There Is Room For A Beautiful Daughter-in-law In The Rebirth Era - Chapter 445

Chapter 445

Chapter 445 is really destined

He Jinxuan replied solemnly: "Yanyan is everything to me."

It was from this moment that Han Jingchen officially recognized He Jinxuan's identity: "I'll wait and see."

When Xinyan came out, she saw that both faces were very serious: "Dad, Jinxuan, what are you talking about?"

Han Jingchen looked at his daughter: "After dinner, Dad will take you there together."

He Jinxuan put on a smile, he heard his father-in-law said 'they' just now.

Xinyan looked at the two suspiciously: "Shall we go together?"

Han Jingchen coughed lightly: "Hurry up and clean up."

After finishing speaking, he walked out of the gate with his hands behind his back.

He Jinxuan did not explain, and directly pushed Xinyan to the bathroom: "Go and clean up, we will have dinner later, let's leave early."

This is a good opportunity to take an oath of sovereignty. Since the father-in-law gave the opportunity, it is natural to grasp it well.

When Xinyan packed herself up and came out, Mrs. Chen had already prepared breakfast.

Han Jingchen has adjusted his mood today, looked at Xinyan and said: "The person who visited today has a different temperament from others. If you say something unpleasant, you don't have to take it to heart."

Changing the time of the visit twice, he was afraid that the old man would deliberately make things difficult for Yanyan, so he reminded him in advance.

When she was about to leave, Xinyan specially brought a piece of tea produced by the space as a meeting gift. Of course, if they are willing to accept her, they will naturally prepare for the teacher apprenticeship ceremony.

With He Jinxuan here, I asked him to drive, and today Su Jinsong happened to be assigned other tasks by Han Jingchen, so I couldn't send them off.

Now Su Jinsong has changed jobs, and will join Han Jingchen in the BJ Railway Bureau, so he will gradually get busy these days.

As soon as the three of them entered the yard, they heard a voice full of enthusiasm: "Hey, do you finally have time to come over today?"

Han Jingchen knew he was wrong: "I brought you good tea today, you will definitely like it."

Du Wenbin came out from the inside: "I'm such a superficial person, don't think that you can bribe me by bringing a good cup of tea."

Just as he finished speaking, he saw Xinyan behind Han Jingchen: "Girl, it's you."

Xinyan didn't expect that the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine introduced by her father was actually Du Lao: "Du Lao, hello."

Du Wenbin didn't bother to speak harsh words now: "Oh, it seems that we are really destined."

Du Wenbin met He Jinxuan the other day, and nodded to him as a greeting: "Sit down."

Han Jingchen looked at several people: "Do you know each other?"

Xinyan smiled and said: "Yes, I met Mr. Du on the train before, and after arriving in Beijing, I met Mr. Du again at the military hospital."

Han Jingchen saw old man Du's expression and knew that it was all right for his daughter to become a teacher.

So I didn't bother them talking, I got up and looked at the flowers and plants in the yard, wanting to see what I didn't have in my yard, and it was easier to ask for some when I was leaving.

Xinyan chatted with Mr. Du for a long time, without Han Jingchen saying anything else, she just made a decision and said, "Come on, I'll accept you as a closed disciple."

It happened that Han Jingchen came over: "Then this matter is settled. You can decide the date, Mr. Du, and we will prepare for the teacher ceremony."

Du Wenbin waved his hand and said: "Forget about the teacher's apprenticeship ceremony, what time is it now, if you don't like that, just toast a cup of tea."

Xin Yan answered the question: "Master, the etiquette cannot be discarded, and the ceremony of worshiping the teacher must be prepared. What's more, you also said just now that I am your closed disciple, and I must follow the rules."

Seeing Xinyan's seriousness, Du Wenbin patted the armrest of the chair with a smile and said, "You have a heart."

Thinking that Xinyan was going to report at the school, she looked through the old calendar and said, "The day after tomorrow is a good day. I'm not too far from your school, why don't you come over at noon the day after tomorrow, and just call your senior brothers in Beijing. Just to get to know each other."

The matter was settled like this. Du Wenbin originally wanted to stay with them for lunch before leaving, but Han Jingchen declined because he wanted to prepare for the apprenticeship ceremony.

But when he was leaving, he asked for two pots of flowers bluntly before leaving.

Du Wenbin was not only not angry, but also sent him out with a happy smile.

(end of this chapter)