The Sickly General's Wife With A Spatial Ability Is Loved By All - Chapter 926: Prominent Family

Chapter 926: Prominent Family

Chapter 926: Prominent Family

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Since Su Binglan had decided to go to the south, she packed many things for her visit. Fortunately, she could pack many things in her pocket dimension.

Soon after, Su Binglan and Luo Jinan rode their horses to the south. They could feel the flouris.h.i.+ng scene as they traveled. Everyone was smiling, and the streets were packed.

People no longer hid at home and enjoyed strolling the streets. Now that guards were patrolling the streets, the commoners did not need to worry crimes.

As the locals gathered to chat, Su Binglan and Luo Jinan would hear them praising the emperor.

His Imperial Highness is kind and thoughtful. He gave us free seeds and even got someone to teach us how to plant them. 1 heard about how delicious potatoes and sweet potatoes are.

His Imperial Highness gave my family and me seeds because we reclaimed several acres of wasteland. We used all our seeds in those wastelands.

A relative of mine has eaten potatoes and sweet potatoes since he lives in Su Teng Village. He couldnt stop praising them.

Emperor Ruozhu not only encouraged us to reclaim land, but he also set up schools for our children. Once summer ends, my children will attend for free.

l heard it wont be long before they rebuild our roads with cement. Cement roads are excellent because they wont turn muddy when it snows or rains. Our carriages wont have trouble traversing, either.

Someone said the government will open a big factory here. I wonder what kind of factory itll be.

Apparently, His Imperial Highness found out that we have silk threads here. Since most of us know how to weave it, the government will open a weaving factory.

Thats perfect! My wife learned how to weave silk in primary school. I wonder how much shell earn from working in such a factory.

Itll be a lot, so you dont have to worry. Also, the government will provide the thread. The employees will only need to weave and produce cloth.

Arent there many fabric shops in the country already?

Those arent enough since there are newer ways to make clothes now. Since well need more fabric, well need more weavers. Emperor Ruozhu will also allow us to use various colors and patterns.

Are you sure? The former emperor was very particular about that. He didnt allow us commoners to use colors and patterns in our clothing.

Indeed, the former emperor would charge the commoners with treason if they had colors and patterns in their fabric. Therefore, many were cautious when weaving clothes. For example, only the royal family could use yellow.

Even so, the commoners could not imitate Lan Ruozhus clothes. Nonetheless, there were much fewer restrictions now that he was the emperor. The commoners could now make beautiful clothes without worry.

The commoners smiled as they chatted. Su Binglan was happy to hear what they had to say.

Half a month later, Su Binglan and Luo Jinan reached the south. Su Wenwvu had sent them a map before they left. Therefore, the couple quickly found Su Wenwu when they arrived.

Su Familys Kebab was at the center of South City. Although it was a little remote, people often ate there. Just like in the north, people had to queue up outside. The hotpot restaurant next door had a line of people, too, even though it was a hot day.

Su Wenwu was inspecting the kebab shop when he saw his sister and brother-in-law. He rushed toward them and went to hug his sister, but Luo Jinan instinctively stood in the way.

Su Wenwu felt aggrieved, thinking, l cant even hug my sister anymore.

Sister, I missed you and everyone at home so much. Su Wenwu was usually calm, but he could not help but speak his mind in his sisters presence. Although he missed his family, he knew he was a grown-up with many responsibilities.

Everyone at home, including the little ones, constantly ask about you.

It seems I was right to dote on them, Su Wenwu said smilingly, Hey, its hot outside. Come into the private room upstairs to chat. Ill get the staff to serve you some food.

Su Binglan and Luo Jinan followed him into the private room on the second floor. Su Binglan noticed the first floor was full when they entered. Everyone was eating kebabs and drinking wine.

Some tables even had fruit juice from Flower County, and the others had wine from Su Teng Village.

People could not help but praise the food and drinks.

Not only is the food delicious, but its also cheap. Fortunately, we queued up early today. Now we can eat and drink as we please.

The shop owner is so capable of getting such delicious food.

You might not know this, but the owner is good friends with Young Master Feiran. He was the one who helped the owner open this restaurant.

Young Master Feiran is young and promising. His familys business has more than doubled thanks to him.

He even opened many other shops and factories. The seafood factory specializes in producing prawns, and business is booming.

The steamed crabs are delicious, too. However, most people cant afford them.

A few families here arent as capable as Young Master Feiran. Hes able to import exquisite wine and fruit juice from the north. He even brought popsicles to the south.

Yeah, dont forget about the braised foods. Those come from the north, too.

The Ye family can only listen to Young Master Feiran.

Wait, I once heard that its not Young Master Feiran but Miss Feiran.

Dont say such things. If it were Miss Feiran, she wouldnt be the heir to the family.

Whats wrong with being a woman if shes so capable? You might not know this, but most of the factory workers in the north are women.

I know, but things are different for prominent families like the Ye family.

Su Binglan heard the customers conversations as she walked upstairs. After entering the private room, Su Binglan asked, Wenwu, does anyone know that Feiran is a woman?

Su Wenwu replied coldly, l dont know who spread the news, but it seems someone knows her ident.i.ty. Still, were not worried. At most, Feiran and I will make a family of our own.

Ye Feirans accomplishments worried the family. After all, she had brought them to new heights, and they could only rely on her.

Thanks to Su Wenwu, Ye Feiran could do wondrous things by importing goods from the north..