The Game Of Life - 54 Most Searched

54 Most Searched

Her entire body was curled up into a ball, drenched in cold sweat, she could not speak coherently.

"What's the matter with her?" The emergency doctor looked quite young, except for his lack of hair.

"She ate too much." Jiang Feng's words were concise and comprehensive.

"If she had eaten too much, it wouldn't be like this. She's not a child. Maybe its food poisoning. Go and register her first. Xiao w.a.n.g, hurry up and prepare to pump her stomach." The emergency doctor instructed.

Jiang Feng went to the registration counter obediently and wiped the sweat on his forehead.

Liu Qian looked quite thin but she was heavy, Jiang Feng was exhausted after carrying her on his back all the way here.

This private hospital was not small in scale, and there were many people in the registration line. After Jiang Feng had finished registering, Liu Qian already had already had her stomach pumped and was lying in bed, resting. A middle-aged nurse was lecturing her.

"You're already a college student, an adult. How can you have self control when eating? There was over 3.5 kilograms of food in your stomach, so much of it was flour-based. You could die from eating so much." The nurse lectured Liu Qian as if lecturing her daughter.

Liu Qian kept mumbling obediently, not daring to say a word.

"President!" When Liu Qian saw Jiang Feng, she looked as if she had seen her Savior.

"Are you her cla.s.smate? Here's the bill. Go pay the fees. You can leave after a few minutes' rest." The nurse handed the bill to Jiang Feng. The emergency department was very busy. She had to rush to tend to another patient after taking the time to lecture Liu Qian. "You are both cla.s.smates. You have to talk to her about eating so much. The amount of food was over 3.5 kilos. What if something were to happen to her?"

Over 3.5kg?

He looked at Liu Qian and asked, "Didn't you say you didn't have breakfast?"

Liu Qian lowered her head and didn't dare to look at him. She whispered, "I didn't have breakfast, I just had some snacks, just a bag of biscuits, a little pork jerky, two chocolate pies, a bottle of milk and a Preserved Vegetable Pancake. I didn't expect that the dumplings that looked so small would be so substantial."

He shouldn't have believed the nonsense that Liu Qian had told him about not having breakfast.

After paying the fees, Liu Qian wanted to transfer the money to Jiang Feng, only to find that she had left her mobile phone in the shop.

"Oh no!" Liu Qian suddenly responded, "My live stream has been on all this time."

Jiang Feng got the severity of the situation as well, Liu Qian's entire meal, including her abdominal pain, cold sweat, and pale face as she was carried away by him had probably been recorded clearly by the live streaming camera.

Jiang Feng quickly opened his mobile phone and entered Liu Qian's live room.

Liu Qian was quite a famous host in A City now, because of her peculiar way of live streaming, she was able to connect well with her viewers. At this time, about 40,000 viewers had gathered in Liu Qian's live room, a large part of whom had come to watch after Liu Qian had been carried away by Jiang Feng. The group of people was quarreling with each other on the empty screen.

"Will the host be alright? Could it be some illness of hers that caused that? "

"Could it be that frustrating host is down with food poisoning, or is the restaurant not sanitary!"

"This kind of restaurant near the university must be unsanitary. The Health Bureau's not even checking it. Look at this, someone almost died from eating their food!"

"Yes, the restaurant near our school is also very unsanitary. I often have a bad stomach ache after eating there."

"It must be that the restaurant is not clean. I've already reported them."

"What kind of job is the health bureau doing, letting this kind of restaurant that murders for gain open."

"I don't think so. I've eaten at this restaurant. It's quite clean."

Most of the people were condemning Health Restaurant. There were many who were speaking of reporting the restaurant to the Health Bureau as well, and some had even said that they had already called to report. A small number of Liu Qian's loyal audience doubted whether she had eaten too much, or whether she had acute appendicitis, or even whether it was her period cramps.

No drama was too big for the netizens to watch. Jiang Feng noticed that Liu Qian's live stream room had entered the most-searched list. After all, the host getting sent to the hospital as if she had some kind of illness halfway through the live stream was rather rare. 

"How is it going?" Liu Qian went up and asked.

"They said that the dish I made for you was not sanitary and that killed you." Jiang Feng concluded for her.

Liu Qian had been streaming for so long, and knew how powerful some of the viewers were at inverting right from wrong. As long as one person had started speaking about it, the rest would respond in succession, not to mention that the host had not been present. If she didn't go back to clarify now, the news of the sudden death of a host during a live stream would probably make the headlines and become the most searched on the internet tomorrow.

"President, I feel fine now. Let's go back quickly!" Liu Qian jumped out of the hospital bed, looking lively, her previous weakness was completely gone.

Her illness had come and gone quickly.

Jiang Feng also didn't want Jiang Jiankang and his wife to go out for a day's stroll, only to come back to find Health Restaurant slapped with the bad reputation of having unsanitary dishes that had caused the death of someone. He hurried back to the shop together with Liu Qian.

The cell phone was still on the table.

Liu Qian straightened her hair, and after ensuring that she looked healthy, ruddy, and energetic, neither frail nor pathetic, she sat back down in front of the camera.

"The frustrating host is back!"

"How are you, frustrating host?"

"How did you get back? So fast, is the hospital just beside? "

"She must've been acting, it's too fake. Reporting this s.h.i.+tty host!"

"I didn't get food poisoning! There is no problem with the food in our president's shop either. I had a snack this morning. I didn't tell the president so then he made a little too much for me. I just ate too much." Liu Qian hurriedly explained, "I'm fine now after going to pump my stomach at the hospital, although it was a little uncomfortable when my stomach was getting pumped it's nothing anymore."

[Hahahaha, frustrating host is indeed the frustrating host, you can even end up in the hospital for eating too much.]

[Are you sure you just had some snacks, frustrating host? Did you want to drive your president mad with anger?]

[Garbage host, liar, acting, report!!!]

[Garbage host, can't even act properly,]

[Don't talk c.r.a.p, hater. You should take a look at how much frustrating host earns in a month. She doesn't even have enough money to eat. She has money to hire actors?]

[I don't think it's like that. How can you end up like that from eating too much? It must be food poisoning. The frustrating host is covering for their president's shop.]

[Yes, it's a heartless shop!]

Seeing that the direction of the comments had been blown askew by a group of people again, Liu Qian quickly explained,

"No, I really ate too much. The nurse told me that she had pumped more than 3.5 kilos of food from my stomach. I only had a small packet of biscuits, a little pork jerky, two chocolate pies, a bottle of milk, and a Preserved Vegetable Pancake this morning. I didn't expect that the vegetable dumplings made by the president would be so filling. I didn't want to eat them all at first. I just found the texture when biting down on them to be nice. It was sweet, and although the pickled vegetables inside were a little less, they were delicious. I couldn't control myself and ate them all. "

"This is my first time overeating, I haven't had any experience with this before!"

[I feel sorry for the president. The president of the frustrating host has suffered much.]

[Asking for the amount of psychological trauma of the president at this time.]

[3.5kg, the host had a baby in her stomach. (


[At the end of the day, she didn't forget to blame those five innocent vegetable dumplings.]

[Am I the only one who noticed that the bowl of Red Braised Pork on the table, though cold, still looks delicious?]

With Liu Qian's explanation, the room management began to forbid those haters who deliberately tried to change the direction of the conversation from commenting, and the comments on the chat gradually returned to normal.

Liu Qian had also proved to them with practical action that the frustrating host was omnipotent.

What Jiang Feng didn't expect was that Liu Qian still made the most searched list in the end.

But this time it was not some fake news such as the sudden death of a host.

It was #FirstTimeOvereating #NoExperience instead.

Two hours later, she had rushed all the way up to the top ten of the most searched, suppressing the news of a third rate male star's affair.