The Game Of Life - 28 Decorations

28 Decorations

Since his eldest aunt had been diagnosed with the Three Highs, she could no longer indulge in pastries that were high in sugar, Jiang Jianguo had no use for this pile of materials.

The kitchen had been divided into two parts, one forĀ Jiang Jianguo to make pastries, and the other for their normal business. Customers were scarce during the weekends, and deliveries were scattered as well. Ji Yue could handle everything alone. So Jiang Feng sent a message to Qiu Chen and the others, telling them that they did not need to come to the store to help out today.

w.a.n.g Xiulian and his eldest aunt had made an appointment to go to the beauty salon for a facial together and had left early in the morning.

"Xiao Feng, I didn't know what kind of pastries you wanted, so I had just soaked some beans first." Jiang Jianguo emptied out several bags of beans into the big pot, filling it to the brim.

"Let's finish using up these beans first. I still have a few kilograms of noodles there. I'll make some Cantonese noodles later at night." Jiang Feng said.

Everything was ready. They would have to make Sweet Pea Pudding, Mung Bean Cake and Red Bean Cake.

Jiang Feng put the peas in the pot to boil, Jiang Jianguo put the red beans in the pressure cooker, and then they sat next to the pot filled with green beans and began to peel them.

It was hard work to peel mung beans, but if they wanted to make fresh Mung Bean Cakes and didn't want to buy mung bean flour on the market, they could only do so.

Jiang Feng could only help out with this kind of basic work. When the beans were boiled and pressed, there was basically nothing else for him to do. There was a knot in Jiang Jianguo's heart regarding the proportion of raw ingredients, how to mix it, and what ingredients to bind them.

He had been rubbing off the mung bean's skin for two hours. The skin on Jiang Feng's own palm was about to be rubbed off as well when he finally finished dealing with the big pot of mung beans. After he had placed the mung beans in a pressure cooker. Jiang Feng was pretty much done with his work.

Jiang Jianguo was cooking pea mash. Seeing that Jiang Feng was done with his, he pointed to several big dark bags on the ground and said, "Xiao Feng, you can take a look and see what kind of mold you want."

When he opened the bag, it was full of wooden molds.

Needless to say, many of them must have been looted from the old master.

There were animal-shaped ones, flower-shaped ones, all kinds of flowers, long and wide, square, round, heart-shaped, engraved, everything that one could want to find was in there.

An unaware person might have thought that he had come from the mold factory.

Jiang Feng picked a few good-looking ones and felt that he was in a safe position to clinch victory.

Just with these molds, it would be hard for the chess clubs to not recruit anyone this year.

In order to thank his eldest uncle for his help, Jiang Feng asked Liu Zixuan to help him buy some popular floral tea yesterday.

His eldest aunt had been infatuated with health preservation recently. She had already posted several complaints on her social media that she couldn't buy the popular floral tea that kept getting sold out. Liu Zixuan's family had a wide range of business contacts as they were businessmen. If his eldest aunt was elated because of the suprise, his eldest uncle's allowance for this month might just get doubled.

From top to bottom, the wives in the Jiang family had always been the ones in charge of the money. If Old Master Jiang wanted to improve the food for his treasured pigs, he had to ask for the old lady's consent.

Ji Yue had already finished delivery of all the food and was sitting in the shop, bored and playing on her mobile phone, upon seeing Jiang Feng coming out of the kitchen, she looked up and asked: "All done?"

"It's still early." Jiang Feng found a chair to sit down.

"Jiahui has finished the flyers. Take a look. She's going to go to the printing shop to print it now if there are no problems." Ji Yue handed Jiang Feng her mobile phone.

The design of the flyer was very simple. It was nothing fancy, and theĀ apparent product of cut corners. If not for the five big characters "Chess Club Recruiting New Players" on it, Jiang Feng would've doubted whether this was an advertis.e.m.e.nt flyer for Health Restaurant.

There was even the QR code of the official account in the lower right corner.

Jiang Feng expressed his great satisfaction with it.

"That's it. Print it, please. Can you remember how much money our club had left last year, Senior? " Jiang Feng asked.

"50 dollars I think."

"... Print 300 copies first, I'll pay first, and then pay me from the club funds when we get our funding." Jiang Feng took out his mobile phone and was about to transfer the money to He Jiahui. "How is getting in touch with the venue going?"

"Are you the president or am I the president? Why do I remember that I seem to have already graduated? " Ji Yue could not hold back her grumbles, "Still having to rely on your former president to make use of her looks to get the venue, I'll skin you all alive if the chess club is closed down this year."

In theory, their stall at the recruitment fair was fixed, but this was only in theory. The Students' Union would not care if some lucky club had gotten the corner stall and extended its efforts outside the bounds, provided that they got the corner stall.

In the past few years, the largest areas of the venue had been occupied by the cooking club. They had used the excuse of having to show their props. To be honest, it was just some pots and pans, plus some cakes they had made, sugar-coated bombs coupled with beautiful and eloquent young girls, they had successfully lured countless ignorant juniors to join them.

"The capable always do the most work. Thank you for your hard work, Senior Ji Yue." Jiang Feng said with a smile, "There is still some chilled Sour Prune Juice in the freezer, shall I bring you a bowl?"

Ji Yue solemnly extended two fingers and said grimly: "Two bowls!"

In the middle of the afternoon, Jiang Feng and the others had to bring their things with them to decorate the recruitment fair venue.

The recruitment fair would begin the next morning at 7 o'clock, in theory, a large number of the lower-tiered clubs did not have such small members.h.i.+ps, such as the badminton club, basketball club and so on, they all had a full 100-200 members. The threshold of elite clubs was relatively higher, after all, there were school credits to be given, and members might even be able to clinch some good awards. It was very rare for a club like the chess club which was of a lower tier, with few members, no credits given, and even had such a small amount of funding, to exist.

The lack of manpower meant a huge workload for everyone.

When they arrived at the venue with tables, chairs, props, decorations, banners, and sunshades, the other clubs were basically done with their decorations.

"Everything here?" Asked Jiang Feng.

"Yes, I've checked it. Let's get started." Qiu Chen replied, starting to set up the sunshade.

The others sprang into action as well.

"Jiang Feng?" Jiang Feng was laying out the tablecloth. When he looked up, he saw w.a.n.g Hui, the president of the home economics club, standing in front of him with a handful of decorative artificial flowers.

"I went to the Student Union to ask for a venue. They told me that this venue had been given to others. What is your chess club going to do with such a big area?" w.a.n.g Hui looked at the things they had set up. "You want to set up a row of chess boards?"

"We're going to display our club welfare." Jiang Feng answered.

"Come on, what kind of club welfare can you get from your total funding of $400 last year? What's the use of such a large area? You might as well go ask for a front position. I heard that if you fail to recruit membersĀ this year, your club will get closed down." w.a.n.g Hui said, "Let's exchange our venues."

The Chess Club and the Home Economics club had no resentment, only a personal grudge between Jiang Feng and the home economics club's president existed when she had used the excuse of Jiang Feng being a guy to reject him when he wanted to join them. At the end of the day, the home economics club was a big club of 200 people, and the chess club didn't stand a chance of holding a grudge against them.

"No." Jiang Feng refused, "The front areas are so tiny, it wouldn't be enough."

"What are you going to display?" w.a.n.g Hui asked curiously.

"It's a secret!"

"Tsk." w.a.n.g Hui went back with the fake flowers.

"Why did w.a.n.g Hui come over?" Qiu Chen asked.

"Their area seems to be adjacent to ours." In fact, the home economics club's area was not small. What w.a.n.g Hui had just said was right. The area was indeed secluded.

"Adjacent to ours?" Qiu Chen was shocked. "What if the freshmen mistake us as the home economics club tomorrow?"

"The forms that they're filling will be our club's application form, won't it be good to trick them in?"