The Game Of Life - 5 Healthy Congee

5 Healthy Congee

"You shouldn't exert yourself after a meal," Jiang Feng stopped her without even thinking.

"Then… What should I do?" Chen Xiuxiu asked as she looked at the empty plate on the table.

Initially, she just thought of eating two dumplings. Yet, in the end, she ate the whole serving.

She began to regret agreeing to Jiang Feng's suggestion.

"Let's take a walk. Do you want to come to the restaurant later?" Jiang Feng asked.

"No, thank you!"

Chen Xiuxiu's response was what Jiang Feng had expected. It was easy fooling her for the first time, but using the same trick wouldn't work twice.

After walking for a while, Chen Xiuxiu's stomach began to hurt.

Because she had been dieting excessively for quite some time, Chen Xiuxiu was used to having stomachache. But the pain was far worse than usual and sweat began to roll down her forehead.

"Jiang Feng… Can you go get me some medicine? I'll wait for you here," Chen Xiuxiu asked as she balanced herself by a tree.

"Come on, there's a hospital nearby," Jiang Feng said and helped Chen Xiuxiu to walk.

There was a private hospital nearby. Students from the high school would frequently visit that hospital for all sorts of illnesses.

The doctor that was in charge today was someone Jiang Feng knew.

When Jiang Feng and Chen Xiuxiu were still in high school, Chen Xiuxiu was known for being able to never get sick from eating anything. But Jiang Feng was different. Chen Xiuxiu would always bring Jiang Feng along whenever she was hungry, and he was always sick because of that. Jiang Feng had become acquainted with Doctor Chen at the hospital because of that.

Doctor Chen clearly still remembered Jiang Feng and greeted, "Jiang Feng? Stomachache again?"

"No, doctor, I have a stomachache," Chen Xiuxiu grunted as she hugged her belly.

After taking a look at Chen Xiuxiu's symptoms, Doctor Chen turned to Jiang Feng and scolded, "What kind of boyfriend are you? What did you stuff her with to fill her stomach up this much?"

Jiang Feng was confused.

"She just ate a serving of dumplings and a cup of soymilk," Jiang Feng wailed.

"A serving?" Doctor Chen asked. "How big was the serving?"

"A normal one," Jiang Feng laughed wryly. When they were still high school students, Chen Xiuxiu would get scolded by Doctor Chen for filling Jiang Feng up too much. And now, he was getting scolded instead.

"Don't you remember her?" Jiang Feng added. "She's Chen Xiuxiu."

"Xiuxiu?!" Doctor Chen exclaimed and frowned. "You went on a diet, didn't you?"

Chen Xiuxiu nodded.

"Absurd!" Doctor Chen scolded.

Jiang Feng could tell something bad was about to go down.

And as he'd expected, Doctor Chen began to talk about how to lose weight the healthy way.

Since there weren't a lot of patients during the holidays, Doctor Chen was excited when she got to meet some acquaintances.

After rambling on for half an hour, Doctor Chen said, "You should eat more. You'd regret it if this turned into gastritis. Take this medicine and make sure you take it according to the instructions.

It was clear that Chen Xiuxiu's face was dark.

Jiang Feng guessed that she must've been reminded of the fear she got from being scolded by Doctor Chen all the time.

Since Chen Xiuxiu got sick, they took the bus home. After making sure Chen Xiuxiu got back to her apartment, Jiang Feng went to the restaurant to get some ingredients.

After telling his parents about the situation, Jiang Feng got a few bits and pieces and went to Chen Xiuxiu's home.

When Chen Xiuxiu opened the door for him, he could see that Chen Xiuxiu has already changed and had laid out a purple yoga mat in the living room. It seemed like Chen Xiuxiu was about to do some yoga.

"What are you planning to eat for lunch?" Jiang Feng asked as he went into the kitchen.

"Medicine," Chen Xiuxiu replied.

Guessing that Chen Xiuxiu wasn't planning to eat anything, Jiang Feng began to prepare the ingredients.

"Hey! I'm not eating anything," Chen Xiuxiu tried to stop him.

"Doctor Chen just told me that she's only working the morning s.h.i.+ft today. I'm going to call her if you aren't going to eat," Jiang Feng threatened.

Since Doctor Chen lived in the same area as them, it wouldn't take long for her to come over.

Perhaps the trauma from high school was too deep for Chen Xiuxiu, her att.i.tude instantly changed.

"Just a bowl," Chen Xiuxiu finally agreed.

Jiang Feng then proceeded to take out a bag of j.a.ponica rice, a bag of glutinous rice, some dates, black beans, millet, and meats.

"What are you cooking?" Chen Xiuxiu asked curiously after seeing all the ingredients.

"Healthy Congee," Jiang Feng said.

Jiang Feng always had a weak stomach ever since he was a child. Jiang Jiankang would make the same exact congee for him whenever his stomach hurt. But the congee was very Jiang family-like. It was filled with hams, chicken, prawns, and beef.

But Jiang Feng always hated that congee and would give it to Chen Xiuxiu whenever his father left.

"I don't want meat!" Chen Xiuxiu insisted, knowing what kind of congee Jiang Feng was going to make.

"Fine," Jiang Feng sighed. He wondered how the congee would turn out without meats in it.

Well, it's not for me, anyway.

As the congee was cooking in the high-pressure pot, Jiang Feng looked at the remaining ingredients. There were corn kernels, chicken, and hams left.

He then threw all the ingredients into a wok and made a stir-fry corn dish.

A thin and long cuc.u.mber was the only thing left in the bag he brought.

As for why he brought one, he wondered if he was addicted to smas.h.i.+ng the cuc.u.mber flat.

Chen Xiuxiu was attracted by the sound of Jiang Feng smas.h.i.+ng the cuc.u.mber. When she saw the cuc.u.mber salad on the table, she could help but ate a piece.

"Ding! Gained 2 experience points."

"It's too sour," Chen Xiu Xiu frowned.


[A plate of cuc.u.mber salad with too much vinegar]

[A plate of stir fry corn that was fried unevenly]

Jiang Feng scolded at his appraisal skill silently for not being able to tell him that he added too much vinegar.

Chen Xiuxiu then looked at the stir fry dish and asked, "Since when did you like corn?"

"I had some ingredients left," Jiang Feng explained. The truth was that he wouldn't dare to try the congee that he was making for her.

Half an hour pa.s.sed, and the congee was done. Jiang Feng filled up a small bowl for Chen Xiuxiu to eat.

[A bowl of healthy congee that tastes weird]

Jiang Feng placed the bowl in front of Chen Xiuxiu without saying anything and started to eat the corn.

"Aren't you eating this too?" Chen Xiuxiu asked.

"I don't like congee."

"Ding! Gained 1 experience point."

Chen Xiuxiu put the spoon down and asked, "Did you put some salt in it?"

"…" Jiang Feng remained quiet for a few seconds and said. "Salt is bad for your stomach."

Chen Xiuxiu sighed and finished the bowl of congee since it was made for her by her best friend.

"Are you sure you aren't eating any?" Chen Xiuxiu asked again.

"I don't like congee," Jiang Feng insisted.

"Then, what are you going to do with the rest?" Chen Xiuxiu asked a serious question.

"I'll take it to the restaurant later. They can give it out to the customers for free," Jiang Feng said after thinking for a while.

He then went into the kitchen to cover the lid up.

"Ding! Gained 9 experience points]

Jiang Feng quickly turned his head to look at Chen Xiuxiu. The bowl of congee was already empty from before. The only dish that was left was the stir fried corn.

Is… is she eating behind my back?