The Works of Mr. George Gillespie - Part 55

Part 55

492 Hook. Eccl. Pol., lib. 5, sect. 12.

493 Serm. on Matt. vi. 16.

494 Ubi Supra, p. 25.

495 De Cult. Sanct, cap. 10.

496 Zanc. in 4 Praec, p. 682.

497 Pareus Com. in Gen ii. 3.

498 Ubi Supra, p. 20.

499 Ubi Supra p. 29.

500 On Praec. 4.

501 See Serm. on Gal. iv. 4; Serm. on Luke ii. 10, 11; Serm. on Lam. i.

12; Serm. on John xx. 19; Serm. on Job xix. 23; Serm. on John xx.

17; Serm. on Heb. xiii. 20, 21; Serm. on Matt. vi. 16; Serm. on Acts ii. 16; Serm. on John v. 6, &c.

502 P. 67.

503 Ubi Supra, p. 23.

504 Serm. on Matt. xii. 39, 40.

505 Serm. on Luke iv. 18, 19.

506 Serm. on Matt. vi. 16.

507 Synop. Pur. Theol., disp. 19, thes. 30.

508 Manduct, lect. 2, p. 38.

509 Com. in illum loc.u.m.

510 Jude 23.

511 Com. In Thess. v. 22.

512 a.n.a.l. in illum loc.u.m.

513 Expos. upon Rev. ii. 14.

514 In Praec. 2, p. 534.

515 Annot. on 1 Cor. x. 21.

516 Com. in illum loc.u.m.

517 a.n.a.l. in 1 Cor. x.

518 Ibid.

519 Annot. Ibid.

520 De Bono Conjugall, cap. 16.

521 Com. In illum loc.u.m.

522 Apud Wolphinm, com. in 2 Reg. xviii. 4.

523 Calv. Epist. et Resp., p. 79.

524 Serm. on Phil. ii. 10.

525 Com. in illum loc.u.m.

526 G. Sanctus, com. ibid.

527 Com. in 2 Reg. xxiii. 6.

528 Com. in Isa. xxvii. 9.

529 Calv. Com. in Exod. xxiii. 24.

530 Ubi Supra.

531 N. Fratri et Amico, art. 17.

532 Iren. lib. 1. cap. 7, 9, 6.

533 Resp. ad Versipel., p. 41-44.

534 Ubi Supra.

535 Supra, cap. 1, sect. 11.

536 Com. in Deut. xii. 2.

537 In 4 Praec., col. 709.

538 Magdeb., cent. 4, cap. 16, col. 1538, 1539.

539 Cent. 6, cap. 15, col. 1511.

540 Danaeus Polit. Christ., lib. 3, p. 229; Polan. Synt. Theol., lib. 10, cap. 65.