Religious Texts.
_Hymns, Incantations, Omens, Oracles, Prayers, Legends, Myths, Votive Texts._
Ball, C. J.--A Bilingual Hymn (IVR 46, 5-19) PSBA XV. 51-54.
---- A Babylonian Ritual Text. JRAS, 1892, 841-853.
Banks, E. J.--Sumerisch-Babylonische Hymnen der von George Reisner herausgegebenen Sammlung, umschrieben, ubersetzt und erklart. (Breslau 1897.)
Barton, G. A.--Esarhaddon's Account of the Restoration of Ishtar's Temple at Erech. PAOS, May 1891, cx.x.x.-cx.x.xii.
Bertin, G.--Akkadian Hymn to the Setting Sun. RP, new series, II.
Bezold, C.--Remarks on Some Unpublished Cuneiform Syllabaries with Respect to Prayers and Incantations written in Interlinear Form. PSBA X.
---- Translation and a.n.a.lysis of a Hymn to the Sun-G.o.d (Sp III.). RA I.
Boissier, Alfred.--Deux Doc.u.ments a.s.syriens relatifs aux Presages. RS I.
63-70, 168-172.
---- Doc.u.ments a.s.syriens relatifs aux Presages.
[Vols. I. and II., Paris 1894-1897. Vol. III. announced.]
---- Notes d'a.s.syriologie. RS VI. 143-151.
[Two texts--a Prayer and an Incantation.]
Boscawen, W. St. Chad.--The Babylonian Legend of the Serpent Tempter.
BOR IV. 251-255.
---- Babylonian Teraphim. BOR I. 39, 40.
---- The Legend of the Tower of Babel. RP III. 129-132; also in the TSBA V. 303-312.
[The interpretation is erroneous.]
Brunnow, R.--a.s.syrian Hymns. ZA IV. 1-40, 225-258; V. 55-80.
[Hymns to Shamash, Marduk, and Ishtar.]
Budge, Ernest A.--a.s.syrian Incantations to Fire and Water. RP XI.
133-138; also in TSBA VI. 420-435.
Craig, Jas. A.--Prayer of the a.s.syrian King Ashurbanipal. H X. 75-87.
---- a.s.syrian and Babylonian Religious Texts, Vols. I. and II. (Leipzig 1895-1897.) AB XIII.
[Announces also volumes of texts (1) Prayers to Shamash and Ramman, and (2) Series 'Illumination of Bel.']
---- K 69 (a hymn). ZA XI. 276.
---- An a.s.syrian Incantation to the G.o.d Sin, cir. 650 B.C. H XI.
Delattre, A. J.--The Oracles Given in Favor of Esarhaddon. RP, new series, III. 25-31; see also BOR III. 25-31.
Delitzsch, Friedrich.--Babylonisch-a.s.syrisches Psalmbuch.
[Announced to appear in the 'Abhandlungen der koniglichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig.']
---- a.s.syrische Lesestucke. (Leipzig 1885. 3d ed.)
[Contains a selection of religious texts as follows: pp. 93-99, Creation tablets; 99-104, Deluge episode; 117, 118, Oracle to Esarhaddon; 130-132, Incantations; 134-136, Hymn to Ishtar.]
Evetts, B. T. A.--An a.s.syrian Religious Text. PSBA X. 478, 479 and two plates.
[Apparently a royal prayer.]
Halevy, J.--a.s.syrian Fragments. RP XI. 157-162.
[Part of a hymn, of a penitential psalm, etc.]
---- Doc.u.ments religieux de l'a.s.syrie et de la Babylonie. (Paris 1882.)
---- Textes religieux Babyloniens en double Redaction. RS IV. 150-160, 245-251, 344-348.
---- 'Les Inscriptions peints de Citium' in 'Melanges de Critique et d'Histoire,' pp. 165-196.
[Translation in large part and discussion of Ishtar's descent into the nether world.]
Harper, Edward T.--Die Babylonischen Legenden von Etana, Zu, Adapa und Dibbarra. BA II. 390-521.
[See also Academy 1891, No. 976.]
Haupt, Paul.--Akkadische und Sumerische Keilschrifttexte. (Leipzig 1881-1882.)
[Contains pp. 75-79, 82-106 Incantations; 79, 115-131 Hymns and Psalms.]
Jastrow, Morris, Jr.--A fragment of the Babylonian "Dibbarra" Epic.
Publications of the University of Pennsylvania. Series in Philology, Literature, and Archaeology, Vol. 1., No. 2. (Boston 1891.)
---- A new Fragment of the Babylonian Etana Legend. BA III. 363-384.
Jensen, P.--De Incantamentorum Sumerico-a.s.syrorum seriei quae dicitur "surbu" Tabula VI. ZK I. 279-322; II. 15-61; also 306-311, 416-425.