The Sickly General's Wife With A Spatial Ability Is Loved By All - Chapter 927: Able to Support

Chapter 927: Able to Support

Chapter 927: Able to Support

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The Ye family treated Ye Feiran much better than before because of how capable she was. The family even became the leading family in the south. Her shops were highly profitable, after all.

Of course, Ye Feiran was clever enough to place the shops under her name. Hence, the family had no say in how she ran her businesses. Even if the family disowned her because she was a woman, she would not have to worry.

Without her, the family would not benefit from the shops. All of Ye Feirans businesses received their goods from Su Teng Village. Even so, Su Wenwu knew it might be bad for her reputation as people might gossip about her.

Kins.h.i.+p was highly valuable in this era. Just like the Su family, it was much easier to accomplish things with a united family. Su Wenwu said, If possible, I hope everyone in Feirans family will accept her as a woman.

l feel some people already suspect her of being a woman, but no one has said anything. They probably think Feiran will become the first female head of her family.

Su Wenwu did not want anyone to look down on Ye Feiran. At that moment, he still did not know about his sisters ident.i.ty as the princess. He did not know that his family had become royalty.

Su Binglan said softly, You dont have to worry about that, Wenwu. We can solve such minor problems.

Su Wenwu lit up, asking, Do you have a way to deal with it, Sister? I almost forgot how capable you are.

Su Binglan said smilingly, Theres always a way. Dont worry, okay?

Im relieved to hear that. Su Wenwu immediately relaxed. He then told someone to serve his sister and brother-in-law some food and wine.

He smiled and said, People enjoy coming here to eat and drink. Ive opened several shops here, and theyre all doing exceedingly wellpeople like eating kebabs and drinking wine during summer.

l can also stay open much later compared to back home. The customers mostly drink wine, and that alone boosts my profits.

The kebab shop is different from my hotpot restaurants. Most people only eat in hotpot restaurants, while most come here to drink. Maybe its not a suitable atmosphere to drink in the hotpot restaurant.

If a big family wants to eat here, they can use the private room. Su Wenwu told his sister many things.

Su Binglan said, Youve done very well, Wenwu.

Su Wenwu was pleased to receive his sisters praise. He felt a sense of accomplishment. However, he did not feel that way when he received praise from others.

Soon after, one of the staff served the shops signature dishes. Sister, try some and tell me if I need to improve.

Su Binglan did not argue as she and Luo Jinan started eating. She ate a piece of cuc.u.mber and said, Mmm, this tastes good.

Su Wenxiu said, I got the staff to make it according to how you make it at home. Although it seems simple, everyone orders a bunch of them when they drink wine. We also serve sweet and sour peanuts.

Su Binglan and Luo Jinan ate some more and felt the seasoning and heat of the kebabs were excellent. Su Binglan said, Youve done well, Wenwu. Still, you can add a few more dishes to the menu that go well with wine.

Su Wenwu lit up, asking, Do you have a suggestion?

Dont you have crabs and crayfish here? Su Binglan asked. You can use them to make some exquisite dishes thatll go perfectly well with wine.

Su Wenwu said, The river where we found crabs and crayfish isnt too far from here. Ill get someone to gather some for me.

Jinan and I will eat some more first, and then Ill cook something using the crabs and crayfish later. You should learn how to do it, too. You can prepare the bases in advance. When you need to serve them, just stir-fry the ingredients with the base.

If Su Wenwu did it that way, the kitchen helpers would not know the actual recipe, and Su Wenwu could keep it to himself. He became excited when he heard his sisters excitement.

Its good to see you again, Sister. I feel like Im home. Although Ive grown accustomed to living here, I still miss home. The locals eating habits are different from ours.

They eat a lot more rice here, but we like eating steamed buns. There arent any steamed buns here, so I have to make them myself. Also, the local dishes are a little sweeter. Still, the locals say they like our food.

Su Wenwu could not help but think about his family when he looked at his sister. It seemed he was still homesick.

Even so, he knew he was an adult and could not behave like a child. Since he moved to the south to expand his business, he had to take it seriously.

Su Binglan said, Once your businesses here are on the right track, you no longer have to keep such a close eye on them. You can just come and inspect them every month or two.

You can even train your trusted aides to help you check on your shops every day. Then, you can go home and read through their reports.

Su Wenwus eyes reddened as his homesickness intensified. Somehow, he managed to suppress his emotions. He nodded and said, Feiran said shed follow me home after settling some things with her family.

Su Binglan asked, Does she know you miss home?

She does, so thats why she wants to accompany me, Su Wenwu said, Feiran liked living in our village when she visited. She says its very relaxing and felt like she was on vacation.

There are so many places to relax and enjoy in our village, not to mention the food. Since we have nothing to worry about at home, everything feels so straightforward.

Our family is so simple. You have no idea how complicated Feirans family is.

I had a headache listening to what Feiran told me about them.

Su Wenwus love for his family grew further after hearing about the complexity of the Ye family. The Su family was united and harmonious. Life at home was relaxing, without so many rules.

Regarding the Ye family, one needed proper etiquette when speaking. One

could not speak so casually..