280 . Steinbacher, . Steinbacher, Auschwitz Auschwitz, 107.
281 Miroslav K'rny Miroslav K'rny et al et al. (eds.), Theresienstadt in der 'Endl*sung der Judenfrage' Theresienstadt in der 'Endl*sung der Judenfrage' (Prague, 1992). (Prague, 1992).
282 Steinbacher, Steinbacher, Auschwitz Auschwitz, 108-9; Friedl*nder, The Years of Extermination The Years of Extermination, 354.
283 . Ibid., 620; Steinbacher, . Ibid., 620; Steinbacher, Auschwitz Auschwitz, 108.
284 Ibid., 40-44; eadem, Ibid., 40-44; eadem, 'Musterstadt' Auschwitz 'Musterstadt' Auschwitz, 247.
285 Steinbacher, Steinbacher, Auschwitz Auschwitz, 132-5.
286 H*ss, H*ss, Commandant of Auschwitz Commandant of Auschwitz, 173.
287 . Ibid., 172. . Ibid., 172.
288 . Ibid., 145. . Ibid., 145.
289 . Ibid., 172. . Ibid., 172.
290 . Ibid., 174. . Ibid., 174.
291 Ibid., 175-6. Ibid., 175-6.
292 . Czerniakow, . Czerniakow, The Warsaw Diary The Warsaw Diary, 300 (19 November 1941), 341 (8-10 April 1942), 355 (18 May 1942), 366 (14 June 1942), 376-7 (8 July 1942).
293 . Ibid., 384-5 (21-3 July 1942); Kermish, 'Introduction', in ibid., 23-4. Czerniakow's diary was preserved by unknown hands and came to light in 1959. There is an atmospheric account of the crucial meeting on 22 July 1942 in Marcel Reich-Ranicki, . Ibid., 384-5 (21-3 July 1942); Kermish, 'Introduction', in ibid., 23-4. Czerniakow's diary was preserved by unknown hands and came to light in 1959. There is an atmospheric account of the crucial meeting on 22 July 1942 in Marcel Reich-Ranicki, The Author of Himself: The Life of Marcel Reich-Ranicki The Author of Himself: The Life of Marcel Reich-Ranicki (London, 2001 [1999]), 164-6. See also Wolfgang Scheffler, 'The Forgotten Part of the "Final Solution": The Liquidation of the Ghettos', (London, 2001 [1999]), 164-6. See also Wolfgang Scheffler, 'The Forgotten Part of the "Final Solution": The Liquidation of the Ghettos', Simon Wiesenthal Centre Annual Simon Wiesenthal Centre Annual, 2 (1985), 31-51.
294 . Hosenfeld, . Hosenfeld, 'Ich versuche' 'Ich versuche', 628 (letter to wife, 23 July 1942). Hosenfeld's position in the military administration seems to have protected his letters from the attentions of the censor, though such an unqualified expression of criticism was still potentially very dangerous.
295 . Ibid., 630 (diary, 25 July 1942). . Ibid., 630 (diary, 25 July 1942).
296 . Ibid., 642 (letter to son, 18 August 1942). . Ibid., 642 (letter to son, 18 August 1942).
297 . Klukowski, . Klukowski, Diary Diary, 208 (4 August 1942).
298 . Kaplan, . Kaplan, Scroll Scroll, Introduction and 271 (16 June 1942), 279-80 (25-6 June 1942); Gilbert, The Holocaust The Holocaust, 462; Corni, Hitler's Ghettos Hitler's Ghettos, 279. See also Jerzy Lewinski, 'The Death of Adam Czerniakow and Janusz Korcak's Last Journey', Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry, 7 (1992), 224-53.
299 Gutman, Gutman, The Jews of Warsaw The Jews of Warsaw, 270-72.
300 Ringelblum, Ringelblum, Notes Notes, 310-11, also quoted in Corni, Hitler's Ghettos Hitler's Ghettos, 279.
301 Ibid., 293-315, 320-21; Hosenfeld, Ibid., 293-315, 320-21; Hosenfeld, 'Ich versuche' 'Ich versuche', 631 (diary, 25 July 1942).
302 . Yisrael Gutman, . Yisrael Gutman, Resistance: The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Resistance: The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising (Boston, Mass., 1994); Shmuel Krakowski, (Boston, Mass., 1994); Shmuel Krakowski, The War of the Doomed: Jewish Armed Resistance in Poland, 1942- 1944 The War of the Doomed: Jewish Armed Resistance in Poland, 1942- 1944 (New York, 1984); Reuben Ainsztein, (New York, 1984); Reuben Ainsztein, Revolte gegen die Vernichtung: Der Aufstand im Warschauer Ghetto Revolte gegen die Vernichtung: Der Aufstand im Warschauer Ghetto (Berlin, 1993). (Berlin, 1993).
303 J*rgen Stroop, J*rgen Stroop, The Stroop Report: The Jewish Quarter of Warsaw Is No More! The Stroop Report: The Jewish Quarter of Warsaw Is No More! (London, 1980 [1960]), 9. (London, 1980 [1960]), 9.
304 Corni, Corni, Hitler's Ghettos Hitler's Ghettos, 315-21.
305 . Hosenfeld, . Hosenfeld, 'Ich versuche' 'Ich versuche', 719 (diary, 16 June 1943).
306 Reich-Ranicki, Reich-Ranicki, The Author of Himself The Author of Himself, 176-92.
307 . Joseph Kermish, 'Introduction', in Ringelblum, . Joseph Kermish, 'Introduction', in Ringelblum, Polish-Jewish Relations Polish-Jewish Relations, vii-xxxi, at xxiii-xvi, and Ringelblum, Notes Notes, ix-xxvii.
308 . Weiss, 'Jewish Leadership'. . Weiss, 'Jewish Leadership'.
309 Friedl*nder, Friedl*nder, The Years of Extermination The Years of Extermination, 557.
310 . Sierakowiak, . Sierakowiak, The Diary The Diary, 77-90 (6 April-15 May 1941), 91-2 (16 May 1941), 133 (28 September 1941), 137-43 (4-23 October 1941).
311 Corni, Corni, Hitler's Ghettos Hitler's Ghettos, 280-81; Friedl*nder, The Years of Extermination The Years of Extermination, 314-15, 387-9; Avraham Barkai, 'Between East and West: Jews from Germany in the Lodz Ghetto', in Michael R. Marrus (ed.), The Nazi Holocaust: Historical Articles on the Destruction of European Jews The Nazi Holocaust: Historical Articles on the Destruction of European Jews (Westport, Conn., 1989), 378-439. (Westport, Conn., 1989), 378-439.
312 . Dobroszycki (ed.), . Dobroszycki (ed.), The Chronicle of the Lodz Ghetto The Chronicle of the Lodz Ghetto, 163 - 5.
313 Sierakowiak, Sierakowiak, The Diary The Diary, 173 (25 May 1942), 238 (11 December 1942), 267-8 (14- 15 April 1942); Corni, Hitler's Ghettos Hitler's Ghettos, 282-3.
314 Friedl*nder, Friedl*nder, The Years of Extermination The Years of Extermination, 531.
315 Ibid., 529-30; Alan Adelson and Robert Lapides (eds.), Ibid., 529-30; Alan Adelson and Robert Lapides (eds.), L'd' Ghetto: Inside a Community under Siege L'd' Ghetto: Inside a Community under Siege (New York, 1989), 328-31; Bernhard Chiari, (New York, 1989), 328-31; Bernhard Chiari, Alltag hinter der Front: Besatzung, Kollaboration und Widerstand in Weissrussland 1941-1944 Alltag hinter der Front: Besatzung, Kollaboration und Widerstand in Weissrussland 1941-1944 (D*sseldorf, 1998). (D*sseldorf, 1998).
316 Corni, Corni, Hitler's Ghettos Hitler's Ghettos, 309-10.
317 . Yitzhak Arad, . Yitzhak Arad, Ghetto in Flames: The Struggle and Destruction of the Jews in Vilna in the Holocaust Ghetto in Flames: The Struggle and Destruction of the Jews in Vilna in the Holocaust (Jerusalem, 1980). (Jerusalem, 1980).
318 . Philip Friedman, . Philip Friedman, Roads to Extinction: Essays on the Holocaust Roads to Extinction: Essays on the Holocaust (New York, 1980), 294-321. (New York, 1980), 294-321.
319 Corni, Corni, Hitler's Ghettos Hitler's Ghettos, 283-4.
320 . Antony Polonsky, 'Beyond Condemnation, Apologetics and Apologies: On the Complexity of Polish Behaviour Towards the Jews during the Second World War', in Roger Bullen, Hartmut Pogge Von Strandmann and Antony Polonsky (eds.), . Antony Polonsky, 'Beyond Condemnation, Apologetics and Apologies: On the Complexity of Polish Behaviour Towards the Jews during the Second World War', in Roger Bullen, Hartmut Pogge Von Strandmann and Antony Polonsky (eds.), Ideas into Politics: Aspects of European History 1880 to 1950 Ideas into Politics: Aspects of European History 1880 to 1950 (London, 1984), 123-43, at 194. (London, 1984), 123-43, at 194.
321 Hosenfeld, Hosenfeld, 'Ich versuche' 'Ich versuche', 657-8 (diary, 1 September 1942).
322 . Wolfram Wette, ' "Rassenfeind": Antisemitismus und Antislawismus in der Wehrmachtspropaganda', in Manoschek (ed.), . Wolfram Wette, ' "Rassenfeind": Antisemitismus und Antislawismus in der Wehrmachtspropaganda', in Manoschek (ed.), Die Wehrmacht im Rassenkrieg Die Wehrmacht im Rassenkrieg, 55-73.
323 . Manoschek, . Manoschek, 'Es gibt nur eines' 'Es gibt nur eines', 65 (Fw. E. E., 18 December 1942).
324 Ibid., 57 (Am. D. S., 17 May 1942). Ibid., 57 (Am. D. S., 17 May 1942).
325 Hans Safrian, 'Komplizen des Genozids: Zum Anteil der Heeresgruppe S*d an der Verfolgung und Ermordung der Juden in der Ukraine 1941', in Manoschek (ed.), Hans Safrian, 'Komplizen des Genozids: Zum Anteil der Heeresgruppe S*d an der Verfolgung und Ermordung der Juden in der Ukraine 1941', in Manoschek (ed.), Die Wehrmacht im Rassenkrieg Die Wehrmacht im Rassenkrieg, 90-115; Andrej Angrick, 'Zur Rolle der Milit*rverwaltung bei der Ermordung der sowjetischen Juden', in Babette Quinkert (ed.), 'Wir sind die Herren dieses Landes': Ursachen, Verlauf und Folgen des deutschen *berfalls auf die Sowjetunion 'Wir sind die Herren dieses Landes': Ursachen, Verlauf und Folgen des deutschen *berfalls auf die Sowjetunion (Hamburg, 2002), 104-23. (Hamburg, 2002), 104-23.
326 H*rter, H*rter, Hitlers Heerf*hrer Hitlers Heerf*hrer, 509-99, explores the mixture of utilitarian and ideological motives that led the senior army commanders on the Eastern Front to tolerate, encourage or lend logistical support to the mass murder of the Jewish population of the area.
327 . Hosenfeld, . Hosenfeld, 'Ich versuche' 'Ich versuche', 719 (diary, 16 June 1943).
Chapter 4. THE NEW ORDER.1 . Richard Overy, 'Rationalization and the "Production Miracle" in Germany during the Second World War', in idem, . Richard Overy, 'Rationalization and the "Production Miracle" in Germany during the Second World War', in idem, War and Economy in the Third Reich War and Economy in the Third Reich (Oxford, 1994), 343-75 (quotes on 353-4). (Oxford, 1994), 343-75 (quotes on 353-4).
2 Speer, Speer, Inside the Third Reich Inside the Third Reich, 271-9; Tooze, The Wages of Destruction The Wages of Destruction, 508-9.
3 . Speer's account corrected in Gitta Sereny, . Speer's account corrected in Gitta Sereny, Albert Speer: His Battle with Truth Albert Speer: His Battle with Truth (London, 1995), 274-83; Max M*ller, 'Der Tod des Reichsministers Dr Fritz Todt', (London, 1995), 274-83; Max M*ller, 'Der Tod des Reichsministers Dr Fritz Todt', Geschichte in Wissenschaft und Unterricht Geschichte in Wissenschaft und Unterricht 18 (1967), 602-5; discussion in Kershaw, 18 (1967), 602-5; discussion in Kershaw, Hitler Hitler, II. 502-3.
4 Karl-Heinz Ludwig, Karl-Heinz Ludwig, Technik und Ingenieure im Dritten Reich Technik und Ingenieure im Dritten Reich (D*sseldorf, 1974), 403-72, and M*ller, 'The Mobilization', 453-85. (D*sseldorf, 1974), 403-72, and M*ller, 'The Mobilization', 453-85.
5 Speer, Speer, Inside the Third Reich Inside the Third Reich, 261-5, 275-7, 291; Sereny, Albert Speer Albert Speer, 291-2.
6 M*ller, 'The Mobilization', 773-86. M*ller, 'The Mobilization', 773-86.
7 Evans, Evans, The Third Reich in Power The Third Reich in Power, 183-6; Alan S. Milward, The German Economy at War The German Economy at War (London, 1985), 72-99. (London, 1985), 72-99.
8 See Evans, See Evans, The Third Reich in Power The Third Reich in Power, 183-6.
9 Speer, Speer, Inside the Third Reich Inside the Third Reich, 262-3.
10 Quoted in Tooze, Quoted in Tooze, The Wages of Destruction The Wages of Destruction, 506-7.
11 . Halder, . Halder, Kriegstagebuch Kriegstagebuch, III. 309 (24 November 1941).
12 . Budrass, . Budrass, Flugzeugindustrie Flugzeugindustrie, 724. A contributory factor may have been office intrigues against his position.
13 Tooze, Tooze, The Wages of Destruction The Wages of Destruction, 123-4, 508.
14 Ibid., 587-9; Overy, 'Rationalization', 356, 343-9. Ibid., 587-9; Overy, 'Rationalization', 356, 343-9.
15 . Walter Naasner, . Walter Naasner, Neue Machtzentren in der deutschen Kriegswirtschaft 1942-1945 Neue Machtzentren in der deutschen Kriegswirtschaft 1942-1945 (Boppard, 1994), 471-2. (Boppard, 1994), 471-2.
16 . Speer, . Speer, Inside the Third Reich Inside the Third Reich, 280.
17 Ibid., 282-5. Ibid., 282-5.
18 . Paul B. Jaskot, . Paul B. Jaskot, The Architecture of Oppression: The SS, Forced Labor, and the Nazi Monumental Building Economy The Architecture of Oppression: The SS, Forced Labor, and the Nazi Monumental Building Economy (London, 2000), 80-113. (London, 2000), 80-113.
19 . Speer, . Speer, Inside the Third Reich Inside the Third Reich, 287-300 (quote on 295-6); Milward, The German Economy at War The German Economy at War, 54-71 (for Todt's achievements).
20 Overy, Overy, War and Economy War and Economy, 356-70.
21 Tooze, Tooze, The Wages of Destruction The Wages of Destruction, 568-74.
22 Ibid., 578-84. Ibid., 578-84.
23 Overy, Overy, War and Economy War and Economy, 356-67.
24 . Weinberg, . Weinberg, A World at Arms A World at Arms, 538.
25 Mark Harrison (ed.), Mark Harrison (ed.), The Economics of World War II: Six Great Powers in International Comparison The Economics of World War II: Six Great Powers in International Comparison (Cambridge, 1998), 26. (Cambridge, 1998), 26.
26 . Edward R. Zilbert, . Edward R. Zilbert, Albert Speer and the Nazi Ministry of Arms: Economic Institutions and Industrial Production in the German War Economy Albert Speer and the Nazi Ministry of Arms: Economic Institutions and Industrial Production in the German War Economy (London, 1981), esp. 184-257; Budrass, (London, 1981), esp. 184-257; Budrass, Flugzeugindustrie Flugzeugindustrie, 738-9, 891.
27 Tooze, Tooze, The Wages of Destruction The Wages of Destruction, 587-9; Mark Harrison, Accounting for War: Soviet Production, Employment and the Defence Burden, 1940-1945 Accounting for War: Soviet Production, Employment and the Defence Burden, 1940-1945 (Cambridge, 1996); and John Barber and Mark Harrison, (Cambridge, 1996); and John Barber and Mark Harrison, The Soviet Home Front, 1941-1945: A Social and Economic History of the USSR in World War II The Soviet Home Front, 1941-1945: A Social and Economic History of the USSR in World War II (London, 1991). (London, 1991).
28 Tooze, Tooze, The Wages of Destruction The Wages of Destruction, 407; M*ller, 'The Mobilization', 723; Boog, 'The Strategic Air War', 118.
29 Rolf-Dieter M*ller, 'Albert Speer and Armaments Policy in Total War', Rolf-Dieter M*ller, 'Albert Speer and Armaments Policy in Total War', GSWW GSWW V/II, 293-832, at 805. V/II, 293-832, at 805.
30 . Harrison (ed.), . Harrison (ed.), The Economics of World War II The Economics of World War II, 20-21.
31 . Tooze, . Tooze, The Wages of Destruction The Wages of Destruction, 383-5; Alan S. Milward, The New Order and the French Economy The New Order and the French Economy (Oxford, 1984), 81. (Oxford, 1984), 81.
32 . Many further examples in G*tz Aly, . Many further examples in G*tz Aly, Hitler's Beneficiaries: Plunder, Racial War, and the Nazi Welfare State Hitler's Beneficiaries: Plunder, Racial War, and the Nazi Welfare State (New York, 2007 [2005]); also Elmsh*user and Lokers (eds.), (New York, 2007 [2005]); also Elmsh*user and Lokers (eds.), 'Man muss hier nur hart sein' 'Man muss hier nur hart sein', 55, 62, 63, 68 etc.
33 . Jeremy Noakes and Geoffrey Pridham (eds.), . Jeremy Noakes and Geoffrey Pridham (eds.), Nazism 1919-1945 Nazism 1919-1945, III: Foreign Policy, War and Racial Extermination: A Documentary Reader Foreign Policy, War and Racial Extermination: A Documentary Reader (Exeter, 1988), 295; Alan S. Milward, (Exeter, 1988), 295; Alan S. Milward, War, Economy and Society 1939-1945 War, Economy and Society 1939-1945 (London, 1987 [1977]), 137. (London, 1987 [1977]), 137.
34 . Tooze, . Tooze, The Wages of Destruction The Wages of Destruction, 386-8; Overy et al et al. (eds.), Die 'Neuordnung' Europas Die 'Neuordnung' Europas.
35 Milward, Milward, War, Economy and Society War, Economy and Society, 139-41.
36 . Milward, . Milward, The New Order and the French Economy The New Order and the French Economy, 111.
37 . Harrison (ed.), . Harrison (ed.), The Economics of World War II The Economics of World War II, 22.
38 Milward, Milward, War, Economy and Society War, Economy and Society, 138-45.
39 . Tooze, . Tooze, The Wages of Destruction The Wages of Destruction, 389-91; Noakes and Pridham (eds.), Nazism Nazism, III. 297-8.
40 . Harald Wixforth, . Harald Wixforth, Die Expansion der Dresdner Bank in Europa Die Expansion der Dresdner Bank in Europa (Munich, 2006), 871-902. (Munich, 2006), 871-902.
41 Noakes and Pridham (eds.), Noakes and Pridham (eds.), Nazism Nazism, III. 274-80, at 280.
42 . Alan Milward, . Alan Milward, The Fascist Economy in Norway The Fascist Economy in Norway (Oxford, 1972), 1, 3; idem, (Oxford, 1972), 1, 3; idem, War, Economy and Society War, Economy and Society, 153-7; Ludolf Herbst, Der totale Krieg und die Ordnung der Wirtschaft: Die Kriegswirtschaft im Spannungfeld von Politik, Ideologie und Propaganda 1939-1945 Der totale Krieg und die Ordnung der Wirtschaft: Die Kriegswirtschaft im Spannungfeld von Politik, Ideologie und Propaganda 1939-1945 (Stuttgart, 1982), 127-44. (Stuttgart, 1982), 127-44.
43 Noakes and Pridham (eds.), Noakes and Pridham (eds.), Nazism Nazism, III. 283-4.
44 . Ibid., 286. . Ibid., 286.
45 Milward, Milward, The New Order and the French Economy The New Order and the French Economy, 23-8.
46 Tooze, Tooze, The Wages of Destruction The Wages of Destruction, 391-3.
47 Milward, Milward, The New Order and the French Economy The New Order and the French Economy, 147-80.
48 . Noakes and Pridham (eds.), . Noakes and Pridham (eds.), Nazism Nazism, III. 290.
49 . Ibid., 292. . Ibid., 292.
50 . Ibid., 292. . Ibid., 292.
51 . Tooze, . Tooze, The Wages of Destruction The Wages of Destruction, 409-10; Milward, The New Order and the French Economy The New Order and the French Economy, 293-4.
52 Tooze, Tooze, The Wages of Destruction The Wages of Destruction, 411-12.