The Game Of Life - 4 Running

4 Running

"Ding, achieved 10 experience points."

"Ding, achieved 8 experience points."

"Ding, achieved 8 experience points."


Compared with w.a.n.g Xiulian's stingy experience points, Chen Xiuxiu was undoubtedly a very generous customer. The melodious notification tones rang out continuously, bringing Jiang Feng back to the times he spent with Chen Xiuxiu in high school.

Grilled sausages, fried tofu, pan-fried buns, steamed vermicelli rolls, grilled gluten, steamed dumplings, soup dumplings, shumai, pan-fried dumplings…

Just thinking about it made him a little hungry.

Unconsciously, Chen Xiuxiu drank a full bowl of porridge.

She belched a little.

This bowl of porridge should be savored. In the past, only the braised pork shoulder in soy sauce made by Jiang Jiankang had this kind of treatment.

"No!" A second ago, Chen Xiuxiu's face that was full of happy smiles from her satisfied tummy changed drastically within the next second, "I've overshot today's calorie limit!"

Jiang Feng could not understand how a bowl of plain porridge without even a drop of sesame oil could cause her to exceed her calorie intake.

"d.a.m.n it!" Chen Xiuxiu clenched her fist in anger as she smashed them against the table.

"It's just a bowl of porridge. It's fine." Jiang Feng said.

Chen Xiuxiu shook her head.

"You don't understand. It's like this when you're dieting. If you indulge once, you will do it a second time. In the future, all your previous efforts will go to waste."

Women are really scary.

Jiang Feng could not help but sigh in his heart.

"You can go running, my roommate managed to lose weight by running, it was very effective," Jiang Feng suggested.

"You're so light now, it won't be strenuous. I can easily run 10 kilometers at will."

"Really?" Chen Xiuxiu's face was full of doubts. She had seen and experienced Jiang Feng's ability to bulls.h.i.+t since she was a child.

"Of course." Jiang Feng's face was a picture of sincerity.

However, while his roommate was the one running to lose weight, only he had managed to lose weight as his running companion.

"I'll see you downstairs at seven tomorrow morning." Jiang Feng sealed the deal with a statement.

Chen Xiuxiu hesitated for a moment before nodding to show that she agreed.

When it came to the topic of running to lose weight, one had to mention w.a.n.g Hao Jiang Feng's roommate, who got fatter and fatter under the nourishment of love and finally lost his girlfriend as a result. That relations.h.i.+p had given him nothing in return except for fat.

w.a.n.g Hao, who had gained a lot of fat, decided to run to lose weight. Worried that he would not persist, he dragged Jiang Feng to run along with him every day, as well as to supervise him.

He had indeed run, but his meals had stayed the same.

His stomach capacity, which had grown larger due to his ex-girlfriend's love, had become a bottomless hole after his exercise. It had successfully transformed w.a.n.g Hao from a weak and fat man to a strong and fat man.

His roommate's tragic weight loss experience had given Jiang Feng a wake-up call. Exercise could increase one's appet.i.te.

Chen Xiuxiu's complexion was sickly now. In a short period of one year, she had starved her elephant-sized stomach to a bird-sized stomach, as if she was torturing herself to death.

Jiang Feng had to lament that Uncle Chen was also quite gracious. If he were to do the same, Jiang Jiankang would put food in his stomach even if he had to use the method of stuffing ducks – forcing food into a duck's stomach through a funnel down their throats.

Jiang Jiankang and w.a.n.g Xiulian had gone to bed. Jiang Feng went back to his room quietly after was.h.i.+ng up and checked the control panel.

(Repeating Omitted Information)

2. [Neighbor's Wish] Chen Xiuxiu, Chen Duxiu's daughter, has been addicted to dieting recently. Please complete the neighbor's wish to help Chen Xiuxiu resume a normal diet.

Task Tip: Chen Xiuxiu has symptoms of Bulimia due to excessive dieting and induced vomiting. Please hurry up. (Chen Xiuxiu likes to eat slightly sour Cuc.u.mber Salads)

The task tip added a sentence to explain why the experience points awarded when Chen Xiuxiu had eaten the Cuc.u.mber Salad that night was so much. 

Please explore it by yourself. Is that what it had meant?

Only when something had been discovered would the game give an explanation. If it had not been discovered, the game would not point it out.

Over the years, Jiang Feng only knew that Chen Xiuxiu liked to have a serving of Cuc.u.mber Salad before having her meals, and that she especially loved the Cuc.u.mber Salad that he made. It turned out that it was not the many years of diligent hard work that made them particularly delicious, but because of his inability to grasp the correct amount of vinegar to add, causing him to add too much.

Jiang Feng, who knew about the truth, almost wept.

He clicked Yes in the level column, other than the level and remaining experience points becoming:

Level: 1 (109 / 200)

Remaining experience Points: 0

The control panel remained unchanged.

Experience points and levels are useless?

Jiang Feng felt that it was impossible, and it was probably just that his level was too low to make any differences.

He still had to go for a run with Chen Xiuxiu the next morning. So Jiang Feng didn't continue to explore the control panel. He set the alarm clock for 6:30 a.m. and went to sleep with his head turned to the side.

The next morning, Jiang Feng changed into his sportswear and opened the door blearily.

Chen Xiuxiu was standing at the door, wearing relatively loose fitted clothing and a pair of trainers.

In order to run, she had specially put her hair up into a ponytail.

Upon seeing her, Jiang Feng paused.

"Why didn't you knock and get me to rush when you're already here?"

Chen Xiuxiu looked at her watch: "if you hadn't come out at seven, I'd have knocked on your door. How should we run?"

Chen Xiuxiu appeared ready and primed for action.

Running in this area would give her a sense of pride.

It was similar to a sweet victory that said I am no longer the 102Kg woman I once was, the 72Kg me has returned.

Not even losing one kilogram after three days of starving herself could warrant this kind of feeling.

"Run all the way to One Middle School." One Middle School was the alma mater of Jiang Feng and Chen Xiuxiu. The food vendors around One Middle School might not know who the was, but they would know who Chen Xiuxiu was.

After all, she used to be the person who had tried all the food in the area.

"Nice, we can go to the back of the school for breakfast as well." Jiang Feng suggested as if he had done it unintentionally.

"Breakfast?" Chen Xiuxiu frowned. She was running today to burn away last night's bowl of porridge. The loss would outweigh the gain if she were to eat breakfast.

The word breakfast did not exist in the dictionary of dieters.

"With such a large amount of exercise, you will faint without breakfast." Jiang Feng said, the distance to One Middle School from their location was almost three kilometers, which was not a short distance for Chen Xiuxiu, a new runner, even if she jogged there.

"I'll just have a cup of soymilk." Chen Xiuxiu chose to compromise.

Jogging sounded easy, but it was not really easy on new runners.

Just like how w.a.n.g Hao had set his goal to run 10km on his first day of running, he had just run four laps before heading to the canteen to reward himself with some sweet and sour pork.

It took a full hour to finish that short distance of three kilometers.

Chen Xiuxiu was drenched with sweat as she sat in a little eatery in Sha County, the back door of One Middle School, enjoying the cool wind from the electric fan.

After slimming down to 72Kg, she had never sweat so much.

"Would you like something to eat?" Jiang Feng's voice sounded like the devil's whisper to Chen Xiuxiu in that instant.

Of course, she wanted to eat. She wanted to drink the freshly ground soybean milk with two spoonfuls of sugar sold by grandma Zhang at the gate of One Middle School, she craved for the tea leaf eggs that had fully absorbed the flavors of stew that was sold in the inner streets, the noodles with soybean sauce with toppings of cuc.u.mber strips and scallions, and salivated for the steamed dumplings in this Sha Country eatery.

"Just a bowl of soymilk will do, without sugar." Chen Xiuxiu almost doubted that Jiang Feng was doing this intentionally, ending the run here.

"Don't you want to try the steamed dumplings in our shop, little girl? They're delicious. There was a little girl in One Middle School who would eat several baskets every day!" The owner's wife recommended her steamed dumplings to new guests as per usual.

"Jiang Feng, you should advise your girlfriend as well. Young girls nowadays exercise without eating and their bodies can't handle it."

"Madame, she is Chen Xiuxiu." Jiang Feng said with a smile and ordered two baskets of steamed dumplings and a bowl of mung bean soup.

"Xiuxiu?!" The owner's wife's voice right then could compete with w.a.n.g Xiulian's.

"Xiuxiu has become beautiful! A girl does indeed change a lot before reaching adulthood. Auntie can't even recognize you. How can you not have the steamed dumplings when you're here? Come and have a basket. Don't starve yourself. How can a young girl not have breakfast? If it's not enough, I still have six baskets left. Auntie will even make them fresh for you if that's not enough! "

Under the enthusiasm of the owner's wife, Chen Xiuxiu could only be defeated step by step, relenting from the original bowl of soy milk to a basket of steamed dumplings with a bowl of soy milk.

Chen Xiuxiu picked up a steamed dumpling and glared at Jiang Feng fiercely: "You did this intentionally, you tricked me here to eat."

"Why, aren't their steamed dumplings delicious?" Jiang Feng's face was a picture of innocence. "I was young and ignorant, and used to think that their steamed dumplings were the best in the world."

Jiang Feng stuffed a steamed dumpling into his mouth and swallowed after chewing it several times.

"Later I went to university and out into the world to discover that their steamed dumplings are indeed the best in the world."

Chen Xiuxiu could not respond to that. After exercising, her blood was circulating well, insulin had been secreted, and her empty gastrointestinal tract had begun to wriggle rapidly, constantly protesting to her body.

After starving herself for a year, she thought that she was used to it.

Feeling that Chen Xiuxiu no longer ate with the slow and unperturbed manner she had when she was eating the cuc.u.mber salad last night, but ate the steamed dumplings in a hurry, Jiang Feng took advantage of the victory and pursued: "Shall we continue tomorrow?"


Chen Xiuxiu took another ferocious bite of the steamed dumplings.