The Wanted Wife: Daddy, Mommy Escapes Again! - Chapter 25

Chapter 25

Proofread by Peter Gong

Florence goes out of the kitchen with a lame right leg with Nelson . In the living room, the sun is warm . Baron sits on the sofa and looks down at some doc.u.ments . The a.s.sistant stands aside .

Hearing the footsteps, the earnestness on Baron’s face fades out . He smiles and looks up at them . “How are you, have you been full?”

He looks up and sees a plate in her hand .

"Is this for me?"

Baron asks, and his face still looks smiling .

Florence smiles . "Nelson is used to eating what I did . Since I have used your kitchen, I would like to cook the the owner a meal . "

"You are still so sweet . "

Baron says, and his eyes are a bit more complicated .

"Uncle Baron, why are your eyes red?" Nelson stares at him .

Baron looks at this lovely boy in front of him, reaching out and pinches his chubby face, says softly, "You are so observant . " He smiles and continues," The next time you are hungry, tell the grandma directly . Don't let mom do it, do you know?"

He is very perfect in intending to be a warm-hearted brother . This inadvertent care for Florence must be very moving .

Sure enough, she slowly puts down the plate and smiles . "It's okay .

I am truly bothering you here . I don't know how to thank you for being so good to us . "

Baron holds Nelson in his arms and looks at Florence with a smile . "We don't have to talk about this . Our childhood friends.h.i.+p is worth doing so . "

Our childhood friends.h.i.+p .

Florence heart is filled with a touch of warmth, and her cold heart feels a bit gratified .

Baron sits aside and plays with Nelson . Florence looks at them and is soon sleepy . Then she begins to doze .

After the work in the kitchen, she is a little tired .

Nelson is laughing from time to time next to her, which is as sweet as a small bell . She listens with her head tilted to one side and slowly closes her eyes and sleeps .

Baron looks up and sees Florence’s sleeping face . For a moment, he is in a trance . She gives him a complete sense of trust . There is no vigilance in her brows . She falls asleep with such a peace of mind .

Baron considers, and he is thinking of something different, but just for a moment .

The relations.h.i.+p between them has not been the simple friends.h.i.+p in the past . When the old man died, he had to take responsibility for his mother’s death . Florence is the chip, so he has to use it .

"Uncle Baron, is my Mom beautiful?" Nelson says with his hands holding his chin, deliberately pretending to be obsessive .

Just now Baron was full of sorrow, but the next second, he threw it aside . He reaches out and gently pokes Nelson’s forehead . "You are really a small boy with more thoughts . "

"I like you . " Nelson suddenly looks at him with a milky sound .

Baron just gets up and takes off his suit and puts it on Florence . Hearing that, he smiles . "Why do you like me?"

"You are good to me and my Mom . Unlike those bad guys,they only know to bully me and Mom . "

Nelson looks innocent and looks at him, wearing a smile .

"Right?" Baron looks at Nelson, and there is a kind of depression in his heart that can't be said, and his mouth faintly pulls out a bitter smile .

Children's words are the most honest, and their hearts are also the most vulnerable .

However, there are many things that have not been decided by him .

Su House .

Tabitha and her parents sit on one side of the sofa . From time to time, they look at the sofa, but they dare not say a word .

Brian is sitting on the sofa with his legs c.o.c.ked, and he is little tired even if he has not been asleep all night . The collar of the suit is untied, which shows his irritability .

Half an hour after Florence escaped, he had already arrived at Su House, but in vain .

His brows are tightly narrowed, under a pair of bushy eyebrows are a pair of blood-stained eyes . There is no expression on his face . The chill is spreading from his body, which makes people dare not to approach, or even dare to breathe loudly .

The gla.s.s fragments at his foot are obviously his masterpiece .

"Call her again!"

After a long time, Brian’s thin lips are slightly opened, and he says slowly,depressing his anger .

Rodney nods and continues to dial the number of Florence .

Still no one answers . . .

"Florence, no one has ever dared to ignore my phone call from me!"

"Check it out, who helped her!" Brian roars in a low voice, and Tabitha, who sits aside, can't help but be startled .

"Baron . " Rodney bows his head and says . He is waiting for Brian’s fury .

He has been with Brian for more than ten years . He knows about the story of Su family . Baron has been against Brian, and now he has helped Florence escape . He is almost challenging Brian’s bottom line .

Sure enough, in the next second, Brian stands up and lifts his leg, kicking over the tea table in front of him . The hands on both sides of his body are clenching . He is full of anger .

"That is to say she is now with Baron!"

Brian’s roar thrills through the living room, and everyone present is shocked . No one dares to look up and say .

"Florence Li! I really look down upon you, I will never let you go!"

He continues to roar, and with a burst of viciousness in his eyes, Brian looks like a mad beast totally, which seems that he can tear people apart at any time .

He is too clear about what kind of person Baron is . Florence’s being  with him is undoubtedly a betrayal against him .

The thing Brian disgusts most in his life is betrayal . If anyone dares to betray him, he will definitely make his life worse than death .

"Florence Li! Baron Si!" Brian grinds his teeth .

The prey has been locked and what he should do is just to wait for the moment of departure .

Florence is asleep . Not knowing how long it took, she feels that her legs suddenly kick violently, and she wakes up and shouts, "Brian, please let go of the child-"

She is shocked and breaks out into a sweat .

She sits up on the sofa, and the suit on her body has already slipped to the ground .

She is in a daze for a moment and then stares around the living room in front of her eyes . It was just a dream . She is relieved .

"It seems that the shadow that Brian gave you is very big . " Baron sits aside and looks at the tablet . Nelson should be asleep in his arms .

"Fortunately, I get used to it . "

Florence says calmly, looking at Nelson in the arms of Baron . Her mind is complicated .

In the four years of fleeing from him, how many times she have had nightmares like that, she can not count .

"I have informed Austin and he will contact with you in a few days . " Baron says . His tone is gloomy and there is no emotion .

Florence picks his suit up and puts it aside . Her tone becomes tense, "I hope Austin can hurry, I don't want to stay in this place for a moment . "

"All right, take it easy . " Baron smiles lightly .

Hearing that, Florence smiles helplessly . She stands up, walks to the balcony and opens the door, looking out of the window, "I don't know when this time will stop . "

"It won't last too long . "

Baron slowly puts Nelson down, gets up from the sofa . His face is covered with haze, and his eyes look at her very deeply .

" . . . "

This look in his eyes gives Florence a kind of repression that can't be described, which makes her very uncomfortable .

What’s wrong with him?