There Is Room For A Beautiful Daughter-in-law In The Rebirth Era - Chapter 509

Chapter 509

Before the supervisor went downstairs, he heard someone coming up from the stairs.

Seeing that it was the school doctor, he said anxiously: "Chang school doctor, hurry up, the student is too hot to wake up."

Chang school doctor quickly trotted a few steps into the dormitory: "Everyone, let me go and take a look."

Checked briefly: "Whoever comes to help, she has to be sent to the infirmary. Her condition is serious and she needs to be dripped."

Zhang Zhaodi raised her hand and said, "I'll come, I'll come, I'm strong, I'll carry her on my back."

Xinyan and Cui Haili helped, and the three sent Bai Aiwen to the infirmary.

This communication was so busy that Cui Haili and Zhang Zhaodi didn't even have time to eat breakfast. The three of them ran to the classroom with their books in their arms, and they would have been late.

When they entered the classroom, everyone was studying by themselves. Now that Li Yutong was missing in the class, it was quite quiet.

Today's first class is a professional class. Professor Tao has tested everyone's English level before. Most of the students have poor foundation, so they have to teach from the beginning.

Of course this does not include Xinyan. She is no longer satisfied with Xinyan's foreign language proficiency. Before the holiday, she called people to the office for a separate test, and her level is not inferior to the previous outstanding graduates.

Xinyan never thought of skipping a grade. The reason why she followed the class step by step was because she wanted to learn it again systematically, and because she had too many things to do in her spare time, and she didn't want to be too high-profile.

Professor Tao suggested that she should minor in another foreign language. Given her talent, she should be able to handle it with ease.

Xinyan also has this intention, she has a talent for language, she has noticed it before, so naturally she can't waste this talent.

Professor Tao will ask Xinyan questions in every class, the purpose is to let everyone see the gap between them and encourage them to work harder.

At the end of a class, Professor Tao asked Xinyan to help deliver the collected homework to her office. Although Xinyan didn't like this job, who called her a study committee member?

Professor Tao smiled and looked at Xinyan: "How about it, what did you think about what I told you before the holiday?"

Xinyan knew what Professor Tao meant, and nodded lightly: "Think about it, minor in French.

I have learned a little bit before, and I have some basics, so I should be able to catch up with the progress of the freshman year, and I have seen the professional class time of the French class, which happens to be in line with us, so there is no mistake. "

Professor Tao is very pleased: "Young people should learn more things. What they learn is their own. Skills do not overwhelm others. It is not harmful to themselves, and they can serve the country better in the future."

Xinyan nodded: "The professor is right."

The two chatted for a few more words before arriving at the office.

Professor Jiang, who happened to be teaching French, was in the office, so Professor Tao introduced them with a smile.

When Professor Jiang knew that Xinyan wanted to minor in French, he disagreed a little. It would be nice to be able to learn a foreign language well, let alone learn a foreign language well. .

Professor Tao couldn't understand Professor Jiang's thoughts, so he talked about Xinyan's special situation and made a promise.

Xinyan knew that Professor Tao was helping her, so when Professor Jiang asked questions, she didn't hide her clumsiness anymore, and answered Professor Jiang's questions openly.

Professor Jiang did not expect Xinyan to be as Professor Tao said, this girl is really talented in language, and now her French level is no worse than some students in the class.

And he also heard from Professor Tao that Xinyan's current English level is already at the level of a senior graduate, so there is no need to worry about her being too greedy.

Professor Jiang has been teaching and educating people all his life, so he naturally wants the school to produce a large number of talents, let alone the country is now in need of such talents: "Student Xinyan, I apologize to you for my inappropriate words before.

Now that your English level has reached the graduate level, have you ever thought about changing your major, so that you can save time and spend more on learning French? "

Xinyan shook her head and said: "Professor Jiang, it doesn't matter if you change your major, and the minor is the same. Anyway, except for professional courses, other public courses are the same, and it won't have much impact. Besides, I also want to study English major systematically. After all, I still have a lot of shortcomings, and I haven't learned too well."

The chapter of Guan Xiaoheiwu has been released. If you are interested, you can take a look. Thank you for your support!