"Thank you, G.o.d. If I had to choke down one more pretentious meal, I was going to hit the nearest McDonalds on the way home."
"I could tell you weren't thrilled with last night's cuisine."
"Sorry, I'm just a plain woman with simple tastes."
"There's nothing plain about you, Evie."
She smiled up at him before digging into her plate of food, and they ate while Sherri danced. Evie watched the skills the woman used to entice the men. h.e.l.l, she was doing a pretty good job of enticing her.
"You into women, too?"
"No, but I can appreciate them. I like to snack, but when I eat dinner, I like a good steak."
"That's one way of putting it."
"Let me put it another way." Evie leaned into his side, running her hand along his thigh. She brushed his c.o.c.k with her fingers before cupping it in the palm of her hand. "There are a couple of women at the club who like to get into p.u.s.s.y-eating contests. I'm not one of them."
A smile came to his mouth as he removed her hand from his groin. "I don't play in front of the staff."
"I knew you were boring." She leaned away from him.
"I need to check on the upstairs. Want to come?"
They went up the stairway into the crowded VIP room. King saw her to a booth before checking on a few things in his office. When he came back out, Evie was bent over Juliet, licking the remains of a body shot from the woman's stomach.
King felt his c.o.c.k harden behind his pants. Going to the bar, he took a drink of whisky that Garth, his bartender, had waiting for him.
"Can I get an introduction when you're finished with her?"
"No." He took out his phone, calling security and giving an order.
He watched from the bar as Evie finished her body shot, helping Juliet to her feet afterward at the same time he saw the two couples coming angrily out of the private s.e.x rooms. He motioned for one of the girls responsible for cleaning the rooms, advising her of what he wanted.
He then went back to watching Evie as she talked with Juliet, handing her the money for the body shot. When he saw the cleaner come out, he went to Evie, wrapping an arm around her waist then leading her to the prepared room.
"Where are we going?" Evie asked.
He led her into the bedroom, locking the door behind them. He tapped on the two-way mirror. "Take a break."
Confident his order would be followed, he turned back to Evie. "That was s.e.xy as f.u.c.k; you have me hard as a rock."
"Let me take care of that problem for you." She gave him a wicked grin before reaching down to take off her skirt.
"Leave it alone; I want to f.u.c.k you with it on."
"You like the skirt?" Her hands smoothed the leather down over her hips.
"I f.u.c.king love the skirt," he said, moving forward as she backed up teasingly toward the bed.
"You should see the one I have in red."
"You can wear it for me tomorrow night."
"I might not want to come see you tomorrow night." She sat down on the edge of the bed, and King came to a stop before her.
"Then I need to make sure you have fun tonight, don't I?"
Chapter 12.
Evie licked her bottom lip, already planning on giving him a b.l.o.w.j.o.b to take the edge off. Instead, she found her legs swept out from underneath her as her a.s.s rode the end of the bed. King went to his knees, placing her thighs over his shoulders.
"Jesus, no underwear?"
"I didn't want to waste time." His c.o.c.k swelled even harder at her words.
The woman enjoyed s.e.x without any embarra.s.sment. There was no wondering if he was going to get laid when it came to her. Once she had given herself to him last night, she had turned her body over to him to use any time. The women he had f.u.c.ked before, he had felt as if he had to offer a bribe to keep their thighs open; expensive dinners, jewelry or luxurious surroundings. However, Evie only wanted his c.o.c.k and the pleasure he could give her.
He leaned forward, sliding his tongue through her slick p.u.s.s.y. "Are you wet for me or Juliet?"
"Take your pick; you're both hot," she teased.
"I never felt like I was competing with one of my shot girls before."
He slid his tongue inside her p.u.s.s.y, f.u.c.king it with his tongue. When he felt her breathing accelerate, he pulled back.
"Don't stop; I was about to come."
"Get on the bed." King took off his shoes and opened his pants. Unb.u.t.toning his shirt, he got on the bed next to Evie, taking her mouth in an erotic kiss before flipping her on her stomach and guiding her to her knees. Taking out a condom from his back pocket, he put it on then put his c.o.c.k at her opening.
Evie's moan nearly had him coming before he could give her his c.o.c.k. She whimpered as he thrust his length into her.
"You need my c.o.c.k, baby?"
"Yes... harder, King. I need it harder." Evie thrust her a.s.s back at him, trying to fill her needy c.u.n.t, but the b.a.s.t.a.r.d only let her have an inch at a time. Her frustration built at his incredibly slow movements.
"I don't like to share. The next time you want to play with a woman, I'll pick her. Understand me?"
At her agreement, he let her have a little more.
"Dammit, King. f.u.c.k me!" she screamed in frustration.
"I'm not ready for you to come."
He lifted her skirt so her a.s.s was bare then pulled down sharply on her top until her b.r.e.a.s.t.s popped out of her bra, her low-cut leather top cupping them and pushing them up. His fingers found a hard nipple, pinching it tightly between his fingers. When Evie started shaking, her a.s.s quivering, his hand went to her hair, winding it around his hand before pulling her head back while he rode her p.u.s.s.y.
"You bored?"
"G.o.d, no."
"I didn't think so," he said, thrusting into her with harder strokes.
Evie thrust back against him, desperately trying to come. Broken whimpers pa.s.sed her lips; she was hung on a precipice, unable to fall. Suddenly, she felt a movement behind her then the snap of his belt across her a.s.s.
"Yes, harder," Evie begged him.
"Which one? My d.i.c.k or the belt?"
Evie screamed when she felt the belt against her a.s.s again. He switched to her other a.s.s cheek, giving it a hard hit. She came with her a.s.s on fire, begging for more as her climax rolled into another one. King groaned, gripping her nipple harder as he also came.
When they were finally able to catch their breaths, they fixed their clothes.
"You okay?" King asked, studying her bottom before she tugged her skirt down.
"h.e.l.l, yes, I'll remember this every time I sit down for the next couple of days."
"Woman, you're making me hard again, and we have to give the room up. The rooms were booked for the rest of the night and now we're behind an hour."
"We could have waited until we got back to your place."
"Not after I saw you lick Juliet."
"Wait until you see her give me a lap dance." Evie could immediately tell the image was playing havoc with his d.i.c.k.
Ushering her out of the room before she could tempt him to f.u.c.k her again, they settled back into his booth. She watched the show while he answered his employees' questions and watched the dancers.
Evie saw the crowd had increased since they had been upstairs, recognizing a few faces in the room. She noticed them glance several times at the table.
"Do the Predators come here often?"
"Yes. I have the best show in town."
Somehow, Evie didn't think it was just the show that brought them in. Evie looked the men over carefully. They rivaled The Last Riders in testosterone; she was glad the two groups didn't live near each other. While they had made peace with them after Eightball had been kidnapped and Penni had been taken in retribution, it wouldn't take much to set the men off in a clash.
"I need to take a call in my office. I'll be right back. Try to stay out of trouble."
Evie gave him an innocent look, which had him narrowing his eyes in warning. Yet, as soon as she saw the door close behind him, she went to greet the Predators.
"Hi, Ice," Evie said, stopping at his table. The voluptuous blonde, who had taken up residence on his lap, glared at her.
When he didn't immediately respond to her greeting, the group of men went silent as they listened to the interchange between her and their President.
"Do I know you?"
"I'm Evie. I saw you the night you helped out Lily in Treepoint. Then in the diner before you left town."
"You belong to The Last Riders?"
"I do."
"Then why you over here bugging me?" These a.s.sholes weren't the friendliest bikers she had ever met, but she didn't let their att.i.tude faze her.
Her eyes flickered over their faces, memorizing them before her gaze was caught and held by the one at the back of the room sitting in the shadowy corner. His face was f.u.c.ked up, giving him a menacing appearance.
"Everything okay?" King's voice came from behind her.
She looked over her shoulder at him. "I was just saying hi. I remembered them from Treepoint. Especially that one; he must be the one who took Penni for a long ride," she said as she pointed to Jackal in the corner.
"She miss me?"
Evie tensed, getting to the real reason she wanted to talk to the bikers. "Aww, that's cute. I'm glad you can make a joke about it. I want to pa.s.s along a little friendly warning: f.u.c.k with her again and your little boy band will be squashed into a tiny, little enema, which I will personally shove up your a.s.s."
Every man at the table stiffened. "Are The Last Riders threatening us?" Ice's astounded expression glared at her.
"f.u.c.k no. I'm threatening you. Do not touch her again."
"That's enough, Evie. I think they got the message."
"I hope so, because I taught her how to use that gun she brought back. Personally, I think she should shove it up that motherf.u.c.ker's a.s.s herself."
King hastily turned her around, giving her a small push in the direction of his booth. "Go sit down."
Evie sashayed her a.s.s back to his booth, stopping at the bar to nab herself a whiskey, telling the bartender to give her his most expensive brand. Taking her gla.s.s, she sat back down and waited for King to return while she watched the men interact.
She had deliberately p.i.s.sed them off; several of them were still glaring at her. She lifted her gla.s.s in their direction before taking a drink then watched King calm them down, her question answered. The King of Queen City controlled the Predators.
King came back to the table. "Henry's waiting for you outside."
She smothered down her hurt feelings, sliding out of the booth then reaching down to pick up her purse. She walked toward the front door, not letting their gloating looks get to her. Outside, they took a step toward his car.
"Don't pull that s.h.i.t again, Evie. Those aren't people you can f.u.c.k with."
"Neither am I." She slid into the backseat of the car, not flinching when he slammed the door shut.