

Faust places his hands on the huge monitor that is arranged on a small table before him. "Faust!" Rachel utters, trying to stop the fear that is creeping up to her heart.

They did not expect to stumble across a lighting user this soon, especially, a lightning user with strong spiritual energy.

"Great! Now, two of them are eliminated." Jericho with an evil grin rejoices watching the aftermath of the lightning strike.


Jericho heard a shot from behind and suddenly jumps into a suddenly from the rood, he sees that his sniper is taken down from behind.

"No one crossed us from front and flanked from behind right? We were watching carefully aren't we?" Jericho asks his members in a panic. Lack of information on Faust and Rachel is making him confused. Who could possibly be behind him is what making him panic.

"Obviously, there is no way we missed someone sneak from underneath us." Fri, their a.s.saulter replies.

"The remaining three went inside the buildings to take cover." Rachel who is behind Jericho and his squad relates information to Faust.

"What the f.u.c.k are his abilities?" Jericho starts to think about what is going wrong. "Caitlyn! Go become a bait and scout the area." He sends Caitlyn out in the open lanes while him and the Fei, takes cover in the buildings and moves along with Caitlyn, waiting for Faust and Rachel to go behind Caitlyn.

"Two treasures are plundered!" Computer voice announces again in five minutes.

"f.u.c.k!" The announcement made Jericho lost all of his hopes, he is dead inside with the sudden announcement.

"They both are in our buildings, let's go quickly to the main building to stop them." Jericho immediately realises that Faust and Rachel are behind them in their buildings, he turns back and starts running towards the main building.

"Too easy." A voice resonated within the darkroom in front of Jericho and his squad. They stopped in their traces. In the dark, they could see two green eyes glimmering brightly, devouring the light in the room.

Faust walks out of the room towards Jericho. Caitlyn took steps back seeing Faust walking towards them with a smile on his face and his already drawn sword in his right hand.

"N-no way! How are you here so quick? I don't think the sniper girl alone can do anything. It is your foolish mistake to come to us." Jericho begins laughing at Faust for his foolish decisions.

"Yes! It takes a while to break the rock in the middle building." Faust adds as he agrees with what Jericho said. "Which is why all three of my squad are working on it, while I hold you both here." Faust replies.

"All three? That is no-."Jericho pauses to remember something important.

"Wait! Is it me or did the computer not announce the elimination of the first two guys?" The a.s.saulter for Jericho asks everyone.

The laughing face of Jericho becomes pale, his eyes narrowing as he stares intensely at Faust.

Before the lightning fell onto Fab and Jonathan, they were both teleported to the two buildings of Jericho's squad and Rachel is teleported behind Jericho to take down the lightning element user, so he wouldn't give them much trouble.

After Fab and Jonathan took down both of the small treasure rocks, Faust appeared in front of Jericho to stall them until the treasure rock of the main building is plundered.

"You got me good, but you still made a mistake by coming before me." Jericho with a poker face equips two white stones onto his body armour. 

The white stone which enhances the physical attributes and fastens the moments of one person is already deadly by its immense strength and speed. But using two of them makes Jericho the strongest and fastest in his captain cla.s.s.

"Fei, go to the main building, I will deal with him, Caitlyn! Advance forward!" Jericho orders his subordinates.

Fei the a.s.saulter immediately takes off towards the main building and Caitlyn moves forward with her machine gun and Jericho moves while hiding behind Caitlyn, using her as a s.h.i.+eld and also to land surprise attacks.

Faust however, teleports in front of Fei, Caitlyn starts shooting and Faust as he stands in front of Fei, stopping Fei in his tracks.

But to his surprise, Fei shows a smile, Faust looks towards Caitlyn right away realising something is wrong, and all he can see is a cloud of dirt. All those bullets that Caitlyn shot are not directed towards Faust but a wall, making it collapse, using it as a decoy. While Jericho takes off towards the main building with G.o.d speed.

Faust did not see anything of what happened while Caitlyn is shooting. "Nice move." After he realises what happened and where Jericho went off to, Caitlyn and Fei tackles him head-on shooting with their rifles at Faust.