The Third Reich At War - The Third Reich at War Part 19

The Third Reich at War Part 19

235 . Quoted in Schmuhl, . Quoted in Schmuhl, Rassenhygiene Rassenhygiene, 346.

236 . Klee, . Klee, 'Euthanasie' 'Euthanasie', 421 - 5.

237 . Ganssmu*ller, . Ganssmu*ller, Die Erbgesundheitspolitik Die Erbgesundheitspolitik, 175.

238 . Klee (ed.), . Klee (ed.), Dokumente Dokumente, 300 - 301.

239 . Ibid., 301 - 2. . Ibid., 301 - 2.

240 . Evans, . Evans, The Third Reich in Power The Third Reich in Power, 524 - 7.

241 . Lewy, . Lewy, The Nazi Persecution The Nazi Persecution, 65 - 106.

242 . Ibid., 107 - 32 (quote on 130). The numbers killed in all these cases remains uncertain, and available estimates vary wildly. . Ibid., 107 - 32 (quote on 130). The numbers killed in all these cases remains uncertain, and available estimates vary wildly.

243 . Deletant, . Deletant, Hitler's Forgotten Ally Hitler's Forgotten Ally, 187 - 96.

244 . Lewy, . Lewy, The Nazi Persecution The Nazi Persecution, 135.

245 . Ho*ss, . Ho*ss, Commandant of Auschwitz Commandant of Auschwitz, 138 - 42.

246 . Lewy, . Lewy, The Nazi Persecution The Nazi Persecution, 167 - 228. See also Michael Zimmermann, 'Die nationalsozialistische Zigeunerverfolgung, das System der Konzentrationslager und das Zigeunerlager in Auschwitz-Birkenau', in Herbert et al et al. (eds.), Die nationalsozialistischen Konzentrationslager Die nationalsozialistischen Konzentrationslager, II. 887 - 910.

247 . Quoted in Noakes (ed.), . Quoted in Noakes (ed.), Nazism Nazism, IV. 392.

248 . Burkhard Jellonek, . Burkhard Jellonek, Homosexuelle unter dem Hakenkreuz: Die Verfolgung Homosexueller im Dritten Reich Homosexuelle unter dem Hakenkreuz: Die Verfolgung Homosexueller im Dritten Reich (Paderborn, 1990), 117. (Paderborn, 1990), 117.

249 . Ibid., 257, 269- 73, 282- 7; Geoffrey Giles, 'The Denial of Homosexuality: Same-Sex Incidents in Himmler's SS and Police', in Dagmar Herzog (ed.), . Ibid., 257, 269- 73, 282- 7; Geoffrey Giles, 'The Denial of Homosexuality: Same-Sex Incidents in Himmler's SS and Police', in Dagmar Herzog (ed.), Sexuality and German Fascism Sexuality and German Fascism (New York, 2005), 256 - 90, at 265 - 9. (New York, 2005), 256 - 90, at 265 - 9. 250 250. Ibid., 269 - 90.

251 . Jellonek, . Jellonek, Homosexuelle Homosexuelle, 329.

252 . Geoffrey Giles, 'The Institutionalization of Homosexual Panic in the Third Reich', in Robert Gellately and Nathan Stoltzfus (eds.), . Geoffrey Giles, 'The Institutionalization of Homosexual Panic in the Third Reich', in Robert Gellately and Nathan Stoltzfus (eds.), Social Outsiders in Nazi Germany Social Outsiders in Nazi Germany (Princeton, N.J., 2001), 233 - 55. (Princeton, N.J., 2001), 233 - 55.

253 . Noakes (ed.), . Noakes (ed.), Nazism Nazism, IV. 395.

254 . Ho*ss, . Ho*ss, Commandant of Auschwitz Commandant of Auschwitz, 103 - 4.

255 . Zamecnik, . Zamecnik, Das war Dachau Das war Dachau, 230.

256 . Till Bastian, . Till Bastian, Homosexuelle im Dritten Reich: Geschichte einer Verfolgung Homosexuelle im Dritten Reich: Geschichte einer Verfolgung (Munich, 2000), 79 - 84. (Munich, 2000), 79 - 84.

257 . See Evans, . See Evans, The Third Reich in Power The Third Reich in Power, 529-35, also for the plight of homosexuals in Nazi Germany before 1939. For Jehovah's Witnesses, see ibid., 254 - 5.

258 . Detlev J. K. Peukert, 'Arbeitslager und Jugend-KZ: Die Behandlung "Gemeinschaftsfremder" im Dritten Reich', in idem and Ju*rgen Reulecke (eds.), . Detlev J. K. Peukert, 'Arbeitslager und Jugend-KZ: Die Behandlung "Gemeinschaftsfremder" im Dritten Reich', in idem and Ju*rgen Reulecke (eds.), Die Reihen fast geschlossen: Beitra*ge zur Geschichte des Alltags unterm Nationalsozialismus Die Reihen fast geschlossen: Beitra*ge zur Geschichte des Alltags unterm Nationalsozialismus (Wuppertal, 1981), 413 - 34, at 416. (Wuppertal, 1981), 413 - 34, at 416.

259 . Quoted in Norbert Frei, . Quoted in Norbert Frei, Der Fu*hrerstaat: Nationalsozialistische Herrschaft 1933 bis 1945 Der Fu*hrerstaat: Nationalsozialistische Herrschaft 1933 bis 1945 (Munich, 1987), 202 - 8. (Munich, 1987), 202 - 8.

260 . Peukert, 'Arbeitslager', 416. . Peukert, 'Arbeitslager', 416.

Chapter 6. GERMAN MORALITIES.1 . Quoted in Vandana Joshi, . Quoted in Vandana Joshi, Gender and Power in the Third Reich: Female Denouncers and the Gestapo, 1933 - 45 Gender and Power in the Third Reich: Female Denouncers and the Gestapo, 1933 - 45 (London, 2003), 60. (London, 2003), 60.

2 . Ibid., 59 - 61. . Ibid., 59 - 61.

3 . Rita Wolters, . Rita Wolters, Verrat fu*r die Volksgemeinschaft: Denunziantinnen im Dritten Reich Verrat fu*r die Volksgemeinschaft: Denunziantinnen im Dritten Reich (Pfaffenweiler, 1996), 59 - 61. (Pfaffenweiler, 1996), 59 - 61.

4 . Joshi, . Joshi, Gender Gender, 168 - 97.

5 . Ibid., 152; more generally, see Birthe Kundrus, . Ibid., 152; more generally, see Birthe Kundrus, Kriegerfrauen: Familienpolitik und Geschlechterverha*ltnisse im Ersten und Zweiten Weltkrieg Kriegerfrauen: Familienpolitik und Geschlechterverha*ltnisse im Ersten und Zweiten Weltkrieg (Hamburg, 1995). (Hamburg, 1995).

6 . Noakes (ed.), . Noakes (ed.), Nazism Nazism, IV. 374.

7 . Ibid.; see also Michelle Mouton, . Ibid.; see also Michelle Mouton, From Nurturing the Nation to Purifying the Volk: Weimar and Nazi Family Policy, 1918 - 1945 From Nurturing the Nation to Purifying the Volk: Weimar and Nazi Family Policy, 1918 - 1945 (New York, 2007), 224 - 32. (New York, 2007), 224 - 32.

8 . Noakes (ed.), . Noakes (ed.), Nazism Nazism, IV. 368 - 9.

9 . Ibid., 373. . Ibid., 373.

10 . Ibid., 375 - 84. . Ibid., 375 - 84.

11 . Dagmar Herzog, 'Hubris and Hypocrisy, Incitement and Disavowal: Sexuality and German Fascism', in eadem (ed.), . Dagmar Herzog, 'Hubris and Hypocrisy, Incitement and Disavowal: Sexuality and German Fascism', in eadem (ed.), Sexuality and German Fascism Sexuality and German Fascism, 1 - 21, at 18 - 19.

12 . Quoted in Stibbe, . Quoted in Stibbe, Women Women, 155.

13 . Noakes, . Noakes, Nazism Nazism, IV. 385 - 90.

14 . Boberach (ed.), . Boberach (ed.), Meldungen Meldungen, XVI. 6,487 (italics in original); Mouton, From Nurturing the Nation From Nurturing the Nation, 186, 193 - 4.

15 . Boberach (ed.), . Boberach (ed.), Meldungen Meldungen, XVI. 6,487.

16 . Ibid.; also Stibbe, . Ibid.; also Stibbe, Women Women, 159.

17 . Wirrer (ed.), . Wirrer (ed.), Ich glaube an den Fu*hrer Ich glaube an den Fu*hrer, 324 (Inge to Fred, 17 April 1945).

18 . Gerwin Udke (ed.), . Gerwin Udke (ed.), 'Schreib so oft Du kannst': Feldpostbriefe des Lehrers Gerhard Udke, 1940 - 1944 'Schreib so oft Du kannst': Feldpostbriefe des Lehrers Gerhard Udke, 1940 - 1944 (Berlin, 2002), 73 (Gerhard to Dorothea Udke, 3 April 1942). (Berlin, 2002), 73 (Gerhard to Dorothea Udke, 3 April 1942).

19 . Benedikt Burkard and Friederike Valet (eds.), . Benedikt Burkard and Friederike Valet (eds.), 'Abends wenn wir essen, fehlt uns immer einer': Kinder schreiben an die Va*ter, 1939-1945 'Abends wenn wir essen, fehlt uns immer einer': Kinder schreiben an die Va*ter, 1939-1945 (Heidelberg, 2000), 240 (1 November 1943). (Heidelberg, 2000), 240 (1 November 1943).

20 . John S. Conway, . John S. Conway, The Nazi Persecution of the Churches 1933-1945 The Nazi Persecution of the Churches 1933-1945 (London, 1968), 232 - 53; Evans, (London, 1968), 232 - 53; Evans, The Third Reich in Power The Third Reich in Power, 220 - 60.

21 . Ibid., 253, 220 - 60. . Ibid., 253, 220 - 60.

22 . Hitler, . Hitler, Hitler's Table Talk Hitler's Table Talk, 555 - 6 (4 July 1942).

23 . Ibid., 322 (20 - 21 February 1942). . Ibid., 322 (20 - 21 February 1942).

24 . Ibid., 323 (20 - 21 February 1942). . Ibid., 323 (20 - 21 February 1942).

25 . Ibid., 59 (14 October 1941). . Ibid., 59 (14 October 1941).

26 . Ibid., 51 (10 October 1941). . Ibid., 51 (10 October 1941).

27 Ibid., 75-6 (19 October 1941). Ibid., 75-6 (19 October 1941).

28 . Ibid., 145 (13 December 1941). . Ibid., 145 (13 December 1941).

29 Ibid., 6-7 (11-12 July 1941). Ibid., 6-7 (11-12 July 1941).

30 . Broszat . Broszat et al et al. (eds.), Bayern Bayern, I. 423 (Aus Visitationsberichten Dekanat Hof (Oberfranken), 1941).

31 Conway, Conway, The Nazi Persecution The Nazi Persecution, 259-60, 383-6.

32 Ian Kershaw, Ian Kershaw, Popular Opinion and Political Dissent in the Third Reich: Bavaria 1933- 1945 Popular Opinion and Political Dissent in the Third Reich: Bavaria 1933- 1945 (Oxford, 1983), 331-40. (Oxford, 1983), 331-40.

33 . Broszat . Broszat et al et al. (eds.), Bayern Bayern, I. 148 (Aus Monatsbericht des Landrats, 31 March 1941).

34 Kershaw, Kershaw, Popular Opinion Popular Opinion, 331-57.

35 . Broszat . Broszat et al et al. (eds.), Bayern Bayern, I. 424 (Aus Visitationsberichten Dekanat Hof (Oberfranken), 1942).

36 . Ibid. . Ibid.

37 Friedl*nder, Friedl*nder, The Years of Extermination The Years of Extermination, 302-3.

38 . Griech-Polelle, . Griech-Polelle, Bishop von Galen Bishop von Galen, 195.

39 Friedl*nder, Friedl*nder, The Years of Extermination The Years of Extermination, 303.

40 . Quoted in Michael Phayer, . Quoted in Michael Phayer, The Catholic Church and the Holocaust, 1930-1965 The Catholic Church and the Holocaust, 1930-1965 (Bloomington, Ind., 2000), 75. (Bloomington, Ind., 2000), 75.

41 Friedl*nder, Friedl*nder, The Years of Extermination The Years of Extermination, 559-74.

42 . For this view, see John Cornwell, . For this view, see John Cornwell, Hitler's Pope: The Secret History of Pius XII Hitler's Pope: The Secret History of Pius XII (London, 1999). (London, 1999).

43 Zuccotti, Zuccotti, Under His Very Windows Under His Very Windows; Robert S. Wistrich, 'The Vatican Documents and the Holocaust: A Personal Report', Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry, 15 (2002), 413-43.

44 Friedl*nder, Friedl*nder, The Years of Extermination The Years of Extermination, 56.

45 . Ibid., 300. . Ibid., 300.

46 . Heinrich Hermelink (ed.), . Heinrich Hermelink (ed.), Kirche im Kampf: Dokumente des Widerstands und des Aufbaus in der evangelischen Kirche Deutschlands von 1933 bis 1945 Kirche im Kampf: Dokumente des Widerstands und des Aufbaus in der evangelischen Kirche Deutschlands von 1933 bis 1945 (Tu*bingen, 1950), 654-8, 700-702; Theophil Wurm, (Tu*bingen, 1950), 654-8, 700-702; Theophil Wurm, Aus meinem Leben Aus meinem Leben (Stuttgart, 1953), 88-177; he retired in 1949, aged eighty, and died in 1953. (Stuttgart, 1953), 88-177; he retired in 1949, aged eighty, and died in 1953.

47 . Klemperer, . Klemperer, To the Bitter End To the Bitter End, 14 (15 February 1942).

48 . Ibid., 5 (13 January 1942). . Ibid., 5 (13 January 1942).

49 . Ibid., 27 (16 March 1942). . Ibid., 27 (16 March 1942).

50 . Ibid., 148 (17 October 1942). . Ibid., 148 (17 October 1942).

51 . Ibid., 127 (29 August 1942). . Ibid., 127 (29 August 1942).

52 . Ibid., 361 (26 November 1944). . Ibid., 361 (26 November 1944).

53 Otto Dov Kulka and Eberhard J*ckel (eds.), Otto Dov Kulka and Eberhard J*ckel (eds.), Die Juden in den Geheimen NS-STIMMUNGSBERICHTEN 1933-1945 Die Juden in den Geheimen NS-STIMMUNGSBERICHTEN 1933-1945 (D*sseldorf, 2004), 489 (NSDAP Meinberg, March 1942). (D*sseldorf, 2004), 489 (NSDAP Meinberg, March 1942).

54 . Peter Longerich, . Peter Longerich, 'Davon haben wir nichts gewusst!' Die Deutschen und die Judenverfolgung 1933-1945 'Davon haben wir nichts gewusst!' Die Deutschen und die Judenverfolgung 1933-1945 (Munich, 2006), 253-4. (Munich, 2006), 253-4.

55 Friedl*nder, Friedl*nder, The Years of Extermination The Years of Extermination, 294.

56 . Klemperer, . Klemperer, I Shall Bear Witness I Shall Bear Witness, 423 (1 November 1941).

57 . Klemperer, . Klemperer, To the Bitter End To the Bitter End, 46 (8 May 1942), 50 (15 May 1942).

58 Friedl*nder, Friedl*nder, The Years of Extermination The Years of Extermination, 289.

59 . Klemperer, . Klemperer, To the Bitter End To the Bitter End, 179 (8 January 1943).

60 . Ibid., 282 (7 February 1944). . Ibid., 282 (7 February 1944).

61 . Ibid., 204 (16 April 1943). . Ibid., 204 (16 April 1943).

62 . Klemperer, . Klemperer, I Shall Bear Witness I Shall Bear Witness, 404 (21 July 1941).

63 Friedl*nder, Friedl*nder, The Years of Extermination The Years of Extermination, 251-5; David Bankier, The Germans and the Final Solution: Public Opinion under Nazism The Germans and the Final Solution: Public Opinion under Nazism (Oxford, 1992), 124-30. See also Frank Bajohr and Dieter Pohl, (Oxford, 1992), 124-30. See also Frank Bajohr and Dieter Pohl, Der Holocaust als offenes Geheimnis: Die Deutschen, die NS-FU*HRUNG und die Alliierten Der Holocaust als offenes Geheimnis: Die Deutschen, die NS-FU*HRUNG und die Alliierten (Munich, 2006); Ian Kershaw, (Munich, 2006); Ian Kershaw, Hitler, the Germans and the Final Solution Hitler, the Germans and the Final Solution (London, 2008); and Bernward D*rner, (London, 2008); and Bernward D*rner, Die Deutschen und der Holocaust: Was niemand wissen wollte, aber jeder wissen konnte Die Deutschen und der Holocaust: Was niemand wissen wollte, aber jeder wissen konnte (Berlin, 2007). (Berlin, 2007).

64 Longerich, Longerich, 'Davon' 'Davon', 175-81.

65 Kulka and J*ckel (eds.), Kulka and J*ckel (eds.), Die Juden Die Juden, 476-7 (SD-Aussenstelle Minden, 6 and 12 December 1941).

66 . Ibid., 478 (SD Hauptaussenstelle Bielefeld, 16 December 1941). . Ibid., 478 (SD Hauptaussenstelle Bielefeld, 16 December 1941).

67 . Ibid., 503 (SD Aussenstelle Detmold, 31 July 1942), and 476-7 (SD Aussenstelle Minden, 6 December 1941). . Ibid., 503 (SD Aussenstelle Detmold, 31 July 1942), and 476-7 (SD Aussenstelle Minden, 6 December 1941).

68 . Solmitz, . Solmitz, Tagebuch Tagebuch, 691 (7 November 1941).

69 . Ibid., 699 (5 December 1941). . Ibid., 699 (5 December 1941).

70 . Ibid., 747-9 (14 July 1942, 22 July 1942). . Ibid., 747-9 (14 July 1942, 22 July 1942).

71 . Ibid., 768-9, 776, 780, 782, 788, 796 (25 September 1942, 26 September 1942, 9 November 1942, 24 November 1942, 21 December 1942, 26 January 1943). . Ibid., 768-9, 776, 780, 782, 788, 796 (25 September 1942, 26 September 1942, 9 November 1942, 24 November 1942, 21 December 1942, 26 January 1943).

72 . David M. Crowe, . David M. Crowe, Oskar Schindler: The Untold Account of His Life, Wartime Activities, and the True Story Behind The List Oskar Schindler: The Untold Account of His Life, Wartime Activities, and the True Story Behind The List (Cambridge, Mass., 2004). The story was filmed by Steven Spielberg under the title (Cambridge, Mass., 2004). The story was filmed by Steven Spielberg under the title Schindler's List Schindler's List.

73 . Hosenfeld, . Hosenfeld, 'Ich versuche' 'Ich versuche', 710 (letter to wife, 31 March 1943), 739 (letter to wife, 29 July 1943).

74 . Ibid., 108-11. . Ibid., 108-11.

75 . Wladyslaw Szpilman, . Wladyslaw Szpilman, The Pianist: The Extraordinary True Story of One Man's Survival in Warsaw, 1939-1945 The Pianist: The Extraordinary True Story of One Man's Survival in Warsaw, 1939-1945 (London, 2002). The book became the basis for Roman Polanski's movie (London, 2002). The book became the basis for Roman Polanski's movie The Pianist The Pianist.