The Tanaka Family Reincarnates - Chapter 317

Chapter 317

Dangerous Monsters of Skyte and Malaise [Part 2]

Amazing. As expected of Father, the survivor of House Stuarts extreme poverty days Then, did Uncle Arban also go home with you? Emma asked Arban.

When Emma turned to look at him, who sat near the place for the outdoor lesson, he and Melsa were holding a quill pen and busy signing a large stack of documents he had brought along.

Although Arban had won the trip to the Royal Capital, he brought all the paperwork with him and only entrusted the hunting work to the Stuart clan, which was filled with a bunch of muscle brains.

Hm? The carriage fee and barrier toll were included in my scholarship, so I went home in a normal way. Then its the same as now. I was made to deal with a large number of documents like this throughout the long vacation Oh, how much Ive been saved after Melsa-sama came to our house

Arban put down his quill pen and lightly put his hand on Williams shoulder. This nephew of his would meet the same fate as him in the near future.


You cant escape, you know? William.

At the same time, in the Royal Castle.

Queen Victoria invited Concubine Rose to the study room in her palace after clearing all the people out from there thoroughly.

Maximilian, the queens son and the first prince of the Kingdom, had returned after finishing his regular study abroad, but Victoria felt something was wrong with her son, who she hadnt seen in a long time.

She couldnt exactly tell what part of him felt different or strange, but she couldnt brush off the feeling that something was definitely off with her son.

She asked her handmaid, Maximilians nanny, and even the Prime Minister, but all of them shook their heads in disagreement.

Am I actually mistaken when I feel this sense of discomfort? The queen started losing confidence. She thought that perhaps because the king was currently absent, she had become hypersensitive and overreacted to things of no concern.

But every time the queen came into contact with her son, the back of her mind screamed that something was different with him.

In the middle of such a dilemma, the queen caught sight of Rose and Maximilian talking in the Royal Castles courtyard.

The queens son, the First Prince Maximilian, and Concubine Rose.

Of course they would exchange greetings when running into each other.

That wasnt an unfamiliar sight.

However, Queen Victoria didnt miss one small detail in this encounter.

After exchanging greetings and pleasantries, Rose tilted her head slightly as she stared at the leaving Maximilians back. Judging by the look on her face, she seemed to be muttering, Huh?

Im sorry for calling you here so suddenly, Rose-san.

Because the queen had ordered all the servants to withdraw, she poured the tea herself and offered it to Rose.

Never before had the queen summoned the concubine privately with no one else nearby during the kings absence.

Rose sipped the tea offered to her while feeling slightly nervous. Have I done something wrong?

The queen and concubine took turns to be the kings partner to participate in the social season. Rose didnt remember making any blunders this year.

Victoria-sama, have I made any mistake?

Queen Victoria was a very talented woman, and it was even said that this countrys politics couldnt run without her. Facing such a big shot, Rose was already preparing to apologize.

Rose, of course, didnt want to be scolded, but if she got scolded, she would apologize immediately.

She would apologize so thoroughly that it would overwhelm the other party.

Even if she couldnt recall doing anything wrong, she would apologize first for the time being.