The South of France-East Half - Part 5

Part 5

This map shows the position of the towns and villages on the coast and in the interior, the roads between them and the Ma.r.s.eilles ca.n.a.l; which, from the Durance, enters the sea at Cape Croisette. At the southern side are given the "Iles d'Or," called also the "Islands of Hyeres," of which the largest is Porquerolles.

+Mont Cenis railway+, Plan of 291

This plan shows the railway from St. Pierre-d'Albigny to Turin by Modane and Susa. Rail from St. Pierre to Albertville; whence coach-road to Courmayeur by Moutiers, Bourg-St. Maurice, Seez and the Little St.

Bernard. Coach road from Albertville to Annecy on Lake Annecy.

+Mont-Dore+ and +Bourboule+, Map of environs 378

+Nice+, Plan of 171

+Nimes+, interesting Roman ruins 101

+Paris to Vichy, Macon+, Bourg and Geneva, situated towards the S. and S.E. Carlsruhe, Baden, Strasburg, Freiburg, Basel, Schaffhausen, Lucerne and Interlaken to the E., and Epernay, Verdun and Metz to the N. 1

+Pisa+, Plan of 224

The object of this plan is to enable tourists to find their way unaided to the Leaning Tower, the Cathedral, the Baptistery, and the Campo Santo or Cemetery. The frescoes on the walls of the Cemetery require the cultivated talent of an artist to appreciate. Those who have to remain over the night should take one of the hotels close to the station.

+Railway Map+ _Fly-leaf_

This map shows all the railway routes in France and their correspondence with the railways in Belgium, Prussia, Baden, Switzerland, Italy and Spain. Also the railways on both sides of the Rhine and of the Rhone.

+Rhone and Savoy+ 107

This map gives the entire course of the Rhone in France, with the railways on both sides from Lyons to Avignon.

The Railroads and between France and Savoy. The French Riviera.

+Savona to Rapallo+ 211

Ill.u.s.trating the position of the pleasant winter stations of Arenzano, Pegli, Sestri-Ponente, Nervi, Santa-Margherita-Ligure and Rapallo.

+The Durance to the Var and San Remo+ 163

This map shows the position of the towns in the interior, approached by diligence from (near Cannes), Draguignan, and Nice. From Nice start the diligences which run between France and Italy.

+The French and Italian Waldensian valleys+, with the between them 304

+The high volcanic peaks+ in the department of Ardeche; among which are Mezenc and the Gerbier-de-Joncs, with the source of the Loire 84

+The Italian Riviera+ or north-west Italy, including the railways between Turin, Savona, Genoa and Florence 200

+The Mouths of the Rhone+ 66

Showing the position of the and of the great lakes in this neighbourhood. The towns are Ma.r.s.eilles, Aix-en-Provence, Arles, Avignon, Aigues-Mortes and Montpellier. The Ma.r.s.eilles ca.n.a.l from the Durance commences opposite Pertuis directly N. from Ma.r.s.eilles (see pp. 77, 115, and 338). A little farther down the Durance is the commencement of the c.r.a.ponne ca.n.a.l (p. 66).

+The plains between the Ardeche, Rhone and Durance+, in which are situated Aubenas, Alais, Montelimart, Pont-St.

Esprit, Orange, Carpentras, Vaison and other places of interest 56

+Thermometer+, on the Centigrade and Fahrenheit scale 107

+Toulon+, Environs of 129

This map will be found very useful in the excursions by the small steamers sailing from the port.

+Troyes+, Plan of 12

+Turin+, Plan of 293

+Vichy+, Plan of 359


The following List contains the explanation of the technical terms of some of the most useful dishes mentioned in the "Cartes du Jour" of the restaurants. Fancy names cannot be translated.

[Transcriber's Note: The following section is given exactly as printed. Some items may require added salt.]


_Consomme_, beef-tea.

_Bouillon_, broth.

_Potage_, soup.

_Julienne_, vegetable soups.

_Puree_, pease-soup.

_Puree_, when qualifying a noun, means "mashed," as-- _Puree de pommes_, mashed potatoes.

_marron_, mashed chestnuts.


_Buf au naturel_, or simply "nature," plain boiled beef.

_Naturel_ in cookery means "plain."

_Buf a la mode_, beef stewed with carrots.

Nearly the same as the next.

_Buf a la jardiniere_, beef with vegetables.

_Aloyau_, a sirloin of beef.

_Aloyau a la jardiniere_, sirloin with vegetables.

_Aloyau saute_, sirloin in slices.

_Saute_ in cookery means "sliced."

_Rosbif aux pommes_, roast beef with potatoes.

In these lists the words _de terre_ are rarely affixed to _pommes_.

_Bifteck au naturel_, plain beefsteak.

_aux pommes_, with potatoes.

_aux pommes sautees_, with sliced potatoes.

_aux haricots_, with kidney beans.

_bien cuit_, well done.

_saignant_, under done.

_Palais de Buf au gratin_, broiled ox palate.