[Appeared as a revised and separate publication under same t.i.tle with the addition of the words "commentatio Philologica."
Munich, Straub, 1885.]
---- Hymnen auf das Wiedererscheinen der drei grossen Lichtgotter. ZA II. 76-94, 191-204.
[Hymns to Sin, Shamash, and Ishtar. A volume by Jensen, embodying translation of religious texts is in course of preparation for Schrader's 'Keitschriftliche Bibliothek.']
Jeremias, A.--Die Hollenfahrt der Ishtar. Eine altbabylonische Beschworungslegende. (Munich 1886.)
King, L. W.--Babylonian Magic and Sorcery, being 'the Prayers of the Lifting of the Hand.' (London 1896.)
---- New Fragments of the Dibbarra Legend. ZA XI. 50-62.
Knudtzon, J. A.--a.s.syrische Gebete an den Sonnengott fur Staat und konigliches Haus aus der Zeit Asarhaddons und a.s.surbanipals. Band I.
Autographierte Texte; Band II. Einleitung, Umschrift und Erklarung Verzeichnisse. (Leipzig 1893.)
Lenormant, Francois.--Chaldaean Hymns to the Sun. RP X. 119-128.
---- Hymne au Soleil. Texte primitif Accadien. JA, 7^th Series, XII.
378; XIII. 1-98; postscriptum _ib_. XIV. 264, 265.
---- Une Incantation Magique Chaldeenne. RAr, 2^d Series, x.x.xIV.
---- Lettres a.s.syriologiques. 2^me Serie etudes Accadiennes, Vols. II.
and III. (Paris 1874-1879.)
[Contains numerous hymns and incantations accompanied by a French translation.]
---- Translations of religious texts in 'Les Origines de l'Histoire d'apres la Bible et les Traditions des Peuples orientaux.' (Paris 1880-1882.) 2 vols.
Lyon, D. G.--a.s.syrian and Babylonian Royal Prayers. PAOS, October 1888.
---- On a Sacrificial Tablet from Sippar. PAOS, May 1886, x.x.x.
Messerschmidt, L.--Tabula VA. Th. 246, Babylonica Muse Berolinensis primum editur commentarioque instruitur. (Kirchhain 1896.)
[A hymn.]
Oppert, J.--'Chants et Invocations' in Eichoff and David 'Chef d'[oe]uvres litteraires de l'Inde, de la Perse, de l'Egypte et de la Chine.' (Paris.) II. 211-219.
[Translations of selected prayers, hymns, and incantations.]
---- Fragments Mythologiques. (Paris 1882.)
[Reprints of several articles.]
---- Translation of III. Rawlinson, pl. 65, in JA, 6^th Series, XVIII.
---- Hymnes en Sumerien et en Accadien ou a.s.syrien, 1st ICO. II.
[A hymn to Ishtar in dialogue form.]
---- Le Champ Sacre de la Deesse Nina. CR, 1893, 326-344. See also ZA VII. 360-374.
[Contains important remarks about the G.o.ddess Nina, in connection with the text published by Hilprecht, 'Old Babylonian Inscriptions', I. 1, pls. 30, 31.]
---- Traduction de Quelques Textes a.s.syriens.... Louange du Dieu Nibir et de ses sept Attributions. 4th ICO I. 233-235.
---- L'Immortalite de l'ame chez les Chaldeens. (Paris 1875.)
[Legend of Ishtar's descent to the lower world.]
---- Chant en Sumerien et en a.s.syrien sur une epidemie. JA, 7^th Series, I. 289-293.
[Translation of tablet K 1284 (incantation against Namtar) and of IIR 19.]
---- Notice sur d'anciennes formules d'Incantation et autres dans une langue anterieure au Babylonien. JA, 7^th Series, I. 113-122.
[Translation of II Rawl. 17, 18.]
---- Babylonian legends found at Khorsabad. RP XI. 41-44.
[See also translations of various religious texts in 'Expedition Scientifique en Mesopotamie,' pp. 328-350.]
Peiser, F. E.--Ein Satz in den Beschworungsformeln. ZA II. 102, 103.
Pinches, T. G.--An Erechite's Lament. RP, new series, I. 84, 85.
[A penitential psalm with historical references; see also BOR I, 21-23.]
---- The Oracle of Ishtar of Arbela. RP XI. 59-72; also RP, new series, V. 129-140.
---- Sin-Gashid's Gift to the Temple e-Ana. BOR I. 8-11. See also RP, new series, I. 78-83.
---- and E. A. W. Budge.--Some New Texts in the Babylonian Character, relating Princ.i.p.ally to the Restoration of Temples. PSBA, 1884. pp.
Rawlinson, H. C.--A Selection from the Miscellaneous Inscriptions of Western Asia. Vol. IV. 2d ed. revised (and with additions) by T. G.
Pinches. (London 1891.)
[This fourth volume of the publications of tablets in the British Museum is almost exclusively devoted to religious texts.
In the other volumes some texts of this character will be found as follows: Vol. II. pls. 17-19, incantations; 51-61, names and t.i.tles of G.o.ds and temples; miscellaneous. Vol. III. pls. 61-65, astronomical and astrological reports, omen tablets and portents; 66-69, lists and t.i.tles of G.o.ds and temples; miscellaneous. Vol. V. pl. 31, omen tablets (with explanations); 43, t.i.tles of Nebo, etc.; 46, No. 2, lists of G.o.ds and their epithets; 47, prayer (with commentary); 48, 49, religious calendar; 50, 51, hymn to Shamash. Note also that many of the historical tests in Vols. I.-V. contain invocations to G.o.ds.]
Reisner, George.--Sumerisch-Babylonische Hymnen nach Thontafeln Griechischer Zeit. (Berlin 1896.) Konigliche Museen zu Berlin.
Mittheilungen aus den Orientalischen Sammlungen No. X.