The Tanaka Family Reincarnates - Chapter 316

Chapter 316

Dangerous Monsters of Skyte and Malaise [Part 1]

and so, the characteristic of monsters that appear in Skyte is that a relatively large number of them use psychic attacks.

The extracurricular lesson officially started today.

The teacher explained that even inside the Kingdom, the types of monsters would be completely different depending on where they appeared.

Professor, then can rocs from last night also release some kind of psychic attack?

The students listened to the teachers more seriously than usual as they would soon do hands-on practice in the forest with the hunters and guard knights.

No, rocs dont appear that frequently in the first place. The Kingdom would have perished long ago if they had appeared often.

The teacher stole glances at each member of the Stuart family who was taking the lesson quietly such an astonishing family that killed that monster with one shot and ate it in one sitting.

Thats true. Flying-type monsters have a low appearance rate, dont they?

Emma muttered while remembering the taste of the bird meat curry and tandoori roc she had last night.

Why do you sound a little disappointed? Nee-sama, if a large number of flying monsters appear, tracking them will be difficult. As the teacher said, this country will perish in no time.

William rebuked Emma, who was puffing out her cheeks while imagining all the flying-type monsters she could think of. The way his older sister said it made it sound like she wanted more of this type of monster to appear.

But I mean bird-type monsters are yknow.

Yummy, arent they

Emma muddled her words towards the end of her sentence because she thought her mother would admonish her again to act like a lady if she said her honest thoughts out loud, but the oblivious George finished her sentence without thinking.

So true. Strangely enough, the meat of bird types doesnt really smell, so theyre easy to eat. But the psychic-attacking type monsters that often appear around here smell terrible and dont taste good. Many are also on the small side. The meat is too little, it can hardly make you full. I dont really get why, but seeing them always makes me crave noodles so badly Well, at least the color is pretty, so the fur can be sold at a high price, I guess?

Leonard also joined the conversation and got into it.

When it comes to the Stuart family, the most important thing worth considering about even the monsters that could pose a threat was whether or not they were delicious and could be used as materials.

Eh? Father has eaten a psychic-attacking type monster before?

Because psychic-attacking type monsters pretty much never appeared in Palace, William tilted his head, confused when his father got the chance to eat them.

Hm? Oh. Yeah, I have. In my student years, whenever there were long vacations, I would return home to Palace while working part-time on the road. Both the carriage fee and barrier toll on the central highway were expensive, so I would hitch a ride from merchants passing the roads along the borderland and be their escort guard. I could return to Palace with meals provided in addition to my part-time pay, but I was going through my growth spurt at that time, so the food wasnt enough. I used to sneak out at night to hunt some monsters and snack on them to fill my stomach.

I often passed by here, Skyte Barony, on my way home. Leonard squinted, feeling nostalgic.

Leonards wild story entered the teachers ears even though they didnt mean to eavesdrop, and it astonished them.

Skyte hunters, who were standing by on the side to help with the hands-on practice, also couldnt believe their ears.

He went out of his way to hunt monsters and eat them?

Many kinds like darkness and were more active during the night.

Psychic-attacking monsters, in particular, aroused and amplified peoples fear, so encountering them at night would be extremely terrifying, even for adults.

Translators corner: The Stuart clan has been mentioned several times now and if you pay attention to the dialogues between hunters in this series, all hunters seem to respect the Stuart clan as a whole (not just the main household aka Leonards family).

Heres an illust of the Stuart clan members from LN Vol 5 (please ignore the existence of a certain Old Man Hoi Hoi in the pic)

I feel like compared to the other Stuart men, Leonard can still be considered a pretty boy.