The Wanted Wife: Daddy, Mommy Escapes Again! - Chapter 26

Chapter 26

Proofread by Peter Gong

"Baron, what are you coming back for?" Florence looks at him and asks seriously .

"I . . . " Baron just wants to speak .

Hurried footsteps come from outside, and the a.s.sistant runs in in panic, whispering to Baron .

Suddenly, Baron’s face changes, and grabs Florence, and says in panic, "Hurry up, take Nelson upstairs . "

From the expression of his face, Florence feels that something wrong happened . She turns and walks to the balcony .

When she just walks over and looks down, she finds more than a dozen cars downstairs, and dozens of people in black stand there neatly, with hands behind them . They seem to be waiting for orders .

"He is coming . "

Florence’s legs tremble so that she is subconsciously against the edge of the balcony, whispering

"Don't panic, you bring Nelson upstairs first, let me go and see . " Baron steps over and pats on her shoulder, pretending to comfort her .

With his words, Florence turns around and walks to the sofa to pick up Nelson without hesitation . The pain of the ankle has been taken place by fear . She runs to the second floor as rapidly as possible .

Baron adjusts his tie . He coughs slightly and after that, he goes to the door .

As soon as he opens the door, the back door of a limousine opens . A man in a suit gets off from the car . He bows his head and says politely, "h.e.l.lo, Mr . Si, I am coming to invite Miss Li . "

Rodney goes straight to the point .

"What, he wants to invite people from my place without his appearance?" Baron constrainedly inhibits his anger, sneering in a cold tone .

"Sir, you misunderstood, Mr . Si only told me to pick up Miss Li, and did not want to disturb you . "

Rodney answers calmly, and bows his head with politeness .

"What if I say no!" Baron suddenly steps forward with his hands in his pockets . A pair of black eyes seem to be a bit more chilly .

At the moment, on the second floor of the balcony, Florence clenches the skirt tightly . The part above her waist is almost icy . She grits her teeth and listens to the words downstairs absorbedly . At the same time, she prays in her heart that Austin can come soon .

She is very clear that Baron can only help her delay the time, but can not prevent Rodney from taking her away .

"What if I pull her away today!"

Suddenly, Brian’s voice rings downstairs and another door of the black limousine opens .

Hearing this voice, Florence becomes numb and panic immediately .

He should come so soon . Additionally, he should want to bring her back personally .

This time, she is afraid that it is difficult to escape . . .

"Florence, when are you going to go downstairs from the top!" Brian’s voice rings again .

His tone is scornful, and his voice is cold and unconsciously makes people frightened .

"Brother, you will scare her like this, no need . " Baron opens his mouth in time to break this deadlock .

"Ah . "

Hearing the words, Brian turns to look at the man at the door, and immediately his handsome face under the clean short hair turns gloomy . The air is filled with indescribable repression .

Rodney bows his head and stands behind Brian . There is a little helplessness on his face . The story of the Su family has always been like that .

"Florence, I have given you a chance . You go down or I go to take you and your little boy together!"

Brian sneers and directly ignores Baron, and his words sound chilly .

" . . . "

Florence stands in the balcony and turns to look at Nelson, who is still sleeping on the bed, clenching his hands and grinding his teeth .

It will come sooner or later .

She turns and looks at the person downstairs again, and makes a decision to walk downstairs .

The bodyguards stand there neatly, and the man in suit in the middle is looking at her indifferently .

"Li, do you think you are safe to hide here?" Brian’s black eyes glare at her, sneering contemptuously, "As long as I want to take you away, no one can keep you here!"

Florence steps forwards and forces herself to calm down and looks up in his eyes . "Mr . Si, I don't want to go with you . There is no relations.h.i.+p between us . I hope you can let go of me and my son . I can give you all shares . "

Baron, who is standing aside and has heard her words, quickly steps forward to grab the arms of Florence, whispering, "Flor, don't do that, I will help you, don't worry . "

"What do you call me?"

Mr . Si?

" . . . "

"It seems that someone has supported you, and your tone has been much stronger . " Brian stands there and taunts, while his eyes are staring at Baron’s hand holding Florence’s arm . He has crushed his nails into his palms, ready to break out, "Li, it seems that you really put the life of that little thing out of mind . "

When she came down, Florence has already made her worst plan . As long as he lets her child go, she is willing to do anything, even killing him . But at this moment, his stern and chilly words are delivered, which make her unable to bear . The fear coming out of her heart makes her face pale .

She stands there shaking her hands and doesn't know where to put them, without speaking anything .

"Brother, give me your younger brother a face, let them rest here . You can come at any time if you want . "

Baron steps forward and pats on the back of Florence and turns to look at Brian, and says with a chaffing smile .

"Baron, if you call me brother again, or say a little more, I immediately pull down your yard!"

Brian roars at Baron suddenly, and his voice is extremely annoying .


When Baron just wants to go forward, Florence holds him and shakes her head to motion him to stop talking .

Baron turns his head and smiles stealthily, for everything is going on according to his plan .

Florence is still worried about his safety, completely not knowing that Brian’s coming is due to the"good guy" who pretends to protect her .

The bright suns.h.i.+ne begins to dissipate, with a chilly breeze blowing . It blows the broken hair beside Florence’s ears .

She calms down and stands there, saying with her tone weakened, "I can go with you, but the child must stay here . "

" . . . " She thought she could be a chip, but she is wrong .

"Don't be so self-sentimental, what I want is that little one . What are you?"

Brian looks sharp and opens his mouth in a cold and indifferent tone .

" . . . "

Florence can feel the eyes of people around her .

He, Brian, always says anything he wants to say . He can humiliate a person and never takes care of his or her feeling .

Florence bows her head and suppresses her own nervous and fearful mood . She looks up at him, saying calmly . "You are a devil, a devil that I can hardly get rid of in this life!"

Brian stands there, this time he doesn't make a sound, just staring at her with his chilly, gloomy and bright black eyes .

A devil……