There Is Room For A Beautiful Daughter-in-law In The Rebirth Era - Chapter 446

Chapter 446

Chapter 446 Teacher Appreciation Ceremony

Du Wenbin saw the tea brought by Xinyan only after returning to the house, and made a pot himself in a good mood.

He didn't take it seriously at first, but when the scent of the tea came out, he suddenly became a little uneasy. He had drunk a lot of good tea, but this tea was rare.

Now accepting such a close disciple, I am a blessed master.

Thinking of going to the military hospital again in the afternoon, I felt a little uneasy. I went to see the girl Zhenhua before, and the condition of her leg has improved a lot. I also tried to make a portion of the medicine myself, but He Xinyan What the girl did is really incomparable, and I haven't found the reason yet.

It seems that in terms of pharmaceuticals, that girl is indeed talented.

If Xinyan knew what Elder Du was thinking, she might cover her face. That was because of the space stream, not because she was talented.

Han Jingchen thought of the apprenticeship ceremony: "Yanyan, I have a good inkstone. Mr. Du likes calligraphy, so he should like it."

Xinyan didn't refuse: "That line, in addition to the six things that I plan to learn as a teacher, plus that square inkstone, I just happen to have a ginseng here, and buy some cigarettes and alcohol, it's all set."

Han Jingchen didn't expect that there was still ginseng in her daughter's place: "That's all right, just do as you said, and you don't have to worry about the rest. I'll let Mrs. Chen prepare it."

When they got home, Su Jinsong was already waiting at home. As soon as Han Jingchen saw him, the two went into the study.

When she came out again, she saw Mrs. Chen who was coming to cook, so she said, "Sister-in-law Chen, I just need to ask you something."

Sister-in-law Chen stopped what she was doing: "Comrade Han, please tell me if you have something to do, and I will definitely take care of it."

Han Jingchen then said: "Prepare for Yanyan a set of six rites of apprenticeship, celery, lotus seeds, red beans, dates, longan, meat"

After hearing this, Sister-in-Law Chen asked curiously, "Xinyan wants to be a teacher?"

Han Jingchen said very arrogantly: "Well, Xinyan was accepted by Mr. Du as a closed disciple to study Chinese medicine."

Mrs. Chen knows Mr. Du, and she came here to treat Han Jingchen before, she was really happy for Xinyan: "Xinyan is so powerful."

She had heard that Mr. Du, as a master of Chinese medicine, had only received five direct disciples in total. She never thought that Xinyan would become Mr. Du's closed disciple, and said happily, "Okay, I will definitely do it well."

Xinyan took a plant of ginseng from the space that she had processed according to the records of herbal properties. Although it is only fifty or sixty years old, it has been in the space for a long time, so it is naturally better than ordinary wild ginseng.

When she came out again, she took out two sticks of ginseng: "Dad, do you have a suitable box for ginseng?"

Then handed a 30-year-old ginseng to Han Jingchen: "You keep this one. When Aunt Chen is stewing chicken soup, put a few slices in it, just to replenish your body."

It was prepared before, and I just took this opportunity to take it out.

Han Jingchen frowned when he saw the ginseng taken out by his daughter: "Where did this ginseng come from? Have you gone into the mountains?"

Xinyan quickly explained: "No, an old man dug it in the mountains before, and I happened to meet him. He was eager to use money to treat his wife, so I bought it."

Knowing that the daughter did not go to the mountain to collect it, she felt relieved: "I'll send someone to find the box and bring it back. You put the other one away and keep it for yourself in the future. Dad doesn't need that one."

Xinyan would not agree, and handed the ginseng over directly: "This root is not old, and it can just warm up your body. This is wild ginseng. It is only good for you and not harmful. Keep it, it is my heart."

Seeing her daughter's resolute attitude, Han Jingchen had no choice but to accept it. Only he could understand the feeling in his heart.

Dear friends, good night~~~

(end of this chapter)