76 Deb'rah Dwork and Robert Jan van Pelt, Deb'rah Dwork and Robert Jan van Pelt, Holocaust: A History Holocaust: A History (London, 2002), 337-55. (London, 2002), 337-55.
77 . Walter Laqueur, . Walter Laqueur, The Terrible Secret: Suppression of the Truth about Hitler's 'Final Solution' The Terrible Secret: Suppression of the Truth about Hitler's 'Final Solution' (London, 1980). (London, 1980).
78 Saul Friedl*nder, Saul Friedl*nder, Kurt Gerstein oder die Zwiesp*ltigkeit des Guten Kurt Gerstein oder die Zwiesp*ltigkeit des Guten (G*tersloh, 1968). (G*tersloh, 1968).
79 Friedl*nder, Friedl*nder, The Years of Extermination The Years of Extermination, 454-6.
80 . David Engel, 'The Western Allies and the Holocaust: Jan Karski's Mission to the West, 1942-1944', . David Engel, 'The Western Allies and the Holocaust: Jan Karski's Mission to the West, 1942-1944', Holocaust and Genocide Studies Holocaust and Genocide Studies, 5 (1990), 363-446.
81 . Bernard Wasserstein, . Bernard Wasserstein, Britain and the Jews of Europe, 1939-1945 Britain and the Jews of Europe, 1939-1945 (London, 1979); excerpts in Herf, (London, 1979); excerpts in Herf, The Jewish Enemy The Jewish Enemy, 174-5.
82 . William D. Rubinstein, . William D. Rubinstein, The Myth of Rescue: Why the Democracies Could Not Have Saved More Jews from the Nazis The Myth of Rescue: Why the Democracies Could Not Have Saved More Jews from the Nazis (London, 1997), puts the case, somewhat intemperately, against the claim that the Allies could have rescued the remaining Jews of Europe. (London, 1997), puts the case, somewhat intemperately, against the claim that the Allies could have rescued the remaining Jews of Europe.
83 Longerich, Longerich, 'Davon' 'Davon', 201-62, 325.
84 Boelcke (ed.), Boelcke (ed.), 'Wollt Ihr den totalen Krieg?' 'Wollt Ihr den totalen Krieg?', 410-11 (14-16 December 1942).
85 . As argued in Goldhagen, . As argued in Goldhagen, Hitler's Willing Executioners Hitler's Willing Executioners.
86 . Behnken (ed.), . Behnken (ed.), Deutschland-Berichte Deutschland-Berichte, VII. 157 (7 March 1940).
87 Kershaw, Kershaw, Hitler, the Germans and the Final Solution Hitler, the Germans and the Final Solution, 119-234.
88 Longerich, Longerich, 'Davon' 'Davon', 290-91, 326-7.
89 Kulka and Ja*ckel (eds.), Kulka and Ja*ckel (eds.), Die Juden Die Juden, 525 (Parteikanzlei Munich, 12 June 1943).
90 . Ibid., 527 (SD-Berichte zu Inlandsfragen, 8 July 1943); see also ibid., 531 (SD-AUSSENSTELLE Schweinfurt, 6 September 1943). . Ibid., 527 (SD-Berichte zu Inlandsfragen, 8 July 1943); see also ibid., 531 (SD-AUSSENSTELLE Schweinfurt, 6 September 1943).
91 Ibid., 528 (SD-Aussenstelle W*rzburg, 3 August 1943). Ibid., 528 (SD-Aussenstelle W*rzburg, 3 August 1943).
92 . Quoted in Noakes (ed.), . Quoted in Noakes (ed.), Nazism Nazism, IV. 652.
93 . Quoted in Wulf, . Quoted in Wulf, Presse und Funk Presse und Funk, 37 and 546.
94 . David Welch, . David Welch, The Third Reich: Politics and Propaganda The Third Reich: Politics and Propaganda (London, 2002 [1993]), 159. (London, 2002 [1993]), 159.
95 Fr*hlich (ed.), Fr*hlich (ed.), Die Tageb*cher Die Tageb*cher, II/III. 377 (26 February 1942).
96 Evans, Evans, The Third Reich in Power The Third Reich in Power, 207-18.
97 Birthe Kundrus, 'Totale Unterhaltung? Die kulturelle Kriegf*hrung 1939 bis 1945 in Film, Rundfunk und Theater', in Birthe Kundrus, 'Totale Unterhaltung? Die kulturelle Kriegf*hrung 1939 bis 1945 in Film, Rundfunk und Theater', in DRZW DRZW IX/I. 93-157; Peter Longerich, 'Nationalsozialistische Propaganda', in Karl Dietrich Bracher IX/I. 93-157; Peter Longerich, 'Nationalsozialistische Propaganda', in Karl Dietrich Bracher et al et al. (eds.), Deutschland 1933-1945: Neue Studien zur nationalsozialistischen Herrschaft Deutschland 1933-1945: Neue Studien zur nationalsozialistischen Herrschaft (D*sseldorf, 1993), 291-314; Kaspar Maase, (D*sseldorf, 1993), 291-314; Kaspar Maase, Grenzenloses Vergn*gen: Der Aufstieg der Massenkultur 1850-1970 Grenzenloses Vergn*gen: Der Aufstieg der Massenkultur 1850-1970 (Frankfurt am Main, 1997), 206-34; David Welch, 'Nazi Propaganda and the (Frankfurt am Main, 1997), 206-34; David Welch, 'Nazi Propaganda and the Volksgemeinschaft Volksgemeinschaft: Constructing a People's Community', Journal of Contemporary History Journal of Contemporary History, 39 (2004), 213-38.
98 Reported in Jay W. Baird, Reported in Jay W. Baird, The Mythical World of Nazi War Propaganda, 1939-1945 The Mythical World of Nazi War Propaganda, 1939-1945 (Minneapolis, Minn., 1974), 30. (Minneapolis, Minn., 1974), 30.
99 . Ibid. . Ibid.
100 . Herf, . Herf, The Jewish Enemy The Jewish Enemy, 13, 22-6; Baird, The Mythical World, The Mythical World, 28-31; Aristotle A. Kallis, 28-31; Aristotle A. Kallis, Nazi Propaganda and the Second World War Nazi Propaganda and the Second World War (London, 2005), 47-9, 59-62. (London, 2005), 47-9, 59-62.
101 Ibid., 40-62. Ibid., 40-62.
102 Herf, Herf, The Jewish Enemy The Jewish Enemy, 59-60.
103 . Oron J. Hale, . Oron J. Hale, The Captive Press in the Third Reich The Captive Press in the Third Reich (Princeton, N.J., 1964), 151, 234, 276-8, 287; William L. Combs, (Princeton, N.J., 1964), 151, 234, 276-8, 287; William L. Combs, The Voice of the SS: A History of the SS Journal 'Das Schwarze Korps' The Voice of the SS: A History of the SS Journal 'Das Schwarze Korps' (New York, 1986); Doris Kohlmann-Viand, (New York, 1986); Doris Kohlmann-Viand, NS-Pressepolitik im Zweiten Weltkrieg NS-Pressepolitik im Zweiten Weltkrieg (Munich, 1991), 53-63; Richard Grunberger, (Munich, 1991), 53-63; Richard Grunberger, A Social History of the Third Reich A Social History of the Third Reich (London, 1974 [1971]), 504-5. (London, 1974 [1971]), 504-5.
104 Shirer, Shirer, Berlin Diary Berlin Diary, 189-90.
105 . Jan-Pieter Barbian, . Jan-Pieter Barbian, Literaturpolitik im 'Dritten Reich': Institutionen, Kompetenzen, Bet*tigungsfelder Literaturpolitik im 'Dritten Reich': Institutionen, Kompetenzen, Bet*tigungsfelder (Munich, 1995 [1993]), 238-44, 344-5, 373; Joseph Wulf, (Munich, 1995 [1993]), 238-44, 344-5, 373; Joseph Wulf, Literatur und Dichtung im Dritten Reich: Eine Dokumentation Literatur und Dichtung im Dritten Reich: Eine Dokumentation (G*tersloh, 1963), 222-3; Grunberger, (G*tersloh, 1963), 222-3; Grunberger, A Social History A Social History, 453-6.
106 Ralf Schnell, Ralf Schnell, Literarische innere Emigration 1933-1945 Literarische innere Emigration 1933-1945 (Stuttgart, 1976); Evans, (Stuttgart, 1976); Evans, The Third Reich in Power The Third Reich in Power, 149-63.
107 Kundrus, 'Totale Unterhaltung?', 114-19. Kundrus, 'Totale Unterhaltung?', 114-19.
108 . Shelley Baranowski, . Shelley Baranowski, Strength Through Joy: Consumerism and Mass Tourism in the Third Reich Strength Through Joy: Consumerism and Mass Tourism in the Third Reich (Cambridge, 2004), 199-230; Kristin Semmens, (Cambridge, 2004), 199-230; Kristin Semmens, Seeing Hitler's Germany: Tourism in the Third Reich Seeing Hitler's Germany: Tourism in the Third Reich (London, 2005), 154-86. (London, 2005), 154-86.
109 . Boberach (ed.), . Boberach (ed.), Meldungen Meldungen, IX. 3,371 (26 February 1942).
110 . Telegram of 27 November 1939, quoted in Friederike Euler, 'Theater zwischen Anpassung und Widerstand: Die M*nchner Kammerspiele im Dritten Reich', in Broszat . Telegram of 27 November 1939, quoted in Friederike Euler, 'Theater zwischen Anpassung und Widerstand: Die M*nchner Kammerspiele im Dritten Reich', in Broszat et al et al., (eds.), Bayern, II. 91-173, at 159.
111 Ibid., 160-72. Ibid., 160-72.
112 Kundrus, 'Totale Unterhaltung?', 119-21. See also Boguslaw Drewniak, Kundrus, 'Totale Unterhaltung?', 119-21. See also Boguslaw Drewniak, Das Theater im NS-Staat: Szenarium deutscher Zeitgeschichte 1933-1945 Das Theater im NS-Staat: Szenarium deutscher Zeitgeschichte 1933-1945 (D*sseldorf, 1983). For film and newsreel in the 1930s, see Evans, (D*sseldorf, 1983). For film and newsreel in the 1930s, see Evans, The Third Reich in Power The Third Reich in Power, 125-33.
113 . Wolf Donner, . Wolf Donner, Propaganda und Film im 'Dritten Reich' Propaganda und Film im 'Dritten Reich' (Berlin, 1993); Boguslaw Drewniak, (Berlin, 1993); Boguslaw Drewniak, Der deutsche Film 1938-1945: Ein Gesamt*berblick Der deutsche Film 1938-1945: Ein Gesamt*berblick (D*sseldorf, 1987); Hilmar Hoffmann, (D*sseldorf, 1987); Hilmar Hoffmann, The Triumph of Propaganda: Film and National Socialism 1933- 1945 The Triumph of Propaganda: Film and National Socialism 1933- 1945 (Oxford, 1996 [1988]); Eric Rentschler, (Oxford, 1996 [1988]); Eric Rentschler, The Ministry of Illusion: Nazi Cinema and its Afterlife The Ministry of Illusion: Nazi Cinema and its Afterlife (Cambridge, Mass., 1996); Harro Segeberg (ed.), (Cambridge, Mass., 1996); Harro Segeberg (ed.), Mediale Mobilmachung Mediale Mobilmachung, I: Das Dritte Reich und der Film Das Dritte Reich und der Film (Munich, 2004); Gerhard Stahr, (Munich, 2004); Gerhard Stahr, Volksgemeinschaft vor der Leinwand? Der nationalsozialistische Film und sein Publikum Volksgemeinschaft vor der Leinwand? Der nationalsozialistische Film und sein Publikum (Berlin, 2001). (Berlin, 2001).
114 . Kundrus, 'Totale Unterhaltung?', 101; Welch, . Kundrus, 'Totale Unterhaltung?', 101; Welch, Propaganda and the German Cinema Propaganda and the German Cinema 217-18. 217-18.
115 . Kundrus, 'Totale Unterhaltung?', 105-7; however, see the more optimistic reports in Gerd Albrecht (ed.), . Kundrus, 'Totale Unterhaltung?', 105-7; however, see the more optimistic reports in Gerd Albrecht (ed.), Film im Dritten Reich: Eine Dokumentation Film im Dritten Reich: Eine Dokumentation (Karlsruhe, 1979), 225-32. (Karlsruhe, 1979), 225-32.
116 . Welch, . Welch, Propaganda and the German Cinema Propaganda and the German Cinema, 249.
117 Kundrus, 'Totale Unterhaltung?', 102-4; Welch, Kundrus, 'Totale Unterhaltung?', 102-4; Welch, Propaganda and the German Cinema Propaganda and the German Cinema, 186-200; Kallis, Nazi Propaganda Nazi Propaganda, 188-94.
118 Welch, Welch, Propaganda and the German Cinema Propaganda and the German Cinema, 238-80.
119 Boberach (ed.), Boberach (ed.), Meldungen Meldungen, VII. 2,293-5 (12 May 1941).
120 Welch, Welch, Propaganda and the German Cinema Propaganda and the German Cinema, 284-92.
121 Ibid., 292-301; Friedl*nder, Ibid., 292-301; Friedl*nder, The Years of Extermination The Years of Extermination, 19-24, 98-102, both excellent general introductory surveys. Public reactions are documented in Kulka and J*ckel (eds.), Die Juden Die Juden, 434-40. For the reception, see David Culbert, 'The Impact of AntiSemitic Film Propaganda on German Audiences: Jew Suss Jew Suss and and The Wandering Jew The Wandering Jew (1940)', in Richard A. Etlin (ed.), (1940)', in Richard A. Etlin (ed.), Art, Culture, and Media under the Third Reich Art, Culture, and Media under the Third Reich (Chicago, Ill., 2002), 139-57, at 139-47, and Karl-Heinz Reuband, ' "Jud S*ss" und "Der ewige Jude" als Prototypen antisemitischer Filmpropaganda im Dritten Reich: Entstehungsbedingungen, Zuschauerstrukturen und Wirkungspotential', in Michel Andel (Chicago, Ill., 2002), 139-57, at 139-47, and Karl-Heinz Reuband, ' "Jud S*ss" und "Der ewige Jude" als Prototypen antisemitischer Filmpropaganda im Dritten Reich: Entstehungsbedingungen, Zuschauerstrukturen und Wirkungspotential', in Michel Andel et al et al. (eds.), Propaganda, (Selbst-) Zensur, Sensation: Grenzen von Presse- und Wissenschaftsfreiheit in Deutschland und Tschechien seit 1871 Propaganda, (Selbst-) Zensur, Sensation: Grenzen von Presse- und Wissenschaftsfreiheit in Deutschland und Tschechien seit 1871 (Essen, 2005), 89-148. (Essen, 2005), 89-148.
122 . Shirer, . Shirer, Berlin Diary Berlin Diary, 190. The movie he was referring to was China Seas China Seas, released in the USA in 1935, dubbed into German, as foreign-language films always were, and given a new title.
123 Mary-Elizabeth O'Brien, 'The Celluloid War: Packaging War for Sale in Nazi Home-Front Films', in Etlin (ed.), Mary-Elizabeth O'Brien, 'The Celluloid War: Packaging War for Sale in Nazi Home-Front Films', in Etlin (ed.), Art Art, 158-80.
124 . Gerd Albrecht, . Gerd Albrecht, Nationalsozialistische Filmpolitik: Eine Soziologische Untersuchung *ber die Spielfilme des Dritten Reiches Nationalsozialistische Filmpolitik: Eine Soziologische Untersuchung *ber die Spielfilme des Dritten Reiches (Stuttgart, 1969), 110. (Stuttgart, 1969), 110.
125 . Kundrus, 'Totale Unterhaltung?', 107; more generally, see Kallis, . Kundrus, 'Totale Unterhaltung?', 107; more generally, see Kallis, Nazi Propaganda Nazi Propaganda, 194-217.
126 . Boberach (ed.), . Boberach (ed.), Meldungen Meldungen, XIII. 4,892 (4 March 1943); Welch, Propaganda and the German Cinema Propaganda and the German Cinema, 201-3, 222-4; Baird, The Mythical World The Mythical World, 217-27.
127 . Welch, . Welch, Propaganda and the German Cinema Propaganda and the German Cinema, 225-37; Kundrus, 'Totale Unterhaltung? ', 107-8; Kallis, Nazi Propaganda Nazi Propaganda, 153-84, for the general background; ibid., 198- 202, for Kolberg; Fr*hlich (ed.), Die Tageb*cher Die Tageb*cher II/XV, 542 (9 March 1945), for the Goebbels quote. II/XV, 542 (9 March 1945), for the Goebbels quote.
128 For radio in the 1930s, see Evans, For radio in the 1930s, see Evans, The Third Reich in Power The Third Reich in Power, 133-7.
129 Boberach (ed.), Boberach (ed.), Meldungen Meldungen, IX. 3,199 (22 January 1942); Uta C. Schmidt, 'Radioaneignung', in Inge Marssolek and Adelheid von Saldern (eds.), Zuh*ren und Geh*rtwerden Zuh*ren und Geh*rtwerden (2 vols., T*bingen, 1998), I: (2 vols., T*bingen, 1998), I: Radio im Nationalsozialismus: Zwischen Lenkung und Ablenkung Radio im Nationalsozialismus: Zwischen Lenkung und Ablenkung, 243-360, at 351-3; Michael Kater, Different Drummers: Jazz in the Culture of Nazi Germany Different Drummers: Jazz in the Culture of Nazi Germany (New York, 1992), 111-25. (New York, 1992), 111-25.
130 Wilhelm Schepping, 'Zeitgeschichte im Spiegel eines Liedes', in G*nter Noll and Marianne Br*cker (eds.), Wilhelm Schepping, 'Zeitgeschichte im Spiegel eines Liedes', in G*nter Noll and Marianne Br*cker (eds.), Musikalische Volkskunde aktuell Musikalische Volkskunde aktuell (Bonn, 1984), 435-64; Maase, (Bonn, 1984), 435-64; Maase, Grenzenloses Vergn*gen Grenzenloses Vergn*gen, 218-21.
131 Wulf, Wulf, Presse und Funk Presse und Funk, 358-61.
132 . Boberach (ed.), . Boberach (ed.), Meldungen Meldungen, IX. 3,166 (15 January 1942).
133 Johnson, Johnson, Nazi Terror Nazi Terror, 322-8. 134 134. Schmidt, 'Radioaneignung', 354 n. 435.
135 Evans, Evans, Rituals Rituals, 694-5.
136 Shirer, Shirer, Berlin Diary Berlin Diary, 206-7.
137 Horst J. P. Bergmeier and Rainer E. Lotz, Horst J. P. Bergmeier and Rainer E. Lotz, Hitler's Airwaves: The Inside Story of Nazi Radio Broadcasting and Propaganda Swing Hitler's Airwaves: The Inside Story of Nazi Radio Broadcasting and Propaganda Swing (London, 1997), esp. 99-110, 136-77, 332-3. (London, 1997), esp. 99-110, 136-77, 332-3.
138 . Kater, . Kater, Different Drummers Different Drummers, 102-10, 190-94; for jazz and the Swing Youth in the later 1930s, see Evans, The Third Reich in Power The Third Reich in Power, 204-7.
139 For classical music in the 1930s, see ibid., 186-203. For classical music in the 1930s, see ibid., 186-203.
140 Frederic Spotts, Frederic Spotts, Hitler and the Power of Aesthetics Hitler and the Power of Aesthetics (London, 2002), 232-3; Erik Levi, (London, 2002), 232-3; Erik Levi, Music in the Third Reich Music in the Third Reich (London, 1994), 209-12. (London, 1994), 209-12.
141 Hitler, Hitler, Hitler's Table Talk Hitler's Table Talk, 242 (24-5 January 1942, also for general remarks by Hitler on his continuing love for Wagner's music).
142 Spotts, Spotts, Hitler Hitler, 233-4, 259-63; L'har, born in 1870, met Hitler in 1936; he died in 1948.
143 . Levi, . Levi, Music in the Third Reich Music in the Third Reich, 195.
144 Ibid., 195-219. Ibid., 195-219.
145 . Hitler, . Hitler, Hitler's Table Talk Hitler's Table Talk, 449 (30 April 1942).
146 Fr*hlich (ed.), Fr*hlich (ed.), Die Tageb*cher Die Tageb*cher, II/XI. 82 (13 January 1944).
147 . Richard J. Evans, . Richard J. Evans, Rereading German History: From Unification to Reunification 1800- 1996 Rereading German History: From Unification to Reunification 1800- 1996 (London, 1997), 187-93; Sam H. Shirakawa, (London, 1997), 187-93; Sam H. Shirakawa, The Devil's Music Master: The Controversial Life and Career of Wilhelm Furtw*ngler The Devil's Music Master: The Controversial Life and Career of Wilhelm Furtw*ngler (New York, 1992), 290-93. The attempts of Shirakawa and Fred K. Prieberg, (New York, 1992), 290-93. The attempts of Shirakawa and Fred K. Prieberg, Trial of Strength: Wilhelm Furtw*ngler and the Third Reich Trial of Strength: Wilhelm Furtw*ngler and the Third Reich (London, 1991 [1986]) to portray the conductor as a hero of the resistance to Hitler do not convince. (London, 1991 [1986]) to portray the conductor as a hero of the resistance to Hitler do not convince.
148 . Quoted in Walter Klingler, . Quoted in Walter Klingler, Nationalsozialistische Rundfunkpolitik 1942-1945: Organisation, Programm und die H*rer Nationalsozialistische Rundfunkpolitik 1942-1945: Organisation, Programm und die H*rer (Mannheim, 1983), 137. (Mannheim, 1983), 137.
149 . Boberach (ed.), . Boberach (ed.), Meldungen Meldungen, XV. 5,808 (27 September 1943).
150 . Ibid., 5,807. . Ibid., 5,807.
151 . Ibid. . Ibid.
152 . Ibid. . Ibid.
153 . Ibid., 5,809. . Ibid., 5,809.
154 . Michael H. Kater, . Michael H. Kater, Composers of the Nazi Era: Eight Portraits Composers of the Nazi Era: Eight Portraits (New York, 2000), 248-59. (New York, 2000), 248-59.
155 Quoted in Spotts, Quoted in Spotts, Hitler Hitler, 303. See also Evans, The Third Reich in Power The Third Reich in Power, 187-90.
156 Fred K. Prieberg, Fred K. Prieberg, Musik im NS-Staat Musik im NS-Staat (Frankfurt am Main, 1989 [1982]), 222-3. (Frankfurt am Main, 1989 [1982]), 222-3.
157 Johann Peter Vogel, Johann Peter Vogel, Hans Pfitzner: Leben, Werke, Dokumente Hans Pfitzner: Leben, Werke, Dokumente (Berlin, 1999), 156-67, 182; Prieberg, (Berlin, 1999), 156-67, 182; Prieberg, Musik Musik, 224-5.
158 Ibid., 318-24. Ibid., 318-24.
159 Ibid., 324-8. Ibid., 324-8.
160 Lyrics from the accompanying booklet to Anne Sofie von Otter Lyrics from the accompanying booklet to Anne Sofie von Otter et al., Terez'n/Theresienstadt et al., Terez'n/Theresienstadt (DGG, 2007). I am grateful to Chris Clark for the translation. (DGG, 2007). I am grateful to Chris Clark for the translation.
161 . Ibid. . Ibid.
162 For the visual arts in the 1930s, see Evans, For the visual arts in the 1930s, see Evans, The Third Reich in Power The Third Reich in Power, 164-80.
163 . Peter Adam, . Peter Adam, The Arts of the Third Reich The Arts of the Third Reich (London, 1992), 157. (London, 1992), 157.
164 . Ibid., 158. . Ibid., 158.
165 Ibid., 158-64; Gregory Maertz, Ibid., 158-64; Gregory Maertz, The Invisible Museum: The Secret Postwar History of Nazi Art The Invisible Museum: The Secret Postwar History of Nazi Art (New Haven, Conn., 2008). (New Haven, Conn., 2008).
166 . Adam, . Adam, The Arts of the Third Reich The Arts of the Third Reich, 162, 169.
167 . Ibid. . Ibid.
168 Evans, Evans, The Third Reich in Power The Third Reich in Power, 167-8.
169 . Adam, . Adam, The Arts of the Third Reich The Arts of the Third Reich, 202.
170 . Ibid., 201. . Ibid., 201.
171 . Jonathan Petropoulos, . Jonathan Petropoulos, The Faustian Bargain: The Art World in Nazi Germany The Faustian Bargain: The Art World in Nazi Germany (London, 2000), 218-38. (London, 2000), 218-38.
172 Evans, Evans, The Third Reich in Power The Third Reich in Power, 400-409.
173 Nicholas, Nicholas, The Rape of Europa The Rape of Europa, 35-7, 44.
174 Ibid., 41-4; Petropoulos, Ibid., 41-4; Petropoulos, The Faustian Bargain The Faustian Bargain, 63-110.
175 See above, 375-82. See above, 375-82.
176 Nicholas, Nicholas, The Rape of Europa The Rape of Europa, 57-80; Housden, Hans Frank Hans Frank, 81-2.