The Works of Mr. George Gillespie - Part 54

Part 54

442 Hist. of the Waldenses, part 3, lib. 1, cap. 6.

443 Eccles. Pol., lib. 5, sect. 3.

444 Apud Aquin. 2. 2, quest. 93, art. 2.

445 J. Rainold's Confer. with J. Hart, cap. 8, divis. 4, p. 489.

446 Stella, Com. in Luke xvii. 20.

447 Eccl. Pol., lib. 5, 70.

448 Ibid., sect. 69.

449 Ibid., sect. 65.

450 Of the Lawfulness of Kneeling, cap. 3.

451 Aquin. 3, 4, 25, art. 4.

452 Ubi Supra, cap. 15, p. 42.

453 Ibid., p. 41.

454 Aquin. 2. 2, quest. 95, art. 2.

455 De Vera Eccl. Reform., p. 367.

456 Annot. on Matt. xv., sect. 5.

457 3, quest. 68, art. 6.

458 2. 2, quest. 147, art. 4.

459 3, quest. 66, art. 10.

460 De Sacr. Missae, lib. 6, cap. 13.

461 De Pont. Rom., lib. 4, cap. 18.

462 Conc. Evan., cap. 60.

463 Iren., lib. 1, cap. 5, sect. 6; cap. 7, sect. 7.

464 Apud Zanc. Epist., lib. 1, p. 111.

465 Eccl. Pol., lib. 5, sect. 60.

466 Hist. of the Counc. of Trent., lib. 2.

467 Confess., cap. 5, art. 41.

468 Proc. in Perth a.s.sembly, part 3, p. 18.

469 Alt. Damasc., cap. 10, p. 878.

470 Ubi Supra, p. 29.

471 Ibid., p. 28.

472 Theol., lib. 6, cap. 3

473 Synt., lib. 6, cap. 51, p. 433.

474 Syn. Pur. Theol. Disp. 21, thes. 7.

475 Fresh Suite, cap. 5, p. 59.

476 Comm. in 1 Reg. viii. de Tempt. Dedic.

477 Hist. of the Waldenses, lib. 1, cap. 1.

478 Cent. 4, cap. 6, col. 480.

479 De Orig. Temp., lib. 4, cap. 2.

480 Cent. 4, cap. 6, col. 409.

481 Com. in Mal. i. 11.

482 Eccles. Pol., lib. 5, sect. 16.

483 Confer. with J. Hart, cap. 8, divis. 4, p. 491.

484 Ubi Supra.

485 Eccl. Pol., lib. 5, sect. 69.

486 Annot. on 1 Tim. iv. 5.

487 De Cult. Sanct, cap. 10.

488 Ubi Supra, p. 21.

489 Ep. to the Pastors of the Church of Scotland.

490 On P. 5.

491 Bonifac. VIII., de Reg. Juris, reg. 51.