The Reconstruction of Georgia - Part 9

Part 9

[84] _Ibid._, 1867, no. 20.

[85] G. O. T. M. D., 1867, no. 50.

[86] _Ibid._, 1867, no. 69.

[87] _Ibid._, 1867, no. 83.

[88] _Ibid._, 1867, no. 89. Also see Pope's Report, in R. S. W., 40th Congress, 2d session, vol. i, p. 320.

[89] There is a slight inaccuracy in the official figures.

[90] G. O. T. M. D., 1867, no. 89.

[91] Georgia Const.i.tution of 1868, art. i, sec. i.

[92] _Ibid._, art. i, sect. xi.

[93] _Ibid._, art. ii, sect. ii.

[94] _Ibid._, art. ii, sect. vii, -- 10.

[95] _Ibid._, art. i, sect. xxii.

[96] _Ibid._, art. vi, sect. i.

[97] G. O. T. M. D., 1868, no. 39 and 40.

[98] _Ibid._, no. 76, 90 and 93. Also, E. D., 40th Congress 2d session, no. 300.

[99] Pope's Report in R. S. W., 40th Congress, 2d session, vol. i, p. 320.

[100] G. O. T. M. D., 1867, no. 1.

[101] G. O. T. M. D., 1867, no. 10.

[102] For the correspondence between Jenkins and Pope see A. A. C., 1867, p. 363.

[103] G. O. T. M. D., 1867, no. 49.

[104] _Ibid._, 1867, no. 45.

[105] _Ibid._, 1867, no. 28.

[106] _Ibid._, 1867, no. 69.

[107] S. O. T. M. D., 1867, _pa.s.sim_.

[108] G. O. T. M. D., 1867, no. 53.

[109] S. O. T. M. D., 1867, no. 92, 100, 104.

[110] _Ibid._, 1867, no. 263.

[111] These figures are compiled from the special orders of the Third Military District.

[112] G. O. T. M. D., 1868, no. 22.

[113] Ordinance of Dec. 20, 1867, J. C., 1867-8, p. 564.

[114] Avery, _History of Georgia_, p. 378.

[115] G. O. T. M. D., 1868, no. 8. Meade acted with the greatest courtesy, and the relations between him and the officers remained friendly. See Meade's letter to Jenkins, A. A. C., 1867, p. 367. The removal of the treasurer was a formality to preserve the appearance of due discipline; Jones was allowed to retain the money then in the treasury, and to use it in paying the state debt and other expenses of the state government. See his report to the legislature, Sept. 18, 1868; H. J., 1868, p. 359.

[116] J. C., 1867-8, p. 581.

[117] G. O. T. M. D., 1868, no. 12 and 17.

[118] S. O. T. M. D., 1868, no. 112.

[119] G. O. T. M. D., 1868, no. 39 and 57.

[120] _Ibid._, 1868, no. 58.

[121] _Ibid._, 1868, no. 51.

[122] _Ibid._, 1868, no. 54.

[123] _Ibid._, 1868, no. 57.

[124] _Ibid._, 1868, no. 27 and 37.

[125] G. O. T. M. D., 1868, no. 27, 55, 99, 123, 136, and 148.

[126] M. F. U., Oct. 29, 1867.

[127] Atlanta _New Era_, Nov. 16, 1866; March 13, 1867; March 19, 1867.

[128] Testimony of John B. Gordon, K. K. R., vol. 6, p. 308.

[129] Atlanta _New Era_, March 13, 16 and 30, 1867.

[130] M. F. U., Oct. 29 and Nov. 5, 1867.

[131] A. A. C., 1868, p. 309.

[132] Testimony before the reconstruction committee, H. M. D., 40th Congress, 2d session, no. 52, p. 26. See also M. F. U., March 10 and 17, 1867.

[133] Tribune Almanac for 1869, p. 78.