The Treasure She Never Asked For - 57 Drama Queen.

57 Drama Queen.

"Do we have a schedule tomorrow?" Marcel asked with his eyes closed. He could predict how bad his hangover would be the next day.

"No, but Monday you have to go for the audition for that reality show. You'll be filmed so your appearance should be… you know what I'm trying to say," Julia said, and Marcel nodded at her.

Marcel hadn't gotten this drunk, so now that he was in a safer place, he felt more relaxed than before when he was at the bar with the other staff.

"How long are we going to take?" Marcel asked, his words sounding a bit slurred. He wanted to pick Liam up and go home to sleep off the alcohol.

"We'll be there in another five minutes," Mark said from the driver's seat.

"Okay," Marcel responded and tried not to fall asleep. After five minutes of humming his favourite songs, the car stopped in front of a very luxurious looking villa. Marcel got off the car and pressed the bell outside the gate.

"Who is it?" Damien's voice said through the intercom.

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"It's me, I came to take my baby… brother," Marcel said, adding the last part as an afterthought.

"Come in," Damien said and buzzed him in. Marcel heard the smaller gate unlock so he went through it. As he walked on the pathway, he couldn't help but admire the expansive grounds.

The garden was green and lush. He even had a fountain in front of his house. Marcel started wondering how much money he might need to earn to afford to live in such a house.

Marcel walked to the front door and rang the doorbell before leaning on the wall next to him. He took deep breaths as if trying to sober up and even though his mind cleared up, it was just for a few seconds.

Damien opened the door and saw Marcel, who was leaning heavily against the wall. Marcel looked at him and smiled lazily before looking behind him, expecting to see Liam somewhere.

"Where is he?" Marcel asked.

"You're drunk," Damien said and gestured for him to go inside.

"Well, we did go out for drinks, and it was my first time drinking, it was inevitable," Marcel said as he followed him inside.

"Was it fruitful?" Damien asked, and a subtle smile appeared on his face when Marcel nodded.

"You have a nice place here. How long do you think it'll take till I'm able to afford a place like this?" Marcel asked as he looked at the elaborately furnished house.

"It depends on how valuable you become," Damien said.

"I'll take that as a challenge. Where is my brother?" Marcel asked after remembering why he came here in the first place.

"He's upstairs, let's go," Damien said and walked up the wide flight of stairs. He looked at Marcel who was gripping the handrail on the side while doing his best to maintain his balance.

Once they got to the upper floor, Damien led the way to where Liam was. Marcel felt a bit dazed as he walked so he slowed down so he wouldn't stagger around.

Unfortunately, his was out of luck as one of his feet got caught on the rug and he fell forward. He suddenly remembered how he had died the last time he had fallen and he felt like his heart would leap out of his chest, he wasn't thirty-five yet if he died now he would just perish right?

When his body made an impact with the floor, he just collapsed and didn't move. Damien heard a thud behind him and when he turned he saw the motionless Marcel who was laying on the floor. Damien frowned and went to check on him. He knelt on the floor one knee and propped his arm on the other knee and brought a finger to Marcel's nose to check if he is breathing.

He felt his warm breath against his index finger and his frown grew deeper. Did he pa.s.s out from being drunk? Damien pat Marcel's shoulder to wake him up but there was no response. He decided to vigorously shake him, and Marcel's opened his eyes because of the rough movements. His eyes saw Damien's frowning face and he said something that made feel Damien feel dumbfounded.

"I'm still alive? I didn't die this time?" Marcel asked as he checked his body.

"Did you fall? Why are you such a drama queen?" Damien asked he watched Marcel verify that he was still Marcel.

"You wouldn't understand even if I explained," Marcel said as he watched Damien stand up from his position. He wanted to stand up but his body was not cooperating.

Damien offered his hand and Marcel took it with a thankful smile and was finally able to get back on his feet.

"Ahem, let's go," Damien said and released Marcel's hand before turning around and walking ahead of him once more. Marcel looked at his hand and then at Damien's back before chuckling in amus.e.m.e.nt.

"Can you not walk so fast? I'll fall to my death if I trip again" Marcel said from behind Damien and although Damien pretended not to hear him, he shortened the long strides he was taking.

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