Chapter 13.
"You're up early," Penni said when she came out of the bedroom.
Evie was wearing one of Train's t-shirts and her house slippers. Going to the kitchen, she poured herself a cup of coffee, taking a drink before she answered. "I don't need much sleep," she lied without remorse. She'd had a terrible night; the dark shadows under her eyes looked purple.
"Any plans today?" Penni chirped.
Evie stared at her balefully. "I have some research I need to take care of today. What are you up to?"
"I have to go out of town for two days, looking at the venue for a Mouth2Mouth concert. It's under renovation, so I want to make sure it's on schedule to be completed in time for their concert or we're going to cancel."
"Going alone?"
"Girl, you need to get a life."
"I will. I have a plan. I'm going to focus on my career for the next two years, meet someone, date for three years, then get married."
"I need another cup of coffee," Evie proclaimed. "I hope you scheduled an o.r.g.a.s.m in there somewhere."
"As soon as I see a man capable of giving me one, I'll let you know."
"You're surrounded by rockers," Evie said helpfully.
"Too much compet.i.tion. You should see how many women chase after them."
"I'll pa.s.s."
"I have a date next week."
"Who with?" Evie asked, topping off her coffee; Shade's sister was too freaking perky first thing in the morning.
"Lily's old boyfriend, Charles."
Evie burned her tongue on her coffee at the same time she accidently spilt it. Turning away from Penni, she grabbed a paper towel to clean up her mess. "When did this happen?"
"Lily gave me his number when she found out we were having a concert there."
"Yeah. He's a nice guy, according to Lily. Goes to church and everything."
"He sounds like a prince. When's your date?"
"Next I'm meeting him after the concert. We're going out to eat, and he's going to take me back to my hotel afterward."
"Sounds like he's got it all planned out."
"I know. It's really convenient."
"That's what I'm thinking."
Penni looked at the clock on the kitchen wall. "I have to go or I'm going to be late. See you later."
"Call me when you get off your plane."
"Yes, Evie. Jeez, you sound like my mom."
A knife of pain shredded Evie's heart.
"Evie...?" She gave her a smile.
"You better go. You'll miss your flight."
"You sure?"
"Go, girl, have some fun. Get laid, but be safe," she added sternly.
"I'll try." Penni laughed, her natural exuberance coming back.
Evie waited until the door closed before picking up her phone on the counter, hitting Shade's call b.u.t.ton.
"What's up?"
"Guess who your sister has a date with next"
"Lily's ex, Charles."
The phone disconnected.
"He could at least have thanked me," she said to herself, carrying her cup to the computer desk.
Opening her computer, she began her search. Several clicks later, she had a list of names ready. Picking up her phone, she made some calls to a few old friends in the military then stood up. She was about to get another cup of coffee when she heard the intercom buzz. Walking over to the wall, she hit the b.u.t.ton.
"King is here to see you. Should I let him come up?"
"Do you have a message for him?"
"Tell him to f.u.c.k off. You can pa.s.s that along verbatim if you want to." She hung up the phone, reminding herself to tip him the next time she saw him downstairs.
She had poured herself another cup of coffee, pulling the chair to sit down again when a knock came at the door.
"Evie, let me in."
Evie closed the computer's windows, going to another screen to erase her browser. She then shut the computer before going to answer the impatient knocking.
"What do you want?"
King came in through the door as soon as she opened it, casting her an angry look. "Why didn't you let me up?"
"Because I didn't want to see you," Evie snapped.
The man couldn't be that stupid, could he? "Because you dumped me in your car last night and sent me home."
"I was mad as h.e.l.l. You challenged a dangerous group of men."
"Well, I'm mad now, so we're even." Evie put her hands on her hips.
"Whose t-shirt is that?"
"What?" She was briefly confused by the change of subject.
"Whose f.u.c.king t-shirt are you wearing?" King looked furious.
Evie licked her lips. "Train's."
"Take it off."
"You've got to be kidding me!"
"Take it off!"
When Evie jerked it off her head, throwing it at him, he caught it in midair. As soon as she threw it, she regretted it because of the look on his face.
"Don't you dare-" It was too late, the material was ripped and shredded within seconds. "I can't believe you just did that."
Evie launched herself at him, hitting whatever part of his body she could. However, she was quickly lifted and thrown over his shoulder as he turned toward the hallway. He walked down the hall, coming to a stop.
"Which one is yours?"
Evie didn't answer him, continuing to strike his back with her fists and kick out with her legs. He opened one door briefly before closing it and opening another, walking in and slamming the door shut with his foot.
He lowered her to the bed, following her down, then took her hands in one of his, pinning them down over her head. His lower body pressed her naked body to the bed.
"Evie, stop it."
Given no choice, she lay still, glaring up at him with furious eyes. "You had no right to do that, King."
"No, I didn't, but I did it anyway. I told you to take it off then you threw it in my face. Evie, since the day I met you, all I can think about is you with them, and it's driving me crazy."
She stiffened underneath him. "I don't want to hear anymore. Go, King."
"Why? Don't you want to hear the truth that I'm crazy for you, that I can't keep my mind on work? I haven't f.u.c.ked a woman in one of those rooms since the first year I took over the club."
"King, this isn't going to work. I know you're just trying to use me to find out how to get to Shade, but I'm not going to let you use me against him. He saved my life, King. I won't betray him-ever." She quit trying to fight him, lying back against the bed. "Don't try to deny it, King. We know you had us checked out, and Shade knows exactly what and how much you know. You have to stop."
"I can't, Evie. She's my daughter." Evie felt the agony in his soul. He had screwed up with Lily, and as a father, he was trying to make it up to her.
"King, you're not going to change the past, however hard you try. I'm telling you, Shade loves her. Leave them alone. They deserve to be left alone."
As King lowered his head against her neck, shuddering, Evie's arms circled his shoulders, holding him close.
"I'll try." That was as good as she was going to get.
"Try hard," Evie responded, raising her head to brush his rough jaw with her mouth.
"I'll try," he repeated stubbornly.
Evie sighed, wrapping her legs around his waist. "Want to f.u.c.k?"
"What do you think?"
Chapter 14.
Evie's hand smoothed down the raincoat she had on. Leaning back in the seat of the cab, she looked out the window, barely holding her antic.i.p.ation in check as the cab pulled over in front of King's apartment building. She pulled out the cash she had ready in her pocket, paying the driver before sliding out.
They had been spending a lot of time together during the four weeks she had been in Queen City.
She had been preparing this surprise for King for a couple of days now. Usually, they would spend the night together when he finished at the club. However, he had put his foot down about her coming to the club anymore, saying she was too distracting to him and the customers. He was going to be distracted tonight for sure. She had borrowed one of Pepper's stripping costumes off her; the bright red outfit was garish and s.l.u.tty. Evie was expecting a fun time tonight when she took off her coat, revealing her outfit.
He wasn't home yet, and she wanted to be waiting in the lobby when he came in.
The concierge gave her a strange look. "Good evening, Evie."