There Is Room For A Beautiful Daughter-in-law In The Rebirth Era - Chapter 510

Chapter 510

Professor Jiang gave Xinyan a higher look after hearing these words, thinking that this girl has a good character and is not too ambitious.

With Professor Jiang's approval and help, Xinyan's minoring in French was settled. After the application form was filled out, Professor Jiang took over directly, and Xinyan just waited for the result.

After the morning class, several female students in the class went to the infirmary to see Bai Aiwen.

Bai Aiwen was already awake when he arrived at the infirmary, but he was still not in a good mood.

Cui Haili is considered the eldest sister in the class. Looking at her like this, and thinking about what Zhang Zhaodi and Qiao Shanmei said before: "Aiwen, did something happen?"

When Bai Aiwen heard Cui Haili's question, tears quickly filled his eyes, his lips wanted to say something, but he trembled a few times, but he didn't say a word.

Cui Haili patted her hand: "If you don't want to say it, you don't have to say it, but you have to know that since we are all destined to be classmates and live in the same dormitory, that is a great fate.

If you trust us, tell the story, and we all can help you with ideas, don't hold back alone. "

Doctor Chang said that she had a fever caused by depression and stagnation in her heart. Fortunately, she was discovered, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

Bai Aiwen cried directly: "They are really too much."

Cui Haili patted her hand, trying to calm her down.

School doctor Chang came over and said, "It's fine to let her cry a lot, if you hold it in your heart, your body won't be able to bear it."

After waiting for a long time, Bai Aiwen finally calmed down.

She did receive a letter from home.

There are four brothers and sisters in her family. She is the youngest in the family, with two older brothers and one older sister.

Among the four siblings, she is the only one who went to high school. The two older brothers only went to elementary school. The elder sister stopped studying before finishing junior high school. It wasn't because the family didn't provide for them, but because they didn't have the material for studying, so she became the parent brother. She is proud of her sister, and her family obeys her in everything.

Originally, Bai Aiwen had already arranged a marriage at home. The man and her were high school classmates named Xie Shanyuan, and the two were considered to be a fashionable free love nowadays.

But when they were about to get married, the college entrance examination resumed, and both of them wanted to pass the college entrance examination to change their fate.

But in the first year of the college entrance examination, she overturned the bullock cart on the way to the examination room, and was injured, so she failed to take the college entrance examination.

His partner, Xie Shanyuan, is quite up-to-date. Although he didn't get into a bachelor's degree, he got into a fairly good junior college.

After the two families discussed, they temporarily postponed their wedding, and asked Bai Aiwen to try again, to study hard at home and take the college entrance examination in the second year.

No one expected that Bai Aiwen was so competitive that he was admitted to Peking University.

Originally, this was a great event, the two families were happy, and they agreed to hold a wedding banquet for the two of them when they returned home during the Chinese New Year, but they did not expect that something would happen.

The parents of Xie's family came to the door a few days ago to mention the divorce, saying that they were sorry for her, but there was a reason for the incident, and they had no choice but to ruin their son's bright future.

The family members are also very angry. They think that the Xie family is blinded by shit. My sister was admitted to the best university in the country. She will be much better than the son of the Xie family when she graduates in the future. They can't stop it.

So Bai Aiwen's father was furious, and said harsh words. From now on, the Bai and Xie families will have nothing to do with each other, and they will never communicate with each other.

The family originally didn't want to tell Bai Aiwen about it, but Zhong Xiuyu, the daughter of the village captain next door, also liked Xie Shanyuan, and she hated Bai Aiwen to death. Stop talking sarcastic outside.

But Zhong Yuxiu has a respectable uncle who works in the capital. A few days ago, he wrote to say that the only son in the family is going to get married at the end of October. People from his hometown are invited to attend the wedding and visit the capital by the way.

Although the old family members feel sorry for the travel expenses, many relatives are still thinking about visiting the capital.

This Zhong Xiuyu's family also wanted their daughter to go out to gain insights, so they naturally wanted to take her with her.

Zhong Xiuyu didn't know what she was thinking, so she made a special trip to Baijia Village, showed off at Baijia for a long time, and said that she would spare time to visit Bai Aiwen at Beijing University.

The family members were afraid that Zhong Xiuyu would really go to Beijing University to find someone, so they had to write a letter first and tell her about the matter.