The Game Of Life - 16 Open For Business

16 Open For Business

In the end, a slip of his hand gave the post a like.

Jiang Jiankang had decided on his vegetable and poultry supplier. The original plan was to open the day after tomorrow, but since everything was going well, the plan changed and it would open at noon tomorrow.

Jiang Feng started writing a post on his social media after a moment of thought.

A Stir Fry restaurant, located on Food Street East Road will open tomorrow. Any university students will enjoy a 10% discount on the price of dishes as long as they finish their plate.

He then turned off his phone and went to sleep.

There would be a hard battle to fight tomorrow.

On the first day of a new store's opening, there was usually a lot of traffic.

Jiang Jiankang personally hung the red signboard up, and successfully destroyed more than half of Jiang Zaide's in-store aesthetic.

Be it out of curiosity or the desire for the new store opening discount, new customers would step be easily attracted.

In the early morning of the next day, Jiang Feng went to the shop to help wash and cut vegetables. w.a.n.g Hao knew that there were no employees in Jiang Feng's family shop. He was afraid that they would not be able to cope with the workload, so he came to help out as well.

The living cost of A city was high, and the prices in Health Restaurant were not cheap. The price of ordinary dishes was 30% higher than that of surrounding small restaurants. Bigger dishes like platters were comparable to the prices of normal hotel restaurants.

Jiang Jiankang however, had never expected anyone to order a big dish on the first day. The family was busy as bees in the kitchen, buzzing around as they prepared the common ingredients.

w.a.n.g Xiulian cleaned the vegetables and w.a.n.g Hao helped her. Jiang Feng and Jiang Jiankang were in charge of cutting the vegetables. The division of labor was orderly and smooth.

Leeks were segmented, spring onions chopped, garlic peeled and smashed, carrots shredded, cuc.u.mber sliced, radish cut into slices and green pepper chopped finely.

Different knives were used for different vegetables. The vegetables and meat could not be cut with the same knife, and those with different tastes couldn't be cut with the same knife. This was a habit of the Jiang family. General chefs worked well with one or two knives at hand. Jiang Jiankang had more than 10 and Jiang Weiguo even had a row of special knife cabinets.

In the words of Jiang Feng's grandmother, it was blind fastidiousness.

It was indeed blind fastidiousness, but in the eyes of a layman such as w.a.n.g Hao, they bore the poise of a master.

Jiang Feng was in charge of the vegetables while Jiang Jiankang was in charge of the meat.The father and son duo's knife techniques were from the same family, but with different techniques, but in w.a.n.g Hao's view however, they were all the same: stable, accurate and fast.

 Thump thump thump thump thump!

 Soon, the plates beside both father and son's chopping boards were piled high with ingredients like small hills.

w.a.n.g Hao took out his mobile phone and took a video, posting it on his social media as a last bit of publicity before the opening.

The notification sounds of the game rang out continuously in Jiang Feng's mind.

"Ding, gained 1 point of Knife Skill Mastery."

"Ding, gained 1 point of Knife Skill Mastery."

"Ding, gained 1 point of Knife Skill Mastery."


If this was a game, the words "Mastery + 1 + 1 + 1" would be constantly floating on the top of Jiang Feng's head at that moment.

At 10 o'clock, the shop was officially open.

Jiang Feng set up a sign at the door that said - As an opening special, each guest shall receive a cup of Sour Prune Drink upon stepping into the store.

The Sour Prune Drink had been cooked by Jiang Jiankang last night. The best ingredients were used, they included dark plums, hawthorn, tangerine zest, licorice and osmanthus. It had been chilled in the refrigerator over the night and was the best at cooling off the summer heat.

The first table of guests was Jiang Feng's fellow clubmates from university.

Only four people from Jiang Feng's chess club had returned to school in advance, and all of them had come to the restaurant. Two of them had eaten the chinese cuc.u.mber salad made by Jiang Feng yesterday.

The four people deliberately chose a table for four near the door, so that people outside could see that there were guests in the shop.

The menu was hung on the wall, and the prices were mentioned behind the name of the dish. The four people were hesitant after looking at the menu and the price.

The price was a little too expensive.

"Feng'ge." Qiu Chen had the best relations.h.i.+p with Jiang Feng, and didn't have many concerns when speaking, "Even if Uncle and Auntie borrowed a lot of money to open a shop, setting the price of the dishes so high might..."

"With Uncle Jiang's skills, this is cheap enough." w.a.n.g Hao brought out four cups of Sour Prune Drink from the back kitchen. It had just been taken out of the refrigerator, and cold mist was still flowing from it.

In the transparent gla.s.s, the prune juice appeared a very thick brown, which enticed them just with its appearance.

The corners of w.a.n.g Hao's mouth still had traces of the Sour Prune Drink.

Knowing that he would certainly steal what was entrusted in his care, Jiang Feng asked, "How much have you had?"

"Not much, just two portions." w.a.n.g Hao smiled as he placed four cups of Sour Prune Drink on the table. "I just wanted to have a taste, but I lost control."

"Drink less. You just took it out of the fridge, be careful and don't get a stomachache." Jiang Feng said.

The four people who had come to show their support picked up the Sour Prune Drink and took a sip.

It was cool and refres.h.i.+ng, with a touch of smokiness to it. It had just the right balance of sweet and sour, nothing less, nothing more.

The four of them soon gulped down their cups of Sour Prune Drink. Originally there had been some dissatisfaction with the price of the dishes, but as the Sour Prune Drink flowed into their stomach down their throats, this dissatisfaction disappeared.

Just the Sour Prune Drink as a drink was so moreish. What about the other dishes?

"Feng'ge, how much is this Sour Prune Drink? I'll have another one! " Liu Zixuan, Jiang Feng's junior, said eagerly.

"15 dollars per cup." Afraid that he might think that it was too expensive, Jiang Feng explained, "My father brewed the Sour Prune Drink for more than two hours last night, he would be distressed by such a cheap price."

"It's not expensive, not expensive." Liu Zixuan's head shook like a rattle.

The other three expressed their desire to have another cup after they had drunk the Sour Prune Drink in their hands.

The first thing sold upon opening was 4 cups of Sour Prune Drink, it came as a surprise to Jiang Feng.

The four people ordered four dishes. In addition to the Kung Pao Chicken recommended by Jiang Feng, Qiu Chen ordered Sweet and Sour Tenderloin, Liu Zixuan ordered Peking style Fried Beancurd, and the other two ordered Stir-Fried Meat with Chili after much discussion.

Four dishes amounted to 120 dollars in total, the rice was free, and the Sour Prune Drink brought the total to 180 dollars. It was a sky-high price for food near A University.

With the amazing taste of the Sour Prune Drink as their starter, the four people did not feel any dissatisfaction, they held the Sour Prune Drink as if it were a treasure, sipping carefully.

Jiang Feng was only willing to sell them two cups per person. Everyone was treating their soup like a treasure as each sip would mean one less mouthful for them.

Jiang Feng went to the kitchen to help while w.a.n.g Hao stayed there to brag to them. He described the delicious dishes last night, how flavourful the Braised Pork Ball in Brown Sauce was, how soft and tender the knuckles were. The four of them were salivating endlessly after hearing that. They resented themselves for not ordering more dishes just now.

Wait a minute, the Braised Pork Ball in Brown Sauce appears to be sold individually.

Qiu Chen ran to the menu board and found the Braised Pork Ball in Brown Sauce's name.

20 dollars apiece.

So the four of them added 4 braised pork b.a.l.l.s in brown sauce to their order generously.

A few minutes later, Jiang Feng brought a plate of Jiang Jiankang's standard Kung Pao Chicken out of the kitchen.

All four pairs of chopsticks reached out for the Kung Pao Chicken at once.

They soon abandoned the Sour Prune Drink and listed the Kung Pao Chicken as their new favorite.

Soon, another couple came into the shop by mistake.

When they went to look at the menu, the girl could not help but exclaim in a soft voice, "How expensive!"

The boy's expression was not looking good as well. He asked in a low voice, "Shall we go?"

"Let's go, let's go." The girl was pulling her boyfriend's sleeve to leave.

Liu Chen's table was right at the door of the store. When the little couple pa.s.sed by, the boy suddenly got a whiff of the delicious food.

So fragrant.

It smelled a bit sweet as well.

The boy turned his head and watched the four people share a dish of food pathetically, but happily.

"Hey guys, what are you eating?" Asked the boy.

"Kung Pao Chicken." Qiu Chen replied vaguely with meat in his mouth.

"Is it delicious?" The boy gulped involuntarily.

Qiu Chen didn't have time to answer. In the face of these three animals, he would get less if he were to say one more word. He could only nod his head perfunctorily.

Their actions had said it all.

"Or shall we just order the Kung Pao Chicken?" The boy began to waver.

The girl was not interested in having Kung Pao Chicken, but since her boyfriend wanted to eat, she wouldn't stop him and nodded unwillingly.

At this time, Jiang Feng came out with a plate of sweet and sour tenderloin.

The Deep-Fried Pork Tenderloin was golden, the sweet and sour sauce carefully thickened. Jiang Jiankang had poured a well-brewed stock over it as well,it had a strong fragrance.

Gulp, the girl swallowed her saliva.

"And a sweet and sour tenderloin as well." The girl went to the window and sat down and gave the final word.