The Game Of Life - 29 Recruitmen

29 Recruitmen

It seemed like the recruitment was progressing smoothly.

"Ding! Side Quest: [Keeping Up with Technology] completed. Quest reward: [Advertising Billboard]."

Jiang Feng continued to knead the dough happily as the message of quest completion rang out in his head.

Jiang Feng then saw Jiang Jianguo take a tray of freshly steamed Egg Custard Buns out of the steamer.

"Uncle, that should be enough," Jiang Feng said.

"Okay!" Jiang Jianguo nodded. He felt like he had just spent the last two days making desserts that could last him for more than 10 years.

Jiang Jianguo sat down on the stool and found something to fan some air.

"Xiao Feng, I forgot to ask you this, but why is the old man coming to A City anyway?" Jiang Jianguo asked.

"Someone asked him to make a certain dish," Jiang Feng explained. "One of my professors wanted him to make Salix-leaf Shaped Steamed Bird's Nest Soup."

Jiang Jianguo exclaimed when he heard the name of the dish. "Oh my! That's not an easy dish to make. Not even your dad has had the chance to make it."

Jiang Feng nodded. He continued to chat with his uncle while his hands did not stop working.

Since Jiang Jianguo hadn't had many customers recently, plus the fact that his wife was obsessed with dramas, he didn't have anyone he could talk to. Now that he has the chance, his mouth never stopped talking.

Just as Jiang Jianguo was complaining about his son, Jiang Zaide, having to work overtime every day, Jiang Feng's phone rang. It was a call from w.a.n.g Hao.

"Feng'ge? We… have a slight problem here…"

"Give me your phone!" a woman shouted on the other side of the phone. "Jiang Feng?! How dare you? Why do you have so many snacks and drinks in your stall? And what's with Chen Mengxing? He just stole one of the freshmen from us!"


Jiang Feng could picture w.a.n.g Hui's expression as she shouted into the phone.

"Can you give the phone to w.a.n.g Hao first? I still don't know what's happening…" Jiang Feng laughed wryly.


"Hao'zi? What's wrong? Why did w.a.n.g Hui say Mengxing stole a freshman from her?"

If w.a.n.g Hui was speaking the truth, then Chen Mengxing was at fault.

"Oh, you should've seen how pretty the freshman was," w.a.n.g Hao laughed. "She's from Liu Qian's high school. From what we've learned, the freshman won first place at the state Chinese chess compet.i.tion. Plus, she never said she wanted to join the Housekeeping Club."


Jiang Feng could tell that if w.a.n.g Hui knew where he was, she would've come and killed him.

Jiang Feng then coughed awkwardly. "Well… Is there any Sour Prune Juice left? Give a cup to w.a.n.g Hui."

"The juice? It's already long gone. Oh, wait, I think I saw Liu Qian sneak some into her bottle," w.a.n.g Hao said and put his phone down. "Liu Qian! Hand over the juice in your bottle!"

"What bottle?" Liu Qian asked as w.a.n.g Hao s.n.a.t.c.hed her bag and found a bottle in it. "Wait! That's not mine! That's my roommate's!"

"w.a.n.g Hui, here, have some of this. It's our treat," w.a.n.g Hao smiled as he handed w.a.n.g Hui a cup of Sour Prune Juice.

After a few seconds, w.a.n.g Hui picked the phone up again. "Jiang Feng! Do you think I will let this go because you treated me to a cup of juice?"

w.a.n.g Hui sounded as if she'd calmed down a little.

"How did it taste?" Jiang Feng asked.

"Deli… It's not bad."

"You know about my family's restaurant, right?"

"Of course! What's up with the club member 10% discount? Do you know what will happen if I report it?"

"Haha… Now that you've got a taste of how good our food can be, why don't we make a deal? How about all Housekeeping club members can get a 5% discount at my restaurant?"

w.a.n.g Hui thought about it for a few seconds. "10%."

"Come on, that's the same as the discount I give our club members. 6% is the most I can give."

"8% then."

"8%% for more than 200 people. I'd rather close the shop down. 6%, take it or leave it."

In the end, w.a.n.g Hui agreed to the 6% discount deal.

"A Min!" w.a.n.g Hui shouted at the other end of the phone. "Hurry up and go print some new leaflets. Make sure to say that anyone that joins our club can enjoy a 6% discount at the Healthy Restaurant."

"…" Jiang Feng was speechless at how fast w.a.n.g Hui made up her mind.

"And don't forget to add the restaurant's QR code too!"

After a whole day of hard work, all members of the Chinese chess club gathered at the Healthy Restaurant for dinner. Even all three seniors who always said they were busy were present too.

After they had their fill of food, it was time to report their progress for that day.

"Drumroll, please!" Zhao Yu requested as he let a stack of filled forms fall to the table.

"All 300?" Ji Yue asked as she stared at the stack of papers.

"All 300. We even finished earlier!" Zhao Yu nodded.

The other members were staring at the forms.

"What are you guys s.p.a.cing out for? Hurry up and pick out some of the potential new members!" Ji Yue scolded.

It was the first time that the Chinese chess club could pick out members from a stack of application forms.

Everyone was given a small stack of the forms, and they started to pick out promising members from their own stack.

"Wu Qimin, two-time state champion," Liu Zixuan said as he read Wu Qimin's form. "Liu Qian, this is the junior you talked about, right? It looks like we are going somewhere this year."

After going through all the forms, 25 people were selected. Most of them have won prizes in the state compet.i.tion, while the others were masters in their own respective fields such as Taekwando or piano. Just like that, the Chinese chess club gained 26 new members, including Liu Qian.

After going through the details of each new member, the original members felt inferior to them.

"I've decided!" Ji Yue shouted as she slammed the table. "I'm going to ask for money from the Student Union this year too!"

"But…" Jiang Feng wanted to remind Ji Yue that she was no longer a student at A University.

"But what? The President of the Student Union is still the same person!"

Ji Yue recalled how the Student Union never gave her enough operating fees for the past three years because the Chinese chess club barely had enough members. All Ji Yue wanted was to shout the words that she'd wanted to for the past three years.

Give us our money!